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Verbs Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.


Sugary drinks …………………… (boost / are boosting / boosts) your energy levels. Someday, sugar …………………………. (might / can /should) power your electronic equipment as well. Scientists ……………………………. (have found / are finding / found) a way to turn sugar into electricity.

The fuel cells that are currently used ………………………… (depend / depends / are depending) on precious metals, such as platinum, to spark chemical reactions that ……………………… (produce / are producing / produced) electric currents. The new strategy …………………………. (involve / involves / is involving) fuel cells that use a type of protein called enzymes in place of the metals. In the cells of living things, including people, enzymes ………………………….. (is / are / have) what spark chemical reactions. To keep up the pace that our bodies ………………………….. (demand / demanded / are demanding), our cells constantly ………………………. (produce / produced / are producing) new enzymes as the old ones break down.


Sugary drinks boost your energy levels. Someday, sugar might power your electronic equipment as well. Scientists have found a way to turn sugar into electricity.

The fuel cells that are currently used depend on precious metals, such as platinum, to spark chemical reactions that produce electric currents. The new strategy involves fuel cells that use a type of protein called enzymes in place of the metals. In the cells of living things, including people, enzymes are what spark chemical reactions. To keep up the pace that our bodies demand, our cells constantly produce new enzymes as the old ones break down.

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Prepositions Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.


The philosophy …………………… (for / behind / about) Domo is that humans and robots can work together to accomplish tasks that neither could do all alone… ………………………… (As / For / Because) Domo or any robot to safely interact ………………………. (with / to / at) humans the robot has to be able to sense when a humans is touching it. Domo has springs ………………………. (on / in / with) its arms, hands, and neck that can sense force and respond ……………………… (to / at / with) it. If you grab its hand and push, the robot will move the way you want it to. But if you apply too much force or move its hands ……………………… (in / around / at) the wrong direction the robot will voice its displeasure ………………………. (by / with) saying ‘ouch’.


The philosophy behind Domo is that humans and robots can work together to accomplish tasks that neither could do all alone. For Domo or any robot to safely interact with humans the robot has to be able to sense when a humans is touching it. Domo has springs in its arms, hands, and neck that can sense force and respond to it. If you grab its hand and push, the robot will move the way you want it to. But if you apply too much force or move its hands in the wrong direction the robot will voice its displeasure by saying ‘ouch’.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
6 October 2019

Active English with vk ™
👍 4
💖 2
👌 1

Gap Fills Exercise


Summer has ………………….. (spring / sprang / sprung). The vernal equinox …………………. (usher / ushers / is ushering) in increased daylight, warmer days and sprouting flowers, plants and trees. This is the ideal time to start …………………. (build / building/ to build) your own family garden.

Start small. Window boxes or containers can actually …………….. (turn / turning / turned) out to be rather luxurious gardens. Recycle clean bleach and milk containers. Cut off the tops and ……………… (use / using) them as planters. Be willing to put ………………….. (off / in / up) with a less-than-perfect looking garden: crooked rows and weeds are okay. Can’t afford expensive gardening tools? No problem. Plastic spoons and shovels work …………………. (good / well) in window boxes.


Summer has sprung. The vernal equinox ushers in increased daylight, warmer days and sprouting flowers, plants and trees. This is the ideal time to start building your own family garden.

Start small. Window boxes or containers can actually turn out to be rather luxurious gardens. Recycle clean bleach and milk containers. Cut off the tops and use them as planters. Be willing to put up with a less-than-perfect looking garden: crooked rows and weeds are okay. Can’t afford expensive gardening tools? No problem. Plastic spoons and shovels work well in window boxes.

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Verb Forms Exercise


Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

1. Russia ……………… started / is starting / has started) building the world’s first official floating nuclear power station.

2. Raven, a portable medical robot, …………………….. (creating / created / creates) by scientists in the US will be ……………………. (testing / tested) next month in an underwater environment designed by NASA to simulate zero gravity

3. First floating nuclear plant is on the anvil. It is …………………….. (expected / expecting) to be ready in 2010. Russia ……………………. (hopes / has hoped / hoped) to export the power plants for use in seas from the Indian Ocean to the Arctic.

