Welcome to Vk Magzine.


 Part 6
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏

🦋Collocations With HAVE

🐬 have a shower
🐬 have a wash
🐬 have a rest
🐬 have a nap
🐬 have a lie down
🐬 have a holiday
🐬 have a party
🐬 have a haircut
🐬 have a chat
🐬 have a conversation
🐬 have an argument
🐬 have a fight
🐬 have a lecture
🐬 have a jog
🐬 have a swim
🐬 have a game
🐬 have a drill
🐬 have a think
🐬 have lunch
🐬 have a coffee
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With HAVE

🐬 have a bath
🐬 have a scrub
🐬 have a break
🐬 have a snooze
🐬 have a dream
🐬 have a day off
🐬 have fun
🐬 have a shave
🐬 have a decision
🐬 have a talk
🐬 have a dispute
🐬 have a quarrel
🐬 have a walk
🐬 have a run
🐬 have a stretch
🐬 have a dance
🐬 have a lesson
🐬 have a meal
🐬 have a snack
🐬 have a sweet
💔 1
👍🏻 5

​🌸The Bear and the Crabs

Once upon a time, a Bear lived in the forest. He was huge and would eat a lot of food. However, he was very lazy. So, he enjoyed eating the remains of the prey left by the bigger animals.

One day, the lazy Bear felt very hungry. He could not find any food around his den. The poor Bear waited and waited. Then, he started walking in search of food.

He thought to himself, ‘Oh! How I would love to eat some bamboo or fruits! But I would be the happiest if I found a beehive with honey!’

Now, at the end of the forest, there was a rocky shore along the big blue sea. The Bear soon reached the rocky shore. There, he found a firm rock and held on to it. He lowered his furry legs into the cold water and waited. Some Crabs that lived in the sea caught the

Bear’s fur, thinking it was their prey. The Bear, at once, pulled his legs up and shook off the Crabs on the rock. Then he enjoyed the food he had cleverly collected all over his legs.

🔥Even the lazy think of good ideas, when they are hungry.

23 April 2020
Active English with vk ™
💔 1
👍🏻 8
​🌸 A Girl Who Married a Snake

In the village of Rapi, there lived a Brah and his wife. They were childless and very unhappy about it.

One day, the wife cried to the Brah, “All our neighbours have children and I yearn to have a child too. Please pray to the gods so that they may bless us with a child.”

Their prayers were soon answered. The Brah’s wife gave birth to a baby. Alas, the baby was no ordinary baby. It was a snake!

“Oh my God It is not a human being!” cried one of the relatives when she came to visit the baby.

“You cannot bring up the snake as your son. Get rid of it immediately. It is a bad omen.”

“One day it will bite you to death,” warned another relative.

But the Brah’s wife was not ready to listen to any of them. “I can’t part with my son. So what if he is a snake?”

She took care of her son and gave him the best of things. Years passed by and the snake had grown to its full size. Now the Brah’s wife told her husband, “It is high time we think of our son’s marriage”.

“Which girl is going to marry our son?” asked the Brah in shock. “Only an insane person would agree to get his daughter married to a snake.”

The Brah’s wife became very sad. She loved her son dearly and wept at his fate. Seeing his wife’s condition, the Brah decided to go out in search of a bride for his son. He decided to go to the city where his best friend lived.

“What made you come so far from your village?” asked his friend.

“Well, my friend I am looking for a bride for any son,” replied the Brah.

You need not look any further,” said his friend. “You can get your son married to my daughter.”

Before you decide, you must come to my place and meet my son,” insisted the Brah.

“My friend, we know each other so well. I don’t find any need to see your son.” He fixed up his daughter’s marriage with the snake.

The girl’s friends were shocked. “How can you marry a snake?” they asked her. “Your life will be ruined.”

“I will honour my father’s words,” she told her friends. “I trust that everything happens for the good.”

They were soon married. She was a devoted wife and she kept the snake in a well-decorated pot. She showed him proper respect, and served him milk and fruits everyday.

One night the girl woke up with a start. She saw a handsome young man in the room. She got scared and screamed, “Help! Help! There is someone in the room!”

She was about to run out of the room but the man stopped her saying, “Don’t be afraid. I am your husband.”

The wife asked, “How could I trust you?”

To convince her, the man went back into the snake’s skin and came out of it again. Seeing this, the wife was elated. Her joy knew no bounds. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks and she embraced him.

The Brah, who had risen very early that morning, overheard the entire conversation. He saw the snake turning into a handsome man and realized immediately that it was his son. Without wasting a single moment he rushed to the room, picked up the snake skin and burnt it in a fire.

Seeing his father the young man said, “Thank you father!

It is the immense and unconditional love that has freed me from the curse. I was forced to stay as a snake until somebody destroyed the snake’s skin without asking me.”

Later that day, the Brah introduced his son to the entire village. The handsome young man and his beautiful bride lived happily ever after.

The Brah was happy for his devoted daughter-in-law for her.

🔥Trust never fails.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
Active English with vk ™
👌🏻 1

●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With GO

🐬 go home
🐬 go abroad
🐬 go South
🐬 go cinema
🐬 go a hike
🐬 go a coffee
🐬 go a rest
🐬 go a ride
🐬 go a swim
🐬 go a run
🐬 go mountains
🐬 go lake
🐬 go airport
🐬 go a safari
🐬 go a cruise
🐬 go holiday
🐬 go conference
🐬 go concert
🐬 go Europe
🐬 go university
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With GO

🐬 go downtown
🐬 go North
🐬 go party
🐬 go bank
🐬 go a drink
🐬 go a meal
🐬 go a nap
🐬 go a drive
🐬 go a walk
🐬 go doctor’s
🐬 go beach
🐬 go port
🐬 go supermarket
🐬 go an adventurego a trip
🐬 go meeting
🐬 go gig
🐬 go Asia
🐬 go prison
🐬 go college
💔 1
👍🏻 3

​🌸 Home Sweet home

Spotty was a dog who lived in a small town with others of his kind. His days were spent pleasantly as he foraged for food with others and dozed in the shades when the afternoon sun was at its hottest. He played and enjoyed a lot with his friends.

Once the town was struck with famine. There was no food and Spotty grew restless with hunger. Soon he became very feeble. He thought to himself, “This town has nothing to offer now-no food and no fun. I will go to the city. I am sure I will find food and frolic to my heart’s content.” Thus the next day at the break of dawn Spotty set out for the city. Once in the city he was indeed lucky. He found a house with a place in the back-yard where all waste food was dumped. Spotty ate the delicious leftovers every day and grew stout in a few days.

One day the pet dogs of the house-owner were roaming loose in the backyard. As .soon as they detected Spotty they attacked him. They dug their sharp teeth into Spotty’s soft and stout flesh. With deep wounds and torn flesh Spotty ran to save his life.

Spotty did not stop running till he reached back his home town. At once his old friends greeted him and the dogs enquired of him, “Dear friend, what was it like in the city? Did you have much fun? Surely your health shows that there is no lack of food there but how did you hurt yourself?”

In reply, Spotty said, “Oh yes friends, city life has its advantages but there is no place like home, even if there is no food here at least I am loved and welcomed amidst my own brethren. ” By saying this he proceeded to tell his tale to his friends.


🔥Grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
27 April 2020
Active English with vk ™

💓 2
✌🏻 1
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With BREAK

🐬 break a bone
🐬 break a habit
🐬 break down
🐬 break a promise
🐬 break a window
🐬 break new ground
🐬 break the ice
🐬 break a leg
🐬 break loose
🐬 break the rules
🐬 break the spell
🐬 break up
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With BREAK

🐬 break a code
🐬 break a law
🐬 break the news to someone
🐬 break a record
🐬 break ground
🐬 break someone’s heart
🐬 break one’s fall
🐬 break even
🐬 break from tradition
🐬 break the silence
🐬 break free
🐬 break the ice
💔 1
👍🏻 3
👌🏻 1
​🌸Tale of the Three Fishes

It was twilight. The sun had hidden itself behind the mountains. In a nearby lake there lived three fishes. Their names were Anang, Pratyam and Yadhva. They lived happily for ages.

