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Story of the Day लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Story of the Day लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

King And Wise Man

King And Wise Man

A long time ago, People lived happily under the Rule of King Shoelong. The Kingdom people had very prosperous life with abundance of Wealth and no misfortune. One day king decided to travel and visit Historical places and Pilgrim centers at far away places.

He decided to travel by foot and interact with people on the way. People of his kingdom were happy to meet their King and were so proud to know that their king was so Kind and Good heart-ed person.

After completing his travel, He was quiet happy that people in his kingdom are living good life. However he regretted one thing, it was the intolerable pain felt in his feet after such long trip he had been to for first time in his life.

He complained to his ministers that roads were not comfortable to walk. The path he walked all the way was stony and he couldn't tolerate the pain he felt in his feet. King got worried about his people who used to walk on those roads. So, he ordered to cover the roads with leather so that people feel comfortable walking on roads. This thought of king was kind and for the betterment and happiness of the people.

As the ministers heard the order, they were stunned!! As this order would destroy the life of thousands of animals to get sufficient leather and also it would cost a huge amount of money also.

A wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had another idea. King Asked his minister about the idea.

So Minister said " Why do you want to kill so many animals to cover the road with leather? Rather, you can just have a piece of leather cut in appropriate shape to cover your feet? "

The king was very much surprised by his suggestion and applauded the minister. He ordered for a pair of leather shoes for him and requested the countrymen to wear shoes.

Moral: We Curse And Blame the Things in Our Surroundings and Never Understand that We Need a Change in Us.

Old Lady Reply to Nurse - Story of the Day

Old Lady Reply to Nurse : Happiness comes from......

An 90 year old lady had lost her husband and now had to move to nursing home. So the day she had to move to nursing home in morning she woke up early got dressed properly with perfectly applied makeup.

She was ready to move to nursing home. Cab was called to take her to nursing home. She got into cab and reached nursing home.

After reaching nursing home she was asked to wait in the nursing home lobby. She waited patiently for many hours. She smiled sweetly when told her room was ready.

As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator nurse gave her a brief visual description of her room including colors of sheets on window.

After hearing just description she replied with enthusiasm, "I love it."

Nurse was surprised to hear her reply and responded, "But you haven't even seen your room yet… Just wait until you see your room."

She replied, "That doesn't have anything to do with it. Happiness is something that you decide. It doesn't depend on how my room look or i will like my room or not. It depends on how my mind is arranged..

I already decided to love it. It's decision i made when i wake up in morning.

I had choice either i can spend day counting problem i have to face because of body parts with no longer works or i can get out of bed and be thankful for one that do.

As long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away.. Just for this time in my life."

Moral: Each day is a Gift. We should Learn to Live Happy. Happiness comes from Inner self and we are one who Decides to be Happy or not.

Always be Helpful : Story of the Day

Do Good Have Good:

One day a man saw an old lady, standing on the side of the road and he could see that she needed some help. So he stopped right in front of her Mercedes and got out.

Old lady saw the man even with the smile on her face, she seemed worried. Man could see that she was frightened. Introducing himself he said, "Mam, i am Andy and am here to help. Why don't you wait in the car?"

Lady had flat tire and it was bad enough for an old lady. Andy crawled under the car and started to fix the tire. As he was tightening up the nuts Old lady rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid.

He just smiled and completed his work. Lady asked, "How much i owe you." She was ready to pay any amount as she already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped.

Andy replied, "I never thought of getting paid. It was not a job for me, i was just helping someone in need. God knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way."

He added, "If you really want to pay me back, the next time you saw someone in need just help and give whatever assistance she can give if they need and Think of Me."

Man waited until she drove off in her car. A few miles down the road lady saw a small cafe and stopped there to grab a bite to eat. It was dingily looking restaurant. As she sat on the table, the waitress came over and offered lady a towel so that she can wipe her wet hairs. She had a sweet smile.

The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Andy.

After lady finished her food, she paid off with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to counter for change of hundred dollar bill but till time she came back lady went.

Then she noticed something written on the napkin.

There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: "You don't owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you."

Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.

That night when she(waitress) got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard.

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's going to be all right. I love you, Andy."