4. Russia ………………………… (plans / has planned / planned) to build the world’s longest tunnel, a transport and pipeline link under the Bering Strait to Alaska.

5. A 6,000 km transport corridor from Siberia into the US ……………………….. (feed / will feed / would feed) into the tunnel, which at 64 miles will be more than twice as long as the underwater section of the Channel Tunnel between the UK and the France.


1. Russia has started building the world’s first official floating nuclear power station.

2. Raven, a portable medical robot created by scientists in the US will be tested next month in an underwater environment designed by NASA to simulate zero gravity

3. First floating nuclear plant is on the anvil. It is expected to be ready in 2010. Russia hopes to export the power plants for use in seas from the Indian Ocean to the Arctic.

4. Russia plans to build the world’s longest tunnel, a transport and pipeline link under the Bering Strait to Alaska.

5. A 6,000 km transport corridor from Siberia into the US will feed into the tunnel, which at 64 miles will be more than twice as long as the underwater section of the Channel Tunnel between the UK and the France.

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Verbs Exercise


HeartLander, a robot ………….. (designed / designing) by scientists in the US, can attach pacemakers and ……………………. (administer / administering / administers) injections to beating hearts. The device has already ……………….. (been / being) successfully used on pigs and may eventually …………………. (spell / spells / spelled) the end for open heart surgery.


HeartLander, a robot designed by scientists in the US, can attach pacemakers and administer injections to beating hearts. The device has already been successfully used on pigs and may eventually spell the end for open heart surgery.

Exercise 2


Climate change has ……………………. (pitted / pitting / pit) India, China and Pakistan against the developed world ………………………. (lead / led/leading) by the US and EU. The three Asian countries ………………………. (joined / has joined / have joined) forces to oppose a move by the US and European nations to bring climate change into the ambit of the UN Security Council. Both India and China ………………….. (argue / argued / has argued) that the Security Council did not have the competence to deal with the problem.


Climate change has pitted India, China and Pakistan against the developed world led by the US and EU. The three Asian countries have joined forces to oppose a move by the US and European nations to bring climate change into the ambit of the UN Security Council. Both India and China argued that the Security Council did not have the competence to deal with the problem.

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Question Tags Exercise

Add appropriate question tags.


1. It is a cold day, ……………………..?

2. Diana is very clever, ………………………….?

3. We must be careful, ……………………………?

4. It rained yesterday, ………………………..?

5. You won the first prize, ………………………..?

6. Robert lives in Mumbai, ……………………….?

7. You met him yesterday, …………………………….?

8. They will go home tomorrow, …………………………..?

9. I am smarter than you, ………………………..?

10. Nobody came, ………………………..?

11. Geeta doesn’t have any children, ………………………..?

12. We saw him there, ………………………….?

13. The boy resembles his mother, ………………………….?


1. It is a cold day, isn’t it?

2. Diana is very clever, isn’t she?

3. We must be careful, mustn’t we?

4. It rained yesterday, didn’t it?

5. You won the first prize, didn’t you?

6. Robert lives in Mumbai, doesn’t he?

7. You met him yesterday, didn’t you?

8. They will go home tomorrow, won’t they?

9. I am smarter than you, aren’t I?

10. Nobody came, did they?

11. Geeta doesn’t have any children, does she?

12. We saw him there, didn’t we?

13. The boy resembles his mother, doesn’t he?

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Change Into Present Tenses

The sentences given below are in the past tenses. Change them into the corresponding present tenses.



1. He worked at a bank.

2. I was talking to him.

3. She won a lottery.

4. Dad was fixing his bike in the garage.

5. The children were playing with their dog.

6. I had been waiting for two hours.

7. We had not heard anything from them.

8. He wanted to talk to the minister.

9. The child waited for his mother at the gate.

10. The man asked what I was doing there.


1. He works at a bank. (In the simple present tense, the verb takes the marker -s when the subject is a singular noun.)

2. I am talking to him.

3. She wins a lottery.

4. Dad is fixing his bike in the garage.

5. The children are playing with their dog.

6. I have been waiting for two hours.

7. We have not heard anything from them.

8. He wants to talk to the minister.

9. The child waits for his mother at the gate.

10. The man asks what I am doing there.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
11 October 2019

Active English with vk ™
16 October 2019

Active English with vk ™
💖 2

In the following questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the best alternative.