One day, some fishermen were passing by the pond. They were happy to see the pond full of fish. One of them said, “Hey, we have never seen this pond before. It seems to be full of fish.” The other one said, “Yes, let us come tomorrow and get a good catch.”

Anang overheard the fishermen and was afraid. “Now we will all be caught!” thought Anang,

“I have to tell my friends about this.” Without wasting time he called a meeting of all the fish and told them the bad news. 9J1-1les, we move out of this pond immediately, we would all be caught”

Almost everybody accepted his suggestion andwere ready to move out of the pond but for Yadhva. “Your plans are useless,” he said. “I am not scared of the fishermen and I am not going to leave this place. Moreover I am very confident that even if they come, I can go deep under the water and dodge their nets.”

Anang tried to convince him saying, “You are taking a wrong decision. I am sure you will repent later.” These words fell on deaf ears.

Pratyam and Anang, with the other fishes swam to the other pond. The next day, the fishermen caught Yadhva.

Yadhva thought sadly, “It is because of my pride that I am in this condition. I should have listened to my friends for they wanted to save me.”


🔥It pays to trust good friends.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
29 April 2020
Active English with vk ™
✌🏻 1
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With MAKE

🐬 make an appointment
🐬 make charge
🐬 make an efforts
🐬 make a decision
🐬 make breakfast
🐬 make lunch
🐬 make dinner
🐬 make a choice
🐬 make an exception
🐬 make an excuse
🐬 make plans
🐬 make progress
🐬 make the bed
🐬 make a wish
🐬 make a point
🐬 make a request
🐬 make changes
🐬 make payment
🐬 make clear
🐬 make an excuse
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With MAKE

🐬 make a fortune
🐬 make money
🐬 make friends
🐬 make fun of sby
🐬 make love
🐬 make a mess
🐬 make a mistake
🐬 make a noise
🐬 make a sound
🐬 make a phone call
🐬 make a mistake
🐬 make a profit
🐬 make a suggestion
🐬 make an attempt
🐬 make an offer
🐬 make a mistake
🐬 make furniture
🐬 make room
🐬 make trouble
🐬 make a cake
💔 1
👍🏻 2
👌🏻 1
​🌸 The Tale of the Brave Cat

Chloe was a little girl. She had no friends but loved animals, especially cats. On her tenth birthday, her father took her to an animal shelter where there were many cats. “You can chose a cat to take home, Chloe,” said her father. Chloe was overjoyed! She hugged her father and said, “Oh! This is my best gift ever.” Chloe liked all the cats at the shelter, but fell in love with a particular cat who had big, bright eyes. “I’ll take her,” Chloe said and named her Star. In a few days time, Star became very naughty. When Chloe was around she was good, but the moment she left for school, Star got down to her tricks. She tore the curtains, clawed the seats, lapped up all the milk in the kitchen and often stole fish. Chloe’s parents were very angry. One day, they told Chloe that they would return Star to the shelter, if she did not learn to behave.

Chloe was very worried, she did not know how to tame Star. Then one day, Star gave birth to kittens. They mewed and waved their tiny paws. From that day, everything changed. Star was no longer a naughty cat. She took good care of her kittens. However, Chloe’s parents were worried now that there were so many cats in the house. Every night when the kittens meowed, her father became very angry. One night. Star cried so loudly that everybody woke up. Chloe worried now that there were so many cats in the house. Every night when the kittens meowed, her father became very angry. One night, Star cried so loudly that everybody woke up. Chloe and her parents came rushing and saw Star running about frantically. Seeing Chloe, Star looked towards the kitchen and Chloe understood that her cat was trying to tell her something. Suddenly, they noticed a huge fire in the kitchen. “Hurry, let’s go out!” screamed Chloe’s father. “But what about the kittens?” asked Chloe. Chloe quickly grabbed Star and one kitten. There was no time to pick up the others and rushed out. But Star wriggled out and leapt back inside the house. Soon the fire brigade arrived. They warned everybody to stay at a safe distance from the house. “Please save my cat. She is inside!” pleaded Chloe. Suddenly, Star emerged with one kitten in her mouth. The firemen tried to stop her but she ran inside the house again. One by one she brought out six kittens, but her last baby was still inside. Star jumped inside as the flames engulfed the house. Chloe and her parents looked on anxiously. The firemen brought out their huge pipes and began spraying water. After almost an hour, the flames died. Everything was quiet, but still there was no sign of Star. Chloe cried inconsolably. She had lost her best friend. Suddenly her father exclaimed, “Look, Star!” Chloe looked up. One of the firemen emerged from the house with Star and her last kitten. Star’s ears and fur were singed and she was limping. “She is a brave cat,” said the fireman. “Indeed, she is,” agreed Chloe’s father. “Her screams alerted us all.” “And she is a star all right!” quipped Chloe as she rushed to embrace her cat. The scared kittens snuggled around their mother, as all the neighbours gathered around to have a look at the brave cat.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
30 April 2020


🦋Collocations With PAY

🐬 pay a bill
🐬 pay a visit
🐬 pay attention
🐬 pay the price
🐬 pay cash
🐬 pay well
🐬 pay someone back
🐬 gross pay
🐬 pay a fine
🐬 pay someone a visit
🐬 pay interest
🐬 pay someone a compliment
🐬 pay handsomely
🐬 pay one’s respects
🐬 pay for something
🐬 pay by credit card
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With SAVE

🐬save electricity
🐬 save money
🐬 save a penalty
🐬 save time
🐬 save lives
🐬 save a short
🐬 save something
🐬 save one’s strength
🐬 save energy
🐬 save someone the trouble
🐬 save space
🐬 save yourself the trouble
🐬 save someone a seat
🐬 save the environment
🐬 save someone’s life
🐬 save something to a disk

onfused Words 🦋


A man once owned two animals. a goat and The goat envied the a. because the ass could eat a lot of food.

One day. the goat said to the ass, “I pity you! One moment you have to work in the mill and the next moment you have to carry heavy burden on your back. Why don’t you fall down in the ditch and pretend to be ill? That way you can rest for some time.-

The silly ass did just that. But he was badly hurt after falling in the ditch. His master called a doctor who advised that a goat’s lungs should be rubbed on the ass’s wounds. The farmer killed the goat to heal the ass. Thus by wrongly advising the ass. the goat brought about his own death. You should never be jealous of other people.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
14 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
👌🏻 1

●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With PAY

🐬 pay a bill
🐬 pay a visit
🐬 pay attention
🐬 pay the price
🐬 pay cash
🐬 pay well
🐬 pay someone back
🐬 gross pay
🐬 pay a fine
🐬 pay someone a visit
🐬 pay interest
🐬 pay someone a compliment
🐬 pay handsomely
🐬 pay one’s respects
🐬 pay for something
🐬 pay by credit card
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With SAVE

🐬save electricity
🐬 save money
🐬 save a penalty
🐬 save time
🐬 save lives
🐬 save a short
🐬 save something
🐬 save one’s strength
🐬 save energy
🐬 save someone the trouble
🐬 save space
🐬 save yourself the trouble
🐬 save someone a seat
🐬 save the environment
🐬 save someone’s life
🐬 save something to a disk
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With CATCH