Moral: What Goes around Comes Around.  You do Good, You will get Good in return.  Always be Helpful.


Strength And Weakness: The Story of the Day

Strength And Weakness:

A Little boy who was just 10 years old lost his left arm in an accident. Despite that he decided to learn Judo.

He started his lessons with an old Japanese master. The boy was learning well. One thing that bothered him that it's been three month and his master had taught him only one move.

"Sensei(Teacher in Japanese) Shouldn't i be learning more moves?" Boy asked
"This is the only move you will ever need to know" Sensei replied

Boy didn't understand that but believing his teacher he kept training hard. After several months, Sensei took boy to his first tournament. To the surprise of the boy he easily won first two matches with his only move. Third match bit difficult than first two still boy was able to win the match. Amazed by his success, Boy was now in finals.

In final match the opponent seemed to be much bigger and stronger compared to boy. Concerning that this match might hurt the boy referee called a time-out. As referee was about to stop the match boy's sensei intervened.

"No," the sensei insisted, "Let him continue."
Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a critical mistake: he dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament.

Boy was the champion now. On the way back from tournament boy they reviewed each move in every match. Boy this time summoned his courage and asked "Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?"

"You won for two reasons," the sensei answered.

"First, you've almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm."

The boy knew that his biggest weakness has now become his biggest strength.

Moral: Sometimes we feel that we have Certain weaknesses and we blame God, the Circumstances or Ourselves for it but we never know that our Weaknesses can become our Strengths one Day.


These challenges keeps you energized - Motivation of the Day

Japanese Fishing Co. Solution:

How Resources, Skills and Abilities Make a Difference.

Japanese loved fresh fish but for decades close by water has not held many fishes. So to feed Japanese population, Fishing boats got bigger and went further and further than before.

Further the fisherman went for fishing, more time it took them to bring back the fish. Because it took a lot of time to get back after catching fishes, fishes were not fresh and didn't taste good.

Now, to solve this problem, Fisherman started to install freezers on their boats. So that after catching fishes they could freeze them at sea and this allowed fishermen to go further and stay longer to catch more fishes.

However, Japanese could taste the difference and they didn't like frozen fish.

This made Fishing company think for further solution and installed fish tanks in their boats. Now, they would catch the fishes and stuff them in tanks. After little trashing around these fishes were tired, dull and lost their freshness.

This lead fishing companies to face an impending crisis.

Today, same fishing companies get fresh tasting fish to Japan..!! Wonder how they managed to keep the freshness of fishes??

To keep fishes fresh. Japanese fishing companies still put the fishes in the fish tank But with a small shark..!! Because of shark fishes are challenged and constantly on move. This challenge keeps them alive and fresh.

Moral: In our life New challenges Keeps us Active. If you steadily win challenges, you are happy. These challenges keeps you energized.

Young Man And Little Boy - Story of the Day

Young Man And Little Boy Conversation:

About ten years ago, A very successful young man was passing by a street in neighborhood in his only two month sleek and black Jaguar. He was going much faster. He was watching kids playing there and slowed down his car as he thought he saw something.

As his car passed suddenly a brick sailed out and Whump!! – that brick smashed into the side door to new shiny jaguar. Young man slammed brakes and geared into reverse, back to the place where the brick had been thrown. He jumped out of car and pushed kid against his parked car.

He shouted, "Why you threw brick? What was that all about? who are you? What are you doing? That's my new Jaguar and that brick you threw is now gonna cost you a lot of money."

Boy pleaded, "Please sir, I am so sorry! I did not knew what else to do! I threw brick at you because no one else would stop."

Tears coming out of boy's eyes as he pointed toward a parked car he said, "It's my brother sir. He rolled off curb and feel out of his wheel chair and I can't lift him up back on his wheel chair. Would you please help me get him back. He is hurt and too heavy for me to lift."

Moved by his words, Young man hurried to the boy who fell off his wheelchair, Lifted him back into his wheelchair and took out his handkerchief, wiped his wounds checking to see that everything is OK. Then he watched younger brother push him back to their home down the sidewalk.

Young man kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention.

Moral: Feel for the bricks Life Throwing at You. Slow Down and Enjoy Life. In hustle and speed of Life, Don't Miss the Joy and Important things of Present moments.