1. The criminal ————— madness to escape punishment.

a) showed
b) acted
c) affected
d) none of these

2. During his regime, Akbar —————- many reforms in the country.

a) made
b) caused
c) effected
d) started

3. He did not get a promotion, as there was a/an ————— report against him.

a) impressive
b) good
c) adverse
d) wrong

4. Which cat is ————— to fish?

a) against
b) averse
c) adverse
d) none of these

5. I can apprehend the bare principles of the Theory of Relativity, but I cannot ————— its full implications.

a) assimilate
b) digest
c) comprehend
d) conceive

6. I shall not —————— my right to this house, unless you promise to give me another one.

a) discard
b) give in
c) avoid
d) waive

7. Every one should know the basic —————— of economics.

a) principals
b) rules
c) principles
d) laws

8. There we met a —————– gentleman with a tall stature and a flowing beard.

a) revered
b) reverent
c) reverend
d) respectful

9. He hates his landlady because he feels that she is ————- and meddlesome.

a) carefree
b) caring
c) official
d) officious

10. Only —————- people succeed in life.

a) ingenuous
b) industrious
c) religious
d) industrial

11. It was a —————– presentation and we all enjoyed it thoroughly.

a) masterful
b) mastery
c) masterly
d) mastermind

12. He lives a ————– life in the city, neglecting his old parents in the village.

a) satisfactory
b) luxurious
c) miserable
c) noble


1. Affected
2. effected
3. adverse
4. averse
5. comprehend
6. waive
7. principles
8. reverend
9. officious
10. industrious
11. masterly
12. luxurious

🦋 @vkmagzineg

In the following questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the best alternative.


1. The man who wins is the man who thinks he —————

a) will
b) shall
c) can
d) may

2. Jayaprakash Narayan was one of the ——————– freedom fighters who adhered to Gandhian values till the end of his life.

a) famous
b) important
c) pre-eminent
d) significant

3. Such was his personality that he commanded respect both from his admirers and ————-.

a) opponents
b) supporters
c) patrons
d) fans

4. JP was —————– in launching the people’s movement in the country.

a) useful
b) instrumental
c) leader
d) operational

5. By honouring JP with Bharat Ratna, the nation has indeed ————— his great services.

a) approved
b) appreciated
c) acknowledged
d) admired

6. Apart from political leaders and high profile social activists, there are many ————- heroes quietly working towards the realization of their aspirations.

a) unknown
b) unsung
c) unfamiliar
d) obscure

7. Productive employment is the only —————– solution to poverty in any country.

a) sustainable
b) necessary
c) satisfactory
d) required

8. A frustrated person is a —————- threat to social order and harmony.

a) sure
b) possible
c) potential
d) grave

9. It is a pity that instead of being —————- of students’ causes, most of the student organizations in our country have become poor xerox copies of their parent political parties.

a) leaders
b) champions
c) masters
d) advisors

10. It is essential that our students understand the true nature and —————– of the unemployment problem.

a) scope
b) size
c) magnitude
d) potential


1. can
2. pre-eminent
3. opponents
4. instrumental
5. acknowledged
6. unsung
7. sustainable
8. potential
9. champions
10. magnitude

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Complete the following sentences.