🐬 catch a ball
🐬 catch a cold
🐬 catch someone by surprise
🐬 catch some rays
🐬 catch the flue
🐬 catch someone at a bad time
🐬 catch sight of sth
🐬 catch a thief
🐬 catch someone red-banded
🐬 catch (on) fire
🐬 catch your breath
🐬 catch someone in the art
🐬 catch a bus
🐬 catch a chill
🐬 catch someone off guard
🐬 catch a whiff
🐬 catch a glimpse
🐬 catch someone’s attention
🐬 catch someone’s eye
🐬 catch a train
🐬 good catch
🐬 catch you later
🐬 catch the news
🐬 play catch

Once upon a time there was a clever monkey who lived by the river Ganga. A crocodile and his wife lived in the same river. One day, the crocodile’s wife fell very ill. She wanted to eat something special. She asked her husband to get her a monkey’s heart. The crocodile did not know what to do. Then he thought of his neighbour, the monkey. He said, “Friend Monkey, why do you waste your time eating the fruits of this tree? There are juicy fruits on the other side of the river.” When the monkey said that the river was too big for him to cross, the crocodile offered to take him on his back. After a while, the crocodile sank in the water along with the monkey. He told the monkey that his wife was sick and wanted his heart. The monkey realised that he had been foolish to trust the crocodile. He quickly thought of a clever plan to escape. He said, “Alas friend! Our hearts are not inside us. We have to keep them hanging on trees. I wish you had told me earlier. Let’s go back and bring my heart.” The crocodile believed the monkey and brought him back to the tree. The monkey at once climbed up the tree and escaped. He said to the crocodile, “You have a big body but no brains!” The crocodile had nothing to do but repent for his foolishness on being tricked by the monkey.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️


English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


15 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With KEEP

🐬 keep a secret
🐬 keep a diary
🐬 keep the change
🐬 keep your balance
🐬 keep an appointment
🐬 keep pace
🐬 keep control
🐬 keep records
🐬 keep someone’s keeper
🐬 keep in touch
🐬 keep tabs on
🐬 keep sth to yourself
🐬 keep someone
🐬 keep someone posted
🐬 keep it down
🐬 keep your job
🐬 keep someone company
🐬 keep someone’s distance
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋 Collocations With KEEP

🐬 keep a promise
🐬 keep a journal
🐬 keep score
🐬 keep someone in check
🐬 keep away
🐬 keep calm
🐬 keep the quite
🐬 keep animals
🐬 keep up the good work
🐬 keep track of
🐬 keep in mind
🐬 keep sth at bay
🐬 keep someone’s place
🐬 keep it up
🐬 keep up
🐬 keep safe
🐬 keep sth on the down low
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

🍎List of important collocations 🍏



🦋Collocations With TIME

🐬 spend time
🐬 make time for
🐬 free time
🐬 have time
🐬 on time
🐬 take time off
🐬 stall for time
🐬 leisure time
🐬 take your time
🐬 to tell time
🐬 precious time
🐬 kill time
🐬 waste time
🐬 save time
🐬 have a hard time
🐬 take your time
🐬 just in time
🐬 run out of time
🐬 pass the time
🐬 spare time
🐬 this/the same time tomorrow
🐬 to keep time
🐬 set time
🐬 have a great time
English Pictures 🦋


 English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


English Pictures 🦋


👍🏻 3
👌🏻 1
​🌸The Wise Old Bird

There lived a flock of wild geese in a very tall tree. The tree was in a dense forest in the foothills of the Himalayas. The tall tree had many leafy branches that spread out like strong arms. Among the geese was an old wise bird who noticed that there was a small creeper growing at the foot of the tree. He showed the creeper to the others and said, “We must destroy it. One day it will grow big and then the hunters can easily climb up and kill us.” But the other birds did not pay heed to his advice. They said it would be a pity to cut a small creeper. “But when it grows up, it will become strong and hard to cut,” the old wise bird said. “We’ll see,” said the others and promptly forgot all about it.

As time passed, the creeper grew taller and stronger and winded its way up the 0 tree just as the old goose had once said. One day when the geese had gone out in search of food, a hunter climbed up the tree with the help of the creeper and laid his net there. In the evening when the geese returned, they found themselves trapped in the net, much to their shock. They tried hard to get out but failed. They cried for help but there was no one to hear their cries. The night passed in fear and worry. The old wise bird said, “I had warned you all to cut off the creeper but you did not listen. This is the result of your own folly. Tomorrow morning the hunter will come and kill us all.” The birds realised that they had been foolish in not listening to the wise bird and said they were sorry. They had learnt a big lesson. Then the wise bird said, “I’ll tell you of a plan to escape. Listen carefully. Tomorrow morning when the hunter comes to take his net, be very still and pretend you are dead. He will not want dead birds so he will throw us to the ground. Before he climbs down, we must all quickly fly away. That is the only way we can escape now.”

The geese waited eagerly for the morning to arrive. The hunter came early next morning with his son. He was glad to see that he had caught so many geese. But when he climbed up the creeper, he saw that they were all dead. So, he threw the geese to the ground one by one while his son watched. Whoosh! All the geese flapped up in the air and flew away. The hunter and his son were left staring after the geese, shocked and puzzled by the sight.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
💓 3
👍🏻 5
👌🏻 1
16 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍓First of all
🍓By the time
🍓At last
🍓At the end
🍓In addition
🍓In conclusion
🍓To summarise
🍓In the end

🍋Connectors of Contrast

🍓By contrast
🍓On the other hand
🍓Despite this
🍓Apart from
🍓Even so
🍓Even tough
🍓On the contrary
🍓In spite of
🍓Because of
🍓In contrast to

agle and the Fox

Once an eagle and a fox were very close friends. “Let’s live close to each other.” they decided. Sc, the eagle built its nest on a tree while the fox lived in the bushes close by One day, the fox went hunting. The eagle did not have anything to feed her eaglets. “I will get one fox cub,” she thought and fed it to her young ones. When the fox retuned, she was heartbroken. “You cheated me,” she said in anger and sadness.

Soon God punished the eagle. One day the eagle picked up a piece of goat flesh that the villagers had killed as a sacrifice, for her eaglets. She did not know that she was carrying a burning cinder along. The cinder set the nest on fire. The poor little eaglets got hurt. While the eagle cried, the fox said, “God has punished you for breaking a friend’s trust.”

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
glish 🦠glish 🦠17 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍓Contributes of
🍓Brings about
🍓For this reason
🍓Comes from
🍓Is the result of
🍓Due to
🍓Result in
🍓Because of this
🍓Leads to
🍓Owing to
🍓As a consequence of
🍓Stems from
🍓Is due to
🍓Us caused by
🍓That is why
🍓In order to
🍓In order that
🍓Seeing that
🍓Due to the fact that
🍓On account of

🍎Connectors of Opinion

🍓By contrast
🍓On the other hand
🍓Despite this
🍓Apart from
🍓Even so
🍓Even tough
🍓On the contrary
🍓In spite of
🍓Because of
🍓In contrast to

nglish 🦠glish 🦠Sticker
​🌸Bright Eyes the Glider Possum

Bright Eyes was a possum, who lived with his parents. He used to live in his mother’s pouch. As the days passed, he grew a furry coat, pink ears and nose and a fluffy tail. One fine day, Bright Eyes’ mother climbed up a big tree on whose branches was hanging a big beehive. Bright Eyes popped his head out of the pouch and saw the big beehive. “What is that?” he asked his mother. His mother explained to him how he could collect the honey. After this, his father came and showed him how to glide. He asked Bright Eyes to expand his flying skin. This skin would help him keep afloat. He then held out his tail straight and leapt forward. Bright Eyes was very excited for now he could fly like a free bird. “Marvelous!” exclaimed his father who was watching his son joyfully. Bright Eyes went round and round then down and down and finally took a sharp curve and soared higher.”I can fly!” exclaimed Bright Eyes.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
Certificate of Proficiency in English: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Student’s Book with Answers
5x ebooks + 10x Audio CDs | PDF + MP3