Mother’s Love for Her Son : Story of the Day

Mother's Love for Her Son : Story of the Day

There was a Kid who lived with his mother. Kid used to hate her mother because she had only one eye. He used to feel embarrassed. Mother used to work as cook to support the family and his kid studies.

One day mother went to kid school to meet him but kid was so embarrassed.

He thought to himself, "How could she do this to me?". He ignored her and ran out. Next day a boy from kids class commented to him, "EEE, your mother have only one eye!!"

Kid was so embarrassed that he wanted his mother to disappear. That day after reaching home confronted his mother and said, "Because of you people make fun of me. Why don't you die?" Even after listening to this his mother didn't respond.

All his childhood kid just thought of getting out of that house anyhow. So, he studied hard and got a job abroad. There he got married, had kids and  all the comforts and was very happy with his life away from his mother.

One day his mother came to visit him. She hadn't seen him since he left and for the first time she was going to meet her grand children. As she rang the bell and stood by the door her grand children opened the door and after seeing her they laughed at her not knowing who she is.

When his son came at door and saw her. He started screaming at her, "How can you come to my house uninvited and scare my kids. Get out now and never come again.!!"

To this his mother replied, "Oh, I am so sorry. I may have gotten to wrong address." and left.

One day he got a letter from his college about reunion. He was excited to got here. After attending reunion he went to old shack. There his mother neighbor told him that she passed away and gave him a letter left for him.

He opened the letter and started reading it.

"My dearest son,
I think of you all the time. I miss you a lot. I am really sorry that i came to your house and scared your children. I was so glad to hear that you were gonna come back for reunion. I don't know if i will be able to get out of bed to see you.
I am sorry that i was a constant embarrassment when you were growing. You don't know that when you were little, you got into an accident and lost one of your eyes. As your mother i couldn't stand watching you to grow up having just one eye. So, I gave you mine.
Take care my Dear. Love you."

Moral: You never know what your Parents had been through to see you Happy. So Never Judge them and Respect and Care for them Always.

The Elephant and Her Friends - Story of the Day

The Elephant and Her Friends: Story of the Day - A person's size does not determine their worth.

Once upon a time, a lone elephant made her way into a strange forest. It was new to her, and she was looking to make friends. She approached a monkey and said, "Hello, monkey! Would you like to be my friend?" The monkey said, "You are too big to swing like me, so I can't be your friend." The elephant then went to a rabbit and asked the same question. The rabbit said, "You are too big to fit in my burrow, so I can't be your friend." The elephant also went to the frog in the pond and asked the same question. The frog replied, "You are too heavy to jump as high as me, so I can't be your friend."

The elephant was really sad because she couldn't make friends. Then, one day, she saw all the animals running deeper into the forest, and she asked a bear what the fuss was about. The bear said, "The lion is on the loose – they are running from him to save themselves." The elephant went up to the lion and said, "Please don't hurt these innocent people. Please leave them alone." The lion scoffed and asked the elephant to move aside. Then, the elephant got angry and pushed the lion with all her might, injuring him. All the other animals came out slowly and started to rejoice about the lion's defeat. They went to the elephant and said to her, "You are just the right size to be our friend!"

Moral: A person's size does not determine their worth.

The Proud Rose: Never judge someone by the way they look Story of the Day

The Proud Rose:

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful rose plant in a garden. One rose flower on the plant was proud of its beauty. However, it was disappointed that it was growing next to an ugly cactus. Every day, the rose would insult the cactus about its looks, but the cactus stayed quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried to stop the rose from bullying the cactus, but the rose was too swayed by its own beauty to listen to anyone.
One summer, a well in the garden dried up and there was no water for the plants. The rose slowly began to wilt. The rose saw a sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for some water. The rose then felt ashamed for having made fun of the cactus all this time. But because it was in need of water, it went to ask the cactus if it could have some water. The kind cactus agreed, and they both got through summer as friends.

Moral: Never judge someone by the way they look.

Nail And Fence Story : Words are more painful than physical abuse

Nail And Fence Story : Story of the Day

A Little Boy who Lived with his Father and Mother in a Small Village. He was only son in his family. Boy's Parents were Depressed due to his Bad Temper.