1. Success cannot ————– one who mentally and physically associates oneself with the project in hand.

a) elude
b) escape
c) distract
d) evasive

2. Smooth complexioned with shining eyes, she had a radiant appearance which at once ——————- every body.

a) inspired
b) impressed
c) pleased
d) antagonized

3. Parents should —————— on their children that education is the most important qualification they need in life.

a) realize
b) understand
c) impress
d) teach

4. Through decades there have been a public ——————- against corruption, administrative inefficiency and unresponsiveness.

a) response
b) outcry
c) protest
d) agitation

5. The disenchantment of women with post independence development scenario is justified since developmental progress has failed to —————— women and continue to serve the ends of patriarchy.

a) associate
b) incorporate
c) assimilate
d) none of these

6. Sometimes when two is a company, three can be a —————-

a) crowd
b) nuisance
c) hell
d) bore

7. All of us should understand that crime never —————

a) helps
b) pays
c) works
d) matters

8. Sometimes success is just a matter of your ability to hang ———-

a) out
b) about
c) in
d) on

9. All of us want the people of the country to be a disciplined lot, but have we ever spared a minute to give the ——————- lessons of discipline to our kids?

a) elementary
b) complex
b) important
d) significant

10. Few —————– are ever successful in life; the tough competitive world demands an exactness, a precision and an ability to outshine others.

a) Johns
b) Toms
c) Jacks
d) Peters


1. elude
2. impressed
3. impress
4. outcry
5. incorporate
6. crowd
7. pays
8. on
9. elementary
10. Jacks

🦋 @vkmagzineg

Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. Though he took a leap in the ………………………. by investing all his savings in the share market, he later found that it was well worth the risk.

a) dark
b) abyss
c) light
d) hole

2. The rank and …………………………. of the party has turned against the leader.

a) class
b) file
c) officers
d) people

3. He was caught in the act and landed in ……………………… trouble.
a) intense
b) dreaded
c) terrible
d) deep

4. A bad worker ……………………… his tools.

a) works
b) plays
c) fights
d) blames

5. Owing to their bad conduct on an off the field, some members of the team were ……………………… from taking part in the remaining matches.

a) exempted
b) excluded
c) banned
d) outlawed

6. The government has agreed to pay compensation ……………………….. damaged crops, land and cattle.

a) to
b) through
c) for
d) of

7. The driver swerved violently at the turning, and the wheel came off because it was already …………………………..

a) lose
b) loose
c) loss
d) lost

8. The writer, like a spider ………………………… a web; the creatures caught in the web have no substance, no reality.

a) spins
b) catches
c) writes
d) compiles

9. The problems that an undeveloped economy faces are …………………………….

a) myopic
b) dubious
c) enormous
d) morbid

10. The head of the department was kind, even ……………………… towards his students.

a) harsh
b) friendly
c) strict
d) suspicious


1. dark
2. file
3. deep
4. blames
5. banned
6. for
7. loose
8. spins
9. enormous
10. friendly

🦋 @vkmagzineg

18 October 2019

Active English with vk ™
👍 4
💖 1
Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. The visitor was given a ——————– welcome.

a) ceremonious
b) ceremonial
c) celebrated
d) cold

2. Please convey my —————– to your brother.

a) compliments
b) complements
c) feelings
d) emotions

3. I shall tell you something, but keep it —————

a) confidence
b) confidential
c) confident
d) public

4. This practice does not —————- to the rules laid down by the council.

a) confirm
b) conform
c) support
d) rectify

5. Cancer is not a —————- disease.

a) serious
b) contagious
c) contiguous
d) contaminated

6. Several Indians have —————- to Australia in the last few years.

a) immigrated
b) emigrated
c) entered
d) visited

7. In my —————–, a Third World War is very unlikely.

a) calculation
b) estimation
c) belief
d) prospect

8. In this collection, he has made a ————- selection of light essays as well as thought provoking ones.

a) imprudent
b) judicious
c) judicial
d) legal

9. Tokyo is a ————— city.

a) popular
b) populous
c) inhabited
d) uninhabited

10. In the olden days people believed that the earth was —————

a) stationary
b) stationery
c) moving
d) revolving

11. I am —————– about getting their support in this matter.

a) sanguine
b) hopeless
c) pessimistic
d) none of these

12. The robber —————– a pistol and threatened the passengers.

a) showed
b) displayed
c) used
d) brandished

13. He was —————– of the charge of theft.

a) released
b) acquitted
c) admitted
d) denied


1. ceremonious
2. compliments
3. confidential
4. conform
5. contagious
6. emigrated
7. estimation
8. judicious
9. populous
10. stationary
11. sanguine
12. brandished
13. acquitted