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭’𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
5𝐱 𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 + 10𝐱 𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐂𝐃𝐬 | 𝐏𝐃𝐅 + 𝐌𝐏3
18 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍓As well as
🍓As well
🍓Besides that
🍓What’s more
🍓Except for
🍓For example
🍓By the same
🍓Along with
🍓In line manner
🍓Added to
🍓And all
🍓In addition
🍓Not only … but also…
🍓And then

🍉Connectors of Conclusion

🍓In sum
🍓In brief
🍓In short
🍓In outline
🍓In the long run
🍓For the most part
🍓After all
🍓In essence
🍓On balance
🍓By the large
🍓As a result
🍓To conclude
🍓In conclusion
🍓To sum up
🍓On the whole
🍓In closing
🍓All in all
🍓By and large
🍓All things considered
🍓In summary

to English Collocations By Rachel Mitchell
👍🏻 6

Shortcut To English Collocations.pdf
👍🏻 5
👌🏻 1
practical ielts strategies 2 - ielts speaking.pdf
👍🏻 6

✌🏻 2
IELTS Actual Tests Listening&Speaking.pdf
🎧Audio files
​🌸The Little Grey Donkey

The fair had come to the village after a long time. Everyone in the village was excited about it. The elders wanted to see the big games and the children ran to enjoy the different rides. But nobody came to the donkey man for rides. Raghu the donkey man was sad. “Alas! I will not be able to make a single penny. What will I gift my wife?” wondered Raghu. He waited for the children to come to him for rides.

The little grey donkey was watching all this. He loved his master very much. “How can I help my master?” he wondered. Then an idea struck him and he started to bray loudly. All the children were surprised to hear the noise and came running to the donkey. “What is he saying?” asked one child. Raghu joyfully said, “He is saying, come, ride me and see what fun it is!” Soon Raghu had many children queuing up to ride the donkey. He was very happy and so were the children.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
19 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍓 So + Adjective
💧Mark seems so unhappy.

🍓 So + Adverbs
💧She speak so quicly.

🍓 So + Judgemental Adjective
💧 It is so rainy outside!

🍓 So + Much/Many/Few/Little + Noun
💧There are so few cars in the parking lot.

🍓 Such + a/an + Adjective + Noun
💧She is such an intelligent boy.

🍓 Such + Judgemental Noun
💧He is such a liar!
💧Don’t be such a fool!

🍓 Such + a/an + Noun
💧 Why did you say such a thing?

🍏In addition

In addition means “too”, “also”, “besides”.
💧Example Sentence;
-In addition to French, she speaks Spanish.
-In addition fruit, you should eat meat.

Too is an adverb. It means “overly” or “also”.
💧Example Sentence;
This notebook is too expensive for me.
-I’m very hungry.
-Me too!

Besides is an adverb. It means “as well” or “in addition”.
💧Example Sentence;
-What do you like besides the apple?
-My father is nice to everyone besides me.

Finally is an adverb. It means “at last”, “eventually”. It introduces a final point.
💧Example Sentence;
-The bus finally arrived.
-The news finally reached my father this afternoon.

Last means “most recent in time”, “finally”.
💧Example Sentence;
-Mary arrived last.

Then means “after”, “also”, “besides”.
💧Example Sentence;
-My sister was very happy then.
-Talk to Samuel and then come back

Further is an adverb. It means “also”, “additionally”, “besides”.
💧Example Sentence;
-He is very clever, further, his father is very rich.
-I like play football. Further, I like play basketball.

Also means “too”, “additionally”, “besides”.
💧Example Sentence;
-She speaks Spanish and also speaks English.
-This question is also difficult.

Additionally means “too”, “also”, “besides”.
💧Example Sentence;
- This restaurant will provide several free options, additionally, special foods can be purchased.
-Additionally, I am very tired now.

Advanced Synonyms🔥

🚫Very capable ✅accomplished
🚫Very clever ✅brilliant
🚫Very dirty ✅squalid
🚫Very good ✅superb
🚫Very happy ✅jubilant
🚫Very hot ✅scalding
🚫Very hungry ✅ravenous
🚫Very large ✅colossal
🚫Very light ✅imponderable
🚫Very high ✅sky-high
🚫Very neat ✅immaculate
🚫Very quiet ✅silent
🚫Very rude ✅vulgar
🚫Very serious ✅solemn
🚫Very small ✅tiny
🚫Very strong ✅unyielding
🚫Very valuable ✅precious
🚫Very weak ✅feeble
🚫Very wet ✅soaked
🚫Very wicked ✅villainous
🚫Very wise ✅sagacious
🚫Very worried ✅anxious
🚫Very dangerous ✅malignant
🚫Very complex ✅overspecified
🚫Very frequent ✅continual

✌🏻 1
Right words wrong words.pdf
nglish 🦠glish 🦠20 May 2020
Active English with vk ™


🍓As with
🍓In the same way
🍓Of contrast
🍓To conclude
🍓In conclusion
🍓On the whole
🍓To sum up
🍓Despite this
🍓In comparison
🍓In contrast
🍓Even though


🍓Such as
🍓For instance
🍓Such as
🍓In other words
🍓An instance
🍓As revealed by
🍓To show that
🍓In the case of
🍓As an example
🍓For one thing



🍓To conclude
🍓In conclusion
🍓On the whole
🍓To sum up

nglish 🦠glish 🦠Sticker
​🌸Tony the Lonely Goat

Tony was a very lonely goat. He was often seen roaming the mountains in search of a friend. One day, when he went to the river and saw a small goat in the water, he bleated joyfully, “Would you be my friend?” The fishes in the river laughed aloud, “You stupid goat, that’s your reflection you’re talking to!” Tony was surprised. While walking back home, tears welled up in his eyes and he thought, “I am so unlucky, I don’t have any friend nor any siblings.” As soon as he reached home, his father hugged him tight. “Welcome, Tony, see what we have here for you!” Tony hurriedly went to the backyard and saw a little white goat lying beside his mother. “That’s your sister!” exclaimed his mother. Tony bleated happily, “I will never be lonely again!”

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
💔 3
👍🏻 4

21 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🍐Cause & Effect

🍓Owing to
🍓As a result of
🍓As a consequence of
🍓Leads to
🍓Contributes of
🍓Brings about
🍓Results in
🍓Because of this
🍓For this reason
🍓Stems from
🍓Comes from
🍓Results from
🍓Is the result of
🍓Is the consequence of
🍓Is due to
🍓Is caused by

nglish 🦠glish 🦠1
American Proverbs.pdf
leshooting Strategies for Writing Nonfiction.pdf
💓 2
💔 2
501 critical reading questions.pdf
🎞Learn English with Movies

❗️Jumanji | Dwayne Johnson (the Rock)
kills for reading-Intro
💓 6
💔 1
👍🏻 2
active skills for reading intro.pdf
Active Skills For Reading intro+audio.rar
🎧Audio files
22 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍓I think
🍓I believe
🍓I feel
🍓In my opinion
🍓In my view
🍓As far as I know
🍓It seems likely
🍓It seems to me
🍓In my experience
🍓I believe that
🍓As for me, I think
🍓If I am not mistaken
🍓What I mean is
🍓I’d say that
🍓Personally, I think


🍓In particular
🍓In fact
🍓To be sure
🍓In reality
🍓As it happens


🍍In addition
🍍In addition to
🍍Not only … but also


🍓Of course
🍓For this reason

nglish 🦠nglish 🦠 8
✌🏻 4
opposite words(1).pdf

#OppositeWord List
#Size8.9 MB
23 May 2020
Active English with vk ™

🍓For a start
🍓At this point
🍓In short
🍓All in all
🍓A final point
🍓To summarise
🍓In the and
🍓At last
🍓In addition
🍓Last but no least
🍓To conclude
🍓At the end
🍓As soon as
🍓In conclusion
🍓In the first place
🍓First of all
🍓To start with
🍓To begin

countable Nouns - List

Uncountable nouns in English English grammar FCE CAE CPE Cambridge English
👍🏻 6
💓 3
1147 Uncountable Nouns.pdf
👍🏻 4
💓 3
✌🏻 1
English Prepositions Explained.pdf
👍🏻 4
👌🏻 1