The boy used to get angry very soon and Taunt other kids and use angry words. He used to scold kids, friends, neighbors. Because of this his parents got worried. As even if Boy himself Forgot what he spoke in Anger but his Friends and neighbors remembered that and avoid him.

His parents tried many ways to console him and his anger and develop kindness but all got in vain. Finally his Father came up with an idea.

One day His father called him and gave him a bag full of nails. He asked him to hammer one nail to the fence every time he gets angry. At that time little boy found this hilarious But still accepted to do so.

On very first day, the nails he hammered to the fence were 30. Now, every time he lost temper he used to ran toward the fence and hammer a nail to it.

As the little boy found this very difficult and decided to control his temper. Gradually, the number of nails he used to hammered reduced in several days and the day arrived when no nail was hammered to the fence.

He told his father that it was several days that he did not hammer any nail and he did not lose his temper!

Now, his father told him to remove the nails every day as he had controlled his anger. In Some days the boy was able to pull out most of the nails from the fence. However, there remained a few nails that the boy could not pull out.

The boy told his father about the same. The father appreciated him and asked him pointing to the hole, "What do you see there?"

Boy replied " a Hole in the Fence "

He told the boy, "The nails were your bad temper and they were hammered on people. You can remove the nails but still see the holes in the fence. Again, you cannot pull out a few nails. The fence never look the same! It has scars all over! You can stab a man with a knife, but the wound will remain there forever. Words are more painful than physical abuse! Use words for good. Use them to embrace the relationships. Use them to show your heart!"

Moral: Inappropriate Verbal Usage Would Cause Permanent Marks Than Physical Damage..!! So, Let Our Words be Kind and Sweet.

The Needle Tree - Short Stories of the Day

The Needle Tree | Short Stories of the Day

There were once two brothers who lived on the edge of a forest. The elder brother was very mean to his younger brother and ate up all the food and took all his good clothes. One day, the elder brother went into the forest to find some firewood to sell in the market. As he went around chopping the branches of a tree after tree, he came upon a magical tree. The tree said to him, 'Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare me, I will give you my golden apples'. The elder brother agreed but was disappointed with the number apples the tree gave him. Greed overcame him, and he threatened to cut the entire trunk if the tree didn't give him more apples. The magical tree instead showered upon the elder brother hundreds upon hundreds of tiny needles. The elder brother lay on the ground crying in pain as the sun began to lower down the horizon.

The younger brother grew worried and went in search of his elder brother. He found him with hundreds of needles on his skin. He rushed to his brother and removed each needle with painstaking love. After he finished, the elder brother apologized for treating him badly and promised to be better. The tree saw the change in the elder brother's heart and gave them all the golden apples they could ever need.

Story Moral :- It is important to be kind and gracious as it will always be rewarded.

Donkey in The Well : Story of the Day

Donkey in The Well : Story of the Day

One day as farmer was passing by the well suddenly his donkey fell in to the well. Well was deep so donkey was not able to get out of it and cried for hours as farmer was trying to figure out idea to get it out of the well.

After hours of thinking and seeing donkey cry he finally decided that the well already needed to cover up and donkey was old and wasn't worth to retrieve. So, he invited all his friends and neighbor to help him cover up the well leaving donkey inside.

All the people grabbed shovel and started to through dirt inside the well. At first donkey didn't realized whats happening but when he realized he cried horribly. After some time he quieted down. Every one was amused to see this silence.

After farmer loaded few shovels he looked down in the well and was surprised to see that donkey did something amazing.

He saw that with every shovel dirt that fell on donkey's back it would shake it off and take a step up. As people continue to shovel dirt donkey continued to do same and take step up. Pretty soon he was at the edge of the well and it's life was saved.

Moral: When life shovel all kind of dirt on you, trick is to Not to get Down by all the problems and Take time to stop and think of way to solve it.

True Caring Nature : Story of the Day

True Caring Nature : Story of the Day

One day in forest, an old man was roaming around was he saw a little cat struck in a hole. He saw that it was struggling to get out of it very hard but still wasn't able to get out.

So old man thought of helping it and gave a hand to get him out of that hole. But because of fear that car scratched old man hand. This hurt-ed the man and he pulled his hand screaming with pain.