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. He supported his arguments with —————- quotations.

a) irrelevant
b) apposite
c) opposite
d) adjudged

2. Don’t be under the —————— that you can succeed without working hard.

a) allusion
b) belief
c) illusion
d) faith

3. The students were asked to give a/an ——————— of the whole novel in about 300 words.

a) content
b) abstract
c) extract
d) none of these

4. He —————- the bottle to show that there was not a drop left.

a) averted
b) turned
c) inverted
d) emptied

5. The bill was actually passed in a/an —————- form because members suggested several amendments.

a) extenuate
b) attenuate
c) mild
d) complete

6. He has great —————– for his grand children.

a) affection
b) affectation
c) affinity
d) none of these

7. The government has introduced a project to help —————–, especially the weavers and ivory makers, find a market for their products.

a) artisans
b) partisans
c) artists
d) technicians

8. Spend wisely so that your expenditure does not —————– your income.

a) accede
b) exceed
c) cross
d) outwit

9. She asked him to ————– his tongue.

a) bridal
b) bridle
c) rein
d) control

10. The hoarders and black marketers deserve —————– punishment.

a) corporate
b) corporal
c) competent
d) corpulent

11. His blindness is —————-

a) congenial
b) conjunctive
c) congenital
d) none of these

12. He was —————— by her beauty.

a) captured
b) decapitated
c) captivated
d) connived


1. apposite
2. illusion
3. abstract
4. inverted
5. attenuate
6. affection
7. artisans
8. exceed
9. bridle
10. corporal
11. congenital
12. captivated

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase. This exercise tests your range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.


1. We were shocked ————- the news of his death.

a) with
b) at
c) on
d) from

2. I ran ——————- John this meaning.

a) at
b) in
c) into
d) of

3. I am quite disappointed —————- her.

a) towards
b) by
c) with
d) of

4. When I got there the house —————- pulled down.

a) was
b) is
c) has been
d) had been

5. We ——————— finished by tomorrow afternoon.

a) will finish
b) would finish
c) will have finished
d) had

6. John applied to join army last week but wasn’t tall ————

a) also
b) too
c) enough
d) as well

7. I wish I —————– a better memory.

a) have
b) had
c) will have
d) would have

8. I wondered who —————– left the door open.

a) was
b) has
c) had
d) did

9. I ————— tennis three times this week.

a) have played
b) had played
c) have been playing
d) had been playing

10. He —————— in the same job for twenty years.

a) was working
b) has worked
c) is working
d) had been working

11. Too many books ——————— written about the World Wars.

a) have
b) had
c) have been
d) had been

12. I didn’t knew why I —————– chosen.

a) am
b) have been
c) had been
d) had

13. John isn’t here. Peter isn’t here ———–

a) neither
b) either
c) also
d) too


1. at
2. into (ran into=meet)
3. with
4. had been
5. will have finished
6. enough
7. had
8. had
9. have played
10. has worked
11. have been
12. had been
13. either

🦋 @vkmagzineg
In the following questions sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the best alternative.


1. If you …………………………… respect, you get respect.

a) will give
b) give
c) would give
d) could give

2. I will buy a car if I ………………………. my raise.

a) will get
b) get
c) would get
d) may get

3. If you …………………….. on time, we will go the movies.

a) had finished
b) finish
c) finished
d) were finished

4. If I ………………………. this race, I would be very happy.

a) win
b) won
c) had won
d) have won

5. I …………………………. grateful if you lent me some money.

a) will be
b) would be
c) am
d) were

6. The universe ……………………………… and it has been since its beginning.

a) is expanding
b) expands
c) will expand
d) would expand

7. I will kill anybody who ………………………….. my possessions.

a) touches
b) will touch
c) would touch
d) touched

8. Try to be polite …………………………. him for once.

a) to
b) with
c) on
d) by

9. The noise prevented me …………………………….. getting any sleep.

a) with
b) from
c) of
d) to

10. I don’t want to take part ………………………….. any more discussions.

a) at
b) on
c) in
d) to

11. What is wrong ……………………………. her?

a) with
b) on
c) at
d) in

12. He is rude …………………………. everybody.

a) with
b) to
c) on
d) at


1. give
2. get
3. finish
4. won
5. would be
6. is expanding
7. touches
8. to
9. from
10. in
11. with
12. to