✌🏻 1
Using Collocations for Natural English.pdf
👍🏻 7
💓 4
​🌸Half Educated

Once there lived a wolf and a jackal. One day, the wolf bragged to the jackal, “You are not even half as educated as me.” The jackal quietly agreed, but suddenly a tiger roared, “Nobody is as educated as I am.” The wolf froze seeing the tiger while the jackal quickly thought of a plan to escape. “Sure you are, Sir and, therefor, we were coming to you for help,” replied the jackal. “We want you to decide who among the two of us should eat the chickens.” “First show me the chickens,” growled the tiger, who was thinking of savouring not only the chickens, also the healthy jackal and the wolf. The jackal to him to a small cave and said, “Sir, you have to enter the cave to see the chickens.” As soon as the greedy tiger went inside, the clever jackal covered the entrance with a huge boulder. might be more educated, but you are definitely not smarter than me!” called out the jackal. “I was wrong,” acknowledged the wolf, “you are certainly cleverer than me.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
💓 5
💔 1
👍🏻 2
👌🏻 1
24 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🥭Sequence Connectors

🍏In addition
-Samuel writes short stories, In additon, he writes articles for a newspaper.

🍎First of all
-First of all, I’d like to thank my family.

🍏In conclusion
-In conclusion, nobody is perfect.

-First, brush your teeth, then go room.

-Next, leave it for 5-10 minutes, depending on the tea.

🍎As soon as
-As soon as my daughter gets up, she will wash her face.

-They’ll call you later today.

🍎All in all
-My son may not be brilliant, but all in all As far as I know he did quite well in his exams.

-It might take her five weeks but she will do it eventually.

🍏At last
-At last she passed the math exam.

-Reading books help to learn new information, furthermore, it helps to keep the brain cells fresh.

-The notebook finally reached me last night.

-My moter was talking to my father Meanwhile, my son was making lunch.

-Mary plays football. Moreover she works a hotel.

-Besides the guitar, she plays the piano.

🍏In the end
-She worked hard, and in the end, she passed the exam.

English 🦠English 🦠h Grammar: 100 Tragically Common Mistakes (and How to Correct Them)

👍🏻 3
👌🏻 1
💓 2
✌🏻 1
100 Tragically Common Mistakes.pdf
👍🏻 3
💓 2
Collins Common Errors.pdf
​🌸Kangaroos Get a Pouch

Once upon a time, in the tall grasslands of Australia, a Mother Kangaroo used to live with her son, Joey. One fine day, Mama Kangaroo was worried that Joey had been missing for a while. She hopped to the tall bushes to search and bumped into an old wombat. “Oh! Who is this who cannot leave an old blind wombat alone?” thundered the wombat. Mama apologised and told him that she was in a hurry. Wombat pleaded, “Please help me, I am hungry.” Mama told the wombat to hold her tail and she would take him to green pastures. Mama Kangaroo hopped with the old wombat behind and stopped where she saw the green grass so that the wombat could chew. The old wombat then asked, “Please can you take me to a river? I am thirsty.” Mama, though worried about her son, again helped. As she went ne the river, she saw little Joey sleeping near the riverside. She hopped to lift her baby and kissed him. The wombat turned into an angel and said to Mama Kangaroo, “Mama, You are the kindest of all animals. I had asked others too but nobody stopped.” The angel asked the Mother Kangaroo to tie a bark of a tree around her tummy. As she did so, it turned into a pouch! Mama was overjoyed and lifted her Joey into the pouch. From that day onwards, all kangaroos have pouches.

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
26 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🍋Connectors of Comparison

🍓In the same way
🍓As with
🍓Just as … so too
🍓A similar x
🍓Another x like…
🍓Just as
🍓In similar way
🍓In similar manner
🍓Similar to
🍓In common
🍓As well as
🍓Same as
🍓Just like
🍓The same as
🍓As … as
🍓In comparison to
🍓By the same token

English 🦠English 🦠1
5000 words.pdf
✌🏻 1
Irregular English Verbs.pdf
​🏰 Story of the day🏰

🌸 The Red – Feathered Hen

Red Queen the hen had red feathers. One day, Toby the fox saw Red Queen and said, “I’m going to eat this hen for dinner.” He said to his wife, “Keep the water boiling for a delicious chicken broth for dinner.” Off went Toby to catch Red Queen. He hid behind a tree and waited for her to cross that way. “Too-doodle -doo… Sqawck!” sang Red Queen walking merrily. Toby grabbed her neck and shoved her into a sack. The hen’s friend, the goose, saw what had happened. “I must help Red Queen,” she thought.

The goose lay on the road, pretending to be injured. Seeing the injured bird, greedy Toby left the sack to catch the goose. To his surprise, the goose got up and ran farther and farther away. Toby chased after her. Red Queen took this opportunity to climb out of the sack and escape. She put a stone inside. Unable to catch the goose, Toby returned. “At least I have a hen for dinner,” he thought. He picked up the sack and hurried home. He turned the sack over the pot of boiling water. “Splash!” The stone spilled hot water on the greedy fox and burned his paws!

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
💓 3
💔 2
👍🏻 15
👌🏻 1
27 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🍐Connectors List and Example

🍓Even though;
-I won’t go to the party even though I was invited.

-While she was walking I was running.

-He had climbed many mountains when he was a boy.

🍓So that;
-You are very late so that we can not start the lesson.

-Once I start I must continue.

-Mary arrived after Alex left.

-You don’t need to go unless you want to.

-Since I see you, I am better.

-I don’t know whether she’ll be admitted to the university.

-I use water when making pasta whereas my mom uses eggs.

🍓Even if;
-Even if Alex earned a big salary, he would not buy a fast car.

-They can listen to music provided they disturb nobody.

-We can not go on holiday, because we don’t have enough money.

🍓Rather than;
-A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by fear.

-Before I have breakfast, I always have a shower.

-They can go wherever they want.

-He had climbed many mountains when he was a boy.

🍓So that;
-You are very late so that we can not start the lesson.

-Once I start I must continue.

-Mary arrived after Alex left.



Above उपर
Absent अनुपस्थित
Achieve प्राप्त करना, जीतना
Add जोड़ना
Afraid भयभीत
After बाद में
Amateur शौकिया, अव्यवसायी
Ancient प्राचीन, पुराना
Argue तर्क करना, बहस करना
Arrive पहुँचना
Arrogant घमंड़ी, अक्कड़
Ascend चढ़ना
Attack आक्रमण करना
Awake जागा हुआ
Bad बुरा
Beautiful सुन्दर
Before पहले
Better अच्छा
Below नीचे
Present उपस्थित
Fail अभाव होना, नाकाम होना, हारना
Subtract घटाना
Confident निश्चयी, विश्वस्त
Before पहले
Professional पेशेवर, व्यवसायी
Modern आधुनिक नया
Agree मान लेना, सहमत होना
Depart प्रस्थान करना
Humble विनम्र, सीधा-सादा
Descend उतरना
Defend बचाव करना
Asleep सोया हुआ
Good अच्छा
Ugly कुरुप, बदसूरत
After बाद में
Worse बदत्तर, खराब
👍🏻 22
👌🏻 9
💓 4
✌🏻 5
✌🏻 1

▪️ #English-Hindi
▪️ #Upkarpublications
▪️ #MsShekhawat
✌🏻 1
Black book of English Vocabulary.pdf

▪️ #Updatedtill April 2019
▪️ #ByNikhil Gupta
▪️ #Size- 5 MB


Black book Updated Till March20.pdf

Updated 2020
​🌸The Day Dreaming Jackal

Bhilu was a hunter who belonged to a hill tribe. Every day he went out to hunt for animals using his bow and arrow. He was proud of being an adept archer. One day as he spotted a wild boar in the forest he thought to himself, “This large wild boar is sure to die at my hands. My skill at hunting will put it to an end.”