Despite this attack of cat he again and again tried to give his hand to cat.

Another man going that way saw this and watching the scene, screamed with surprise, "Man!! Stop helping that cat. it is going to get itself out of that hole."

Old man did not cared about what man said and continued saving tha cat until he finally succeeded to get it out of that hole.

Then, he walked to another man and said, "Son, its cat's instinct that make him scratch and hurt me. But it's my job to Love and Care."

Moral: Treat Everyone around you with your Ethics, not with Theirs. Treat the People the way you want to be Treated by Them.

Little boy who Wanted to meet God - Story of the Day

It's Story of Little boy who Wanted to meet God: Story of the Day

It's Story of Little boy who Wanted to meet God. So, He packed his suitcase with Twinkies and Juice for his long trip to meet God and started his journey.

About three blocks away he saw a long-haired, beard biker sitting by his motorcycle in park relaxing amongst nature. Boy sat down next to that biker and opened his suitcase. When boy was about to take out twinkie from his case to eat, he noticed that little boy looked hungry and he offer biker a twinkie.

Biker gratefully accepted it and smiled warmly at boy. Boy found his smile so pretty that he wanted to see that smile again, so he offered juice to biker wishing to see that smile again. Again accepting juice that biker smiled nicely at boy. Child was delighted.

Both of them sat all afternoon there munching twinkies and drinking juice, Smiling happily but never exchanged a word. As darkness came, boy realized that it was time to leave and got up walked few step. Suddenly he turned back to beard man(biker) and gave him a hug. Biker gave Biggest and Warmest smile ever as boy ran off back to his home.

When boy opened door of his house and entered house his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. Mother asked him, "What did you do today which made you so happy?" He replied, "I had lunch with God. You know what he has the coolest motorcycle I have ever see." His mother just stood there surprised by reply of boy.

Meanwhile, biker returned to his home radiant with joy. His pet was so awestruck by the look of peace on his face that he asked, "What you did today that made you so happy?" He replied, "I ate twinkies with God in park. You know God's much younger than i expected."

Moral: We often underestimate the Power of Touch, Smile, Kind Words, Smallest act of Caring, All of which have the Potential to Turn a Life around.

Father and Son in the Train : Story of the Day

Father and Son in the Train

A father and son were traveling by train. Boy was 24years old. The boy was really excited and was looking out of window.

Suddenly he shouted, "Dad look trees are going behind.."

His dad smiled. There was a young couple sitting near by them. When they saw the childish behavior of boy they felt weird with pity for boy.

Suddenly boy again exclaimed, "Dad look outside, Clouds are running with us."

Now seeing this again the couple couldn't resist and said to old man, "Why don't you take your son to Doctor?"

Old man understood and just smiled and said, "I did, We are just coming back from hospital. My son was blind from birth and there at hospital he had operation. He just got his Eyes and now we are going back to home."

Moral: Don't judge people before truly knowing them Because everyone has a story and Sometimes Truth might Surprise you.


Little Boys Tip to Waiter : Story of the Day

Little Boys Tip to Waiter :

A 9 year old boy went to an Ice cream shop. There he sat on table and waiter came.

Waiter: What do you want??

Boy: Can you tell me how much an ice cream cone cost??

Waiter: Rs 15/-

After knowing rate boy checked his pocket for money. After checking it he asked waiter for the cost of smaller ice cream cone.

Waiter replied: Rs12/-

After waiter's reply boy ordered for smaller cone. He ate his ice cream and paid bill and left.

When boy left waiter came to pick up the empty plate and paid bill But as he took the paid bill tears rolled down from his eyes.

Boy paid with Rs 15 he had and had left Rs 3 as Tip..!!

Moral: We should try to Make people Happy around us with Something you Have. Sometimes even a small kind of Kindness can make someone happy.

Story of Alfred: Story of the Day

Story of Alfred:

About hundred of years ago, A man woke and got his newspaper from door. As he sat to read newspaper to his horror ans surprise he read his name in the obituary column.

Newspaper reported the death of person himself by mistake. Firstly he got shocked but after sometime he regained his mental state to normal and now he wanted to find out about what people had said about him

"Dynamite king Died. He was merchant of death."