🦋 @vkmagzineg
21 October 2019
Active English with vk ™
👍 2
💖 1
👌 2
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the adjective given in the brackets.


1. I earn ………………………… money than a sweeper. (little)

2. Ruth is the ……………………………. girl in the class. (intelligent)

3. My hands were as …………………………. as ice. (cold)

4. You are the ………………………….. person in the whole office. (annoying)

5. My ambition is to spend the ………………………….. possible time working. (little)

6. She is …………………………. than her brother. (clever)

7. I am the ……………………….. person in the world. (happy)

8. Can you speak any ……………………… (loud)

9. He plays ………………………… than anybody else in the team. (good)

10. The older I get, ……………………………. I am. (happy)

11. The ……………………….. students were a boy and a girl from Asia. (clever)

12. I would buy this coat if it was …………………………… (expensive)


1. I earn less money than a sweeper.

2. Ruth is the most intelligent girl in the class.

3. My hands were as cold as ice.

4. You are the most annoying person in the whole office.

5. My ambition is to spend the least possible time working.

6. She is cleverer than her brother.

7. I am the happiest person in the world.

8. Can you speak any louder?

9. He plays better than anybody else in the team.

10. The older I get, the happier I am.

11. The cleverest students were a boy and a girl from Asia.

12. I would buy this coat if it was less expensive.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Conjunctions are words used to connect two clauses. They may also connect two words. Examples are: and, but, or, because, when, before, until, if etc.. Prepositions show the relation between a noun and some other word in the sentence. While conjunctions are followed by clauses, prepositions are followed by nouns or noun equivalents. Common prepositions are: on, in, at, down, above, over, by, with, between, among.


Complete the following sentences with a preposition or conjunction.

1. ……………………….. I ran fast, I finished first. (Because / Because of)

2. I am happy ………………………… my children. (because / because of)

3. I must leave ……………………….. 6 o’clock. (before / in front of)

4. The car is parked ……………………….. the bank. (before / in front of)

5. The whole town was ………………………… water. (under / below)

6. I didn’t like that house; …………………………, it is too small. (beside / besides)

7. Who is that pretty girl sitting ……………………….. Sita? (beside / besides)

8. She has a number of celebrities ………………………….. her friends. (among / between)

9. ………………………….. the first to arrive was the mayor. (Among / Between)

10. I was interviewed ………………………… two directors. (by / with)


1. Because I ran fast, I finished first.

2. I am happy because of my children.

3. I must leave before 6 o’clock.

4. The car is parked in front of the bank.

5. The whole town was under water.

6. I didn’t like that house; besides, it is too small.

7. Who is that pretty girl sitting beside Sita?

8. She has a number of celebrities among her friends.

9. Among the first to arrive was the mayor.

10. I was interviewed by two directors.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Test your range of English vocabulary with this exercise. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.


1. Such an antiquated law should be ………………………. (null)

2. The school is responsible for ……………………….. the child’s mind. (nurture)

3. The diet is …………………………. but low in calories. (nutrition)

4. The dog was sent to school to learn ………………………….. (obedient)

5. ……………………….. has become a major health problem among children. (obese)

6. He apologized for his ………………………… behavior. (objection)

7. Paying taxes is ……………………….. (obligation)

8. The writer once popular is now relegated to ……………………….. (oblivious)

9. ……………………….. of the rules is important in this game. (observe)