Then, Bhilu strung his bow and shot a sharp arrow directly to the boar’s back. The arrow tore at the boar’s back and caused a deep wound. In writhing pain and anger the wild boar rushed at Bhilu and pierced his stomach with its sharp and pointed fangs. At once the proud hunter and the wild boar lay dead due to their injuries.

Soon Chamataka, a jackal, came strolling by. At the sight of the dead hunter and the lifeless boar he was filled with glee, “Oh, my fortune ! Today I have found food that will last me for days. Fate was unkind to the hunter and the boar but it has shone for me.”

“The flesh around the arrow’s tip must be soft and delicious to chew. I shall eat the boar’s flesh from there slowly so as to enjoy this treasure.”

So thinking Chamataka proceeded to taste his succulent treat. Just as he bit into the boar’s flesh, the pointed arrow pierced the top of his mouth and came out between his eyes. Soon Chamataka too lay dead as the hunter and the boar.


🔥Think twice before you act!

🏰 🏡 🏜 🏕 ⛪️
💓 5
💔 1
👍🏻 8
👌🏻 3
28 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🍈While and Whereas

🍓Chicken meat is white, whereas that of an ox is red.

🍓My father is wealthy whereas we are poor.

🍓Whereas we did all the job, they enjoyed themselves.

🍓The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.

🍓The south has a hot, dry climate, whereas the north has a milder, wetter climate.

🍓I am poor, whereas my sisters are very rich.

🍓While you help her, she doesn’t help anyone.

🍓While I like pop music my husband hates it.

🍓While I am lazy, my sister is really hard-working.

🍓He is careful, while I take risks.

🍓While roaming around the city we saw many interesting sights.

🍓While I was studying English, Mary sleeped.

🍓I’II prepare breakfast while you’re having a shower.



Big बड़ा
Birth जन्म, उदगम
Black काला
Blunt भोंथरा, मोटा बिना धार का
Bold सहासी, निर्भीक
Brave बहादुर, वीर
Brief संक्षिप्त, छोटा
Bright चमकदार, तेज
Busy व्यस्त
Buy खरीदना
Cautious सावधान
Cheap सस्ता
Clean साफ
Close बंद करना
Cold ठंडा
Complex जटिल, पेचीदा
Compliment प्रशंसा
Cool ठंडा
👍🏻 13
👌🏻 5
💓 2
✌🏻 4
 English 🦠 English 🦠 English 🦠 3
👍🏻 3
👌🏻 1
rakesh yadav collection.pdf


👍🏻 1


💔 1
👍🏻 4
Lucent Objective (ALL).pdf


💔 1
👍🏻 2


👍🏻 4
👌🏻 3
👉🏻 18 E-BOOKS


UPDATED 28-05-2020

29 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🍏Direction & Place

🍍Over there
🍍To the left
🍍In the distance


🍍In particular
🍍In addition
🍍Of course
🍍Above all

🍏Time & Sequence

🍍First, second…



Dry सूखा
Scream, shout चिल्लाना
Black काला
Part भाग, अंग, थोड़ा
Narrow तंग
Husband पति
Tame पालतु
Lose हारना
Loser असफल व्यक्ति
Summer गर्मी
Without के बिना
Rest आराम करना
Better बेहतर, सुधार
Best सब से अच्छा
Worthless कुपात्र, बेकार
Correct, right सही
No ना, नही
Yesterday बीता कल
Young जवान, युवा
Tomorrow आगामी कल
Old बुढ़ा, वृद्ध
ndra's The Hindu Vocab-2018


#Januaryto December
ndra's The Hindu Vocab-2019


#Januaryto December
a's The Hindu Vocab-2020


#Januaryto April
ect Your English #Errors, Second Edition:
👍🏻 6
👌🏻 1

Correct Your English Errors Second Edition.pdf
👍🏻 6
👌🏻 1
Correct Your English Errors, first edition.pdf
Active English with vk ™

🍍As …as
🍍As if
🍍In the same way
🍍In like manner
🍍Despite this
🍍By the way


🍍On the other hand
🍍At the same time
🍍In spite of
🍍Apart from


🍍Such as
🍍In this case
🍍For one thing
🍍For instance
🍍For example
🍍In the case of
🍍Illustared by
🍍As an example
🍍An instance
🍍In other words



Wedding विवाह
Well स्वस्थ
West पश्चिम
Divorce तलाक
Ill बीमार
East पूर्व
Wet गीला
Whisper फुसफुसाना
White सफेद
Whole संपूर्ण, पूरा
Wide चौड़ा
Wife पत्नी
Wild जंगली
Win जीतना
Winner सफल व्यक्ति
Winter सर्दी
With के साथ
Work काम करना
Worse बदत्तर, ज्यादा खराब
Worst सब से बुरा
Worthy सुयोग्य, लायक
wrong गलत
Yes हाँ
Active English with vk ™
👍🏻 6
👌🏻 3
💓 2
✌🏻 1
rn English 🦠 English 🦠 English 🦠31 May 2020
Active English with vk ™
🍏Cause and Effect

🍍Due to
🍍As a result


🍍As well as
🍍and then
🍍In addition to
🍍Not only – but also



Mountain पर्वत
Horizontal समतल, क्षितिज के समांतर
Defeat पराजय, शिख्त
Town नगर
Hero नायक, अभिनेता
Gentle सौम्य
Invisible अदृश्य, अप्रत्यक्ष
Host यजमान
Compulsory अनिवार्य
Consonant व्यजंन
Peace शांति
Cool ठंडा
Save बचाना
Land जमीन
Wane घटना
Powerful, strong ताकतवर, मजबूत
Poverty गरीबी, अभाव
Poor गरीब
Kindle Edition
by A.K. Gandhi
अच्छी इंग्लिश लिखना सीखें
 of commonly confused words
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May 2020 The Hindu Vocab.pdf
⛳️ #Monthwise

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1 June 2020
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Valley खाई
Vertical खड़ा, लम्बरुप
Victory विजय, फतह
Village गाँव
Villain खलनायक, बदमाश
Violent हिंसक
Visible दृश्य, प्रत्यक्ष
Visitor मेहमान
Voluntary स्वैच्छिक
Vowel स्वर
War जंग
Warm गरम
Waste बर्बाद करना
Water पानी
Wax बढ़ना
Weak दुर्बल, कमजोर
Wealth दौलत, संपुर्णता
Wealthy धनवान
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 to write professional emails in English - The ebook you need
☘️ Synonyms and Antonymsfor Hindi Medium Students

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#Page- 175
#Language- English & Hindi


Urban शहरी, शहर
Urgent अत्यावश्यक, अविलम्ब
Useless फालतु, निरर्थक
Vacant खाली
Vague अनिश्चित, धुंधला
Rural ग्रामीण, गाँव
Leisurely इत्मीनान से, धीरे-धीरे
Useful उपयोगी, लाभदायक
Occupied अधिकृत, भरा हुआ
Definite निश्चित, स्पष्ट
Finished खत्म कर दिया
Leave जाना
Flexible नरम, लचीला
Go जाना
Normal साधारण, सामान्य
Weakness कमजोर
Tolerant, indulgent उदार, नरम, प्रतिकुल
Weak शक्तिहीन, कमजोर
Teacher अध्यापक
Clever, intelligent चतुर, बुदि्मान
rn English 🦠rn English 🦠rn English 🦠3 June 2020
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English Grammar  .pdf
⛳️ English grammar handmade notes