That man was inventor of dynamite. After reading this obituary he asked him self, "Is this how i want to be remembered?"

He felt something inside and decide that it's not way he wanted to be remembered and from that day onward he started working for Peace.

His name was Alfred Nobel and he is not remember for Great Nobel Prize. The most prestigious Peace prize given to people from different fields for their work towards peace.

Moral: What ever we have done in past but still we can change our life and people views towards us. So never give up. Anytime is good to start good work.

माता-पिता के लिए बच्चों (card to parents)का कार्ड‌ : Hindi Story of the Day

एक परिवार में पिता माता और एक बच्चा रहता था। माता-पिता उसे घर की दीवारों पर पेंटिंग के रंगों से अपने हाथ की छाप छापने के लिए डांटते थे।

एक दिन बच्चे ने अपने माता-पिता को एक हस्तनिर्मित कार्ड दिया।

जब माता-पिता को कार्ड मिला तो उन्होंने देखा कि कार्ड पर उनके बेटे के हाथ की एक छोटी सी छाप थी। अंदर उनकी एक तस्वीर थी जिसमें उनकी तस्वीर के साथ एक छोटा सा नोट लिखा हुआ था।

लिखे गए शब्द थे "कभी-कभी आप गुस्सा और निराश हो जाते हैं क्योंकि मैं बहुत छोटा हूं और अपनी उंगलियों के निशान फर्नीचर और दीवारों पर छोड़ देता हूं।
हर रोज बढ़ रहा हूं और एक दिन ये फिंगर प्रिंट मिट जाएंगे। इसलिए, यहां कार्ड पर मेरे हाथ का अंतिम हैंड प्रिंट लगाया गया है ताकि एक दिन आप याद कर सकें कि जब मैं छोटा था तो मेरा फिंगरप्रिंट बिल्कुल कैसा दिखता था।

उन्हें एहसास हुआ कि वे जीवन की दौड़ में क्या खोते जा रहे हैं और यह बात दिल को छू गई और उन्होंने उन्हें प्यार से गले लगाया और चूमा।

Moral: बच्चों के साथ समय बिताने के लिए इंतजार न करें। धीमा और आनंद जीवन लें और परिवार के साथ बिताएं। एक बार समय बीत जाने के बाद आपको वह वापस नहीं मिलेगा और जीवन का आनंद लेना बेहतर है न कि बाद में पछताना।

Kid Card to Parents : Story of the Day

Kid Handmade Card to Parents : Story of the Day

In a family lived father mother and a child. Parents used to scold him for printing his hand print with painting colors all over the walls of house.

One day kid gave a Handmade card to his parents.

When parents got the card they saw there was a little hand print of their son on card. Inside there was a photograph of him with a little note writing with his photo.

Words written were " Sometimes you get angry and discouraged because i am so small and leave my fingerprints on furniture and walls.
Am growing everyday and some day these finger prints will fade away. So, here is put a final hand print of my hand here on card so that one day you can recall how my fingerprint exactly looked when i was small."

They realized what they have been losing in the race of life and this touched heart heart and they hugged and kissed him with love.

Moral: Don't wait to spend time with kids. Slow down and enjoy and spend with family. Once time pass away you will not get that back and its better to enjoy life now then to regret later.

You Will Never Lose Your Value : Story of the Day

You Will Never Lose Your Value:

A very well known speaker started his seminar holding a note of Rs100. In that seminar room there were total 200 people.

Now looking at the people he asked, "Who would like to have this 100rs (note)?"

Hands started to go up.

Now he said, "I will give you this but let me first do this." then he proceeded and started to crumple the note.

After crumpling phone he then asked again, "Who still wants it?"

Still there were hands up in the air.

"Well", He responded. "What if i do this?"

Then he dropped it on the ground and pressed it on the floor with his shoes. Now he picked it up and this time note was all crumpled and dirty, "Now who still wants it?" He asked

Again there were hands up in the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very important lesson today and that is No matter what i did to this note but it doesn't decrease the value of this (note) it still values 100rs."

Moral: Many times in life situation come when we drop, crumple and get dirt by making wrong decisions. We fell like worthless but no matter what happens, you will Never Lose you Value.