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▪️ #Handmadenotes

SET 🔸 1️⃣4️⃣


👌🏻 4
💓 4
✌🏻 2


Village गाँव
Comedy मजाक, हास्यप्रदान नाटक
Comic हास्यपद
Opaque अपारदर्शी, अस्पष्ट
Defeat हार
Important महत्वपूर्ण
Suspect शक करना
Beauty सुन्दरता
Beautiful, handsome, pretty सुन्दर, रुपवान, रमणीय
Over के ऊपर
Separation अलगाव
Common सामान्य, आम, साधारण
Divide, separate अलग करना
Division बंटवारा, विभाजन
Down नीचे
Stabilize स्थिर करना
Downstairs निचली मंजिल पर
rn English 🦠rn English 🦠rn English 🦠4 June 2020
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👍🏻 2

40 Short Stories.pdf

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💓 2
✌🏻 3
Cambridge grammar of English.pdf


Top छोटी, सबसे ऊपर का
Total कुल, पूरा
Toward की तरफ, के पास
Bottom तल, निम्नतम, नीचे का
Partial आंशिक
Away बाहर, से दूर
Town नगर
Tragedy त्रासदी, दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना
Tragic दुखद
Transparent पारदर्शी, स्पष्ट
Triumph जीत
Trivial मामुली
Trust विश्वास करना
Ugliness कुरुपता
Ugly कुरुप
Under के नीचे
Union संयोग, मेलजोल
Unique अनुठा, अनोखा, न्यारा
Unite जोड़ना, मिलाना
Unity एकता
Up ऊपर
Upset अस्थिर करना
Upstairs उपरी मंजिल पर
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

⛳️10 Longest Words in the English Language

🟢 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis(45 letters)

👉🏻Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust.

🟢 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia(36 letters)

👉🏻Ironically, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest work in the dictionary and is the name for a fear of long words! Who would have thought, right?

🟢 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious(34 letters)

👉🏻Perhaps the best word of all! Made popular by the film Mary Poppins, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is something to say when you have nothing to say.

🟢 Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism(30 letters)

👉🏻A relatively mild form of pseudohypoparathyroidism that is characterized by normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

🟢 Floccinaucinihilipilification(29 letters)

👉🏻The longest unchallenged nontechnical word that not all directories recognize, that including Merriam-Webster. According to alternative sources, floccinaucinihilipilificationis the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless. Often times, it is used in a humorous way.

🟢 Antidisestablishmentarianism(28 letters)

👉🏻A term referring to a political movement in 19th century Britain that sought to separate church and state. In this case, political movement wanted to disestablish the Church of England as the official state church of England, Ireland and Wales.

🟢 Honorificabilitudinitatibus(27 letters)

👉🏻The longest word in Shakespeare’s works. Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels.

🟢 Thyroparathyroidectomized(25 letters)

👉🏻A medical term that defines the excision of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

🟢 Dichlorodifluoromethane(23 letters)

👉🏻A chlorofluoromethane CF2Cl2.

🟢 Incomprehensibilities(21 letters)

👉🏻Impossible to comprehend. In the 1990’s, incomprehensibilities set the record as the longest word “in common usage.”

👍🏻 7

💓 4
✌🏻 3
5 June 2020
Active English with vk ™

💓 2
✌🏻 1
List Of Different Types Collocations


Give देना
Land उतरना
Small, short छोटा, नाटा
Wild जंगली
Learn सीखना
Permanent स्थायी
Lovely प्यारा, सुन्दर
Thankless कृतघ्न
Now अब
Here वहाँ
Thick, fat मोटा
Catch पकड़ना
Messy अव्यवस्थित, गंदा
Loose ढीला
Bold निर्भीक, निडर
Huge विशाल, बहुत बड़ा
Apart अलग, जुदा
Yesterday बीता कल

Take लेना
Take off चढ़ना
Tall लम्बा
Tame पालतू
Teach सीखाना
Temporary अस्थायी
Terrible डरावना, भद्दा
Thankful कृतज्ञ
Then तब
There यहाँ
Thin पतला
Throw फेंकना
Tidy सुव्यवस्थित, साफ सुथरा
Tight सख्त
Timid डरपोक, बुजदिल
Tiny नन्हा सा, बहुत छोटा
Together एकसाथ
Tomorrow आगामी कल
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6 June 2020
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Types of Questions.pdf
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💓 2
✌🏻 3
🍂 Oxford Word Skills
#Idioms& Phrasal Verbs🏅

Roiled - उत्तेजित
Gird - बाँधना
Run up - जल्दी से बनाना, पहुंच जाना
Retribution – प्रतिकार, बदला
Wielding - उपयोग करना
Band - टोली बनाना या झुण्ड
Unprecedented - अभूतपूर्व
In the midst of - के बीच में
Rush out –बिकने के लिए तेजी से उपलब्ध करना
Subside – कम होना
Stout - बहादुर
Endurance - सहनशीलता
Firmness - दृढ़ता
Horizon – क्षितिज, सीमा
Marred- दाग धब्बेदार, बिगड़ा रूप
Backlash- प्रतिघात
Get away- निकलना
Carry down – नीचे लाना
Equipped- हथियारों से लैस
Nudge- कुहनी से छूना, कोंचना
Claw back- कर लगाकर वसूली करना
Narrative- विवरणात्मक
Steep- सीधी ढाल, अत्यधिक
Mortuary- मुर्दाघर
Bludgeon- लाठी से अंधाधुंध मारना
Rendered- प्रस्तुत करना
Theft- चोरी
Surveillance- निगरानी
Revs up- विद्रोह ग्रस्त
Quarry- खदान
Flaying- कटु आलोचना करना
Veiled- अस्पष्ट
Penny- धन
Wedlock- विवाह
Pesticide- कीटनाशक
Turn out- उपस्थिति
Kick up- पाव से मारना, तेज करना
Ablaze- जलता हुआ
Maimed- घायल, अपंग
Obliquely- टेढ़ा
Flutter- तेज़ रफ्तार से धड़कना
Revamped- मरम्मत करना
Take off- हटाना
Allays- दबाना, शांत कर देना
Beckons- संकेत करना
Wilderness- निर्जन प्रदेश
Expedition- अभियान, शीघ्रता
Sleigh-एक तरह की गाडी जिसे डॉग या हॉर्स के द्वारा बर्फ पर खीचा जाता है
Look out for- सावधान रहना
Trek- लंबी पैदल यात्रा
Potable- पेय/पीने योग्य
Shortly- शीघ्र
Thereafter- तब से
Fervent- उत्सुकता से
Contest- प्रतियोगिता
Meltdown- परमाणु दुर्घटना या पिघलना
Directive- सूचित करनेवाला, आदेश
Moisture- नमी
Peter out- समाप्त होना
Blow over- दूर हो जाना
Swerving- मोड़
Break out- अचानक फैलना
Stymie- बाधाएँ डालना
Adamant- अटल
Dilemma- दुविधा
Sundry- विभिन्न
Manoeuvre- चाल
Headquarters- मुख्यालय
Dalliance- आमोद प्रमोद
Languish- कमजोर होना, दुर्बल
Clumsy- बेढंगा, फूहड़
Stoop- नीचे गिरना
Seductive- आकर्षक, सम्मोहक
Incendiary- विद्रोहात्मक, भड़काने वाला
Eventually- अंत में
Passed away- गुजर जाना , मर जाना
Manuscript- हस्तलिखित
Looking forward to-उत्सुकता से प्रतीक्षा करना
Mirage- मरीचिका, धोखा
Sacrosanct- अतिपवित्र
Composite- संयोजन, मिश्रित
arn English 🦠arn English 🦠arn English 🦠arn English 🦠7 June 2020
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1000 English Verbs Forms.pdf

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8 June 2020
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🍂Vocab of the Day🍂

🔷 Diaphanous: पारदर्शक
✅ Meaning: Transparent
Usage: A diaphanous door.

🔷 Disport: आनंद मनाना
✅ Meaning: to smile
Usage: People disported themselves at the
stage show.

🔷 Dulcet: आनंदकर
✅ Meaning: Sweet sounding
Usage: I thought I recognized your dulcet

🔷Despondency: निराशा
✅Meaning: hopeless, sad
Usage: It is very difficult to come out from
despondency after his father’s death.

🔷 Didactic: प्रबोधक
✅ Meaning: a bitter; criticism in speck writing
Usage: Launch a diatribe against the

🔷 Exculpate: निर्दोष सिद्ध करना
✅ Meaning: Prove guiltless
Usage: The Supreme Court exculpated Sanjay
Dutt from TADA Case.

🔷 Encumber
✅ Meaning: to become burden
Usage: Traveling is difficult when
you’re encumbered with heavy suitcases.

🔷 Extol: प्रशंसा करना
✅ Meaning: to praise highly
Usage: He was extolled as a hero.

🔷 Effulgent: दीप्तिमान
✅ Meaning: shinning brilliantly
Usage: The effulgent beauty.

🔷 Ephemeral: अल्पकालिक
✅ Meaning: short lived
Usage: Ephemeral mosquitoes during the rainy
rasal Verbs A to Z list


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rasal Verbs A to Z list


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9 June 2020
Active English with vk ™
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

1. Tenses
2. Pronouns
3. Nouns
4. Passive Voice
5. Indirect Speech
6. Connector
7. Modals
8. Articles
9. Conjunctions
10. Prepositions
11. Adjectives
12. Adverbs
13. Verbs
14. Errors
15. Quantifiers
16. Question Tag
17. Gerund & Infinitive
18. Synonyms
19. Determiners
20. Common Mistakes
21. Phrasal Verbs
22. Idioms
23. Error Identification
24. Correct Form of Word

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👍🏻 27
👌🏻 3
💓 3
✌🏻 3

🤞🏻 3


👌🏻 1
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10 June 2020
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🤞🏻 2

🤞🏻 2
11 June 2020
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🤞🏻 1
9. Conjunctions
👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
12 June 2020
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👌🏻 1
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🤞🏻 2
13 June 2020
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👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
👌🏻 3
🤞🏻 2
14 June 2020
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👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
15. Quantifier COMBINED.pdf
15 June 2020
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👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
16. Question Tag COMBINED.pdf
16. Question Tag
16 June 2020
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17. Gerund-Inf Combined.pdf
17. Gerund & Infinitives
18. Synonyms COMBINED.pdf
18. Synonyms
17 June 2020
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👍🏻 4
💓 3
✌🏻 3
18 June 2020
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👍🏻 3
👌🏻 3
🤞🏻 3
20. Common Mistakes
19 June 2020
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👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
20 June 2020
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👌🏻 3
🤞🏻 2
22. IDIOMS.pdf
22 June 2020
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👍🏻 4
👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
23 June 2020
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👍🏻 9

🤞🏻 1
24. Correct Form Of Word.pdf
24. Correct Form of Word
24 June 2020
Active English with vk ™
✍️ Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.

1. He has been married .................................. her for more than three decades.

2. The Irish are very proud ..................................... their sense of humor.

3. He is interested ..................................... the supernatural.

4. I am pleased ............................................. your promotion.

5. She was angry ........................................ me for revealing her secret.

6. I am getting anxious ............................................. his health.

7. We are all anxious ............................................. an amicable solution to this

8. She is anxious ....................................... reunite with her family.

9. You can't be independent ...................................... your parents until you find a job.

10. Why can't you be polite ....................................... him?

11. Both parents are responsible ....................................... raising a child.

12. I feel really sorry ........................................... his wife.
👍🏻 51
👌🏻 14
🤞🏻 7

25 June 2020
Active English with vk ™
✍️ Business English Words



💼 Deficit
📌 the total amount by which money spent is more than money received

💼 Lucrative
📌 Producing a lot of money; profitable

💼 Commodity
📌 A substance or a primary product that can be traded or bought and sold usually in large quantities

💼 Inflation
📌 An increase in the prices of goods and services over time, causing a reduction in the value of money
Merger The joining of two or more companies to make one larger company

💼 Annual
📌 happening once a year

💼 Wage
📌 is the money that someone is paid every week by their employer

💼 Earning
📌 is the total amount of money you earn from the job you do

💼 Biannual
📌 happening twice a year

💼 Billboard
📌 signboard for advertising posters

💼 Scarcity
📌 a very small supply of resources; a lack of something

💼 Annual
📌 happening once a year
👍🏻 13
👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1


🦠 Apex
‼️The peak

🦠 Asymptomatic
‼️Showing no evidence of disease/illness

🦠 Community Spread
‼️Spread of a disease where the infection source is unknown

🦠 Coronavirus
‼️A family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases

‼️Name of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus

🦠 Flatten the curve
‼️The curve represents the number of cases over time. Flattening that curve means preventing a surge of new cases in a very short period

🦠 Immunocompromised
‼️Having an impaired or compromised immune response

🦠 Pandemic
‼️ A disease prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world. A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread over a large area.

🦠 Self-quarantine
‼️Choosing or volunteering to isolate out of caution

🦠 Social/Physical Distancing
‼️Measures that reduce contact between large groups of people

‼️Strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease

‼️An infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts
👍🏻 18
👌🏻 4
💓 3
✌🏻 2
26 June 2020
Active English with vk ™
👍🏻 6
👌🏻 1
English-vocabulary-Builder 2018.pdf
English Vocabulary Builder
(Learn English Through Pictures)
👍🏻 6

🤞🏻 1
English Through Pictures 1.pdf
📘 learn english through picture - 1

👍🏻 6
English Through Pictures 2.pdf
📘 learn english through picture - 2


👍🏻 4
👌🏻 1
🤞🏻 1
English Through Pictures 3.pdf
📘 learn english through picture - 3

27 June 2020
Active English with vk ™

💬 Bail/ ditch


“Sorry friends, I have to bail tonight.”

💬 Balling/Ballin’


“Heard you went on vacation in Los Angeles again last week, you are ballin’!”

💬 Chill/chill out


If your friends are being overly excited at a football game, you can say “Hey man, chill out.”

💬 Down to earth


“I made a new friend at the museum last night, she was super down to earth. I would love to hang out with her again!”

Active English with vk ™
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Already, Yet, Still

Fill in the blanks with still, yet or already.

1. Are you ……………… living in the same house?

a) still
b) yet
c) already

2. My father has not come ……………….

a) yet
b) still
c) already

3. When I went to bed, my sister was ………………. studying.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

4. Is it ……………… raining?

a) still
b) yet
c) already

5. Do you ……………… want to go to the party or have you changed your mind?

a) yet
b) still
c) already

6. I have ……………….. completed the job.

a) already
b) still
c) yet

7. I have ………………. to hear from them.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

8. He ……………….. lives at the same address.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

9. I ………………. practice the violin but I no longer play the piano.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

‼️ Modal Auxiliary Verbs Exercise


1. My grandmother is eighty-five, but she ……………… still read and write without glasses. (Ability)

2. …………….. I come with you?

3. ………………. you help me with the housework, please? (Polite request)

4. There was a time when I ………….. stay up very late. (Past ability)

5. You …………….. not lose any more weight. You are already slim. (Necessity)

6. We …………… make the first move. (Prohibition)
▪️must not
▪️will not

7. It is snowing outside so I …………… stay at home. (Intention)

8. I ………………. get you a shawl from Kashmir. (Promise)

9. …………….. you mind if I borrowed your car? (Permission)

10. ……………. you take care of my dog for a day? (Polite request)

11. Our country ………………. become a super power by 2025. (possibility)

12. She …………… sell her home because she needs money. (weak possibility)

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