10. Becoming a millionaire is an ………………………….. with him. (obsess)


1. Such an antiquated law should be nullified.

2. The school is responsible for nurturing the child’s mind.

3. The diet is nutritious but low in calories.

4. The dog was sent to school to learn obedience.

5. Obesity has become a major health problem among children.

6. He apologized for his objectionable behavior.

7. Paying taxes is obligatory.

8. The writer once popular is now relegated to oblivion.

9. Observance of the rules is important in this game.

10. Becoming a millionaire is an obsession with him.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. The party took a ————— decision at its plenary meeting.

a) major
b) trivial
c) insignificant
d) momentous

2. He ————— ignorance to escape punishment.

a) showed
b) acted
c) feigned
d) fainted

3. The princess was very —————– and readily agreed to lend her name to the cause of homeless children.

a) graceful
b) beautiful
c) precious
d) gracious

4. Many European countries are trying to check the —————- of coloured people into their territories.

a) emigration
b) infiltration
c) immigration
d) none of these

5. It seems that another confrontation between the two hostile countries is ————–.

a) eminent
b) imminent
c) imaginable
d) necessary

6. Audio-visual aids are necessary to —————- the teaching of science subjects.

a) felicitate
b) implement
c) facilitate
d) feasible

7. He presented his ideas in a lucid and —————- manner.

a) feasible
b) comprehensive
c) confidential
d) comprehensible

8. The engineer, in —————— with the contractor, cheated the government of a lot of money.

a) association
b) collaboration
c) connection
d) collusion

9. A child’s mind requires a ————— surrounding to develop fully.

a) confidential
b) affectionate
c) careful
d) congenial

10. The candidates have been vigorously ————— the support of the voters.

a) pleading
b) asking
c) demanding
d) canvassing

11. I hate ————— in speech or manner.

a) affection
b) tact
c) affectation
d) none of these

12. You must be able to ————— yourself to changing circumstances to be successful.

a) adopt
b) assign
c) adapt
d) advocate

13. We must do whatever is necessary to ——————- a Third World War.

a) stop
b) avert
c) invert
d) cancel


1. momentous
2. feigned
3. gracious
4. immigration
5. imminent
6. facilitate
7. comprehensible
8. collusion
9. congenial
10. canvassing
11. affectation
12. adapt
13. avert

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●


➟ aren’t=are not
➟ can’t=cannot
➟ could’ve=could have
➟ couldn’t=could not
➟ didn’t=did not
➟ doesn’t=does not
➟ don’t=do not
➟ gonna=going to
➟ gotta=got to, got a
➟ hadn’t=had not
➟ hasn t=has not
➟ haven t=have not
➟ he’d=he had, he would
➟ he’ll=he shall, he will
➟ he’s=he has, he is
➟ how’d=how did, how would
➟ how’ll=how will
➟ how’s=how has, how is
➟ I’d=I had, I would
➟ I’ll=I shall / I will
➟ I’m=I am
➟ I’ve=I have
➟ isn’t=is not
➟ it’d=it would
➟ it’ll=it shall, it will
➟ it’s=it has, it is
➟ mightn’t=might not
➟ might’ve=might have
➟ mustn’t=must not
➟ must’ve=must have
➟ needn t=need not
➟ she’d=she had / she would
➟ she’ll=she shall, she will
➟ she’s=she has, she is
➟ should’ve=should have
➟ shouldn’t=should not somebody’s=somebody is
➟ someone’d=someone had, someone would
➟ someone’ll=someone shall, someone will
➟ someone’s=someone has, someone is
➟ something’d=something had
➟ something’ll=something shall, something will
➟ something’s=something has, something is
➟ that’ll=that will
➟ that’s=that has, that is
➟ that’d=that would, that had
➟ there’d=there had, there would
➟ there’d’ve=there would have
➟ there’re=there are
➟ there’s=there has / there is
➟ they’d=they would
➟ they’d’ve=they would have
➟ they’ll=they shall, they will
➟ they’re=they are
➟ they’ve=they have
➟ wasn’t=was not
➟ we’d=we had
➟ we’ll=we will
➟ we’re=we are
➟ we’ve=we have
➟ weren’t=were not
➟ what’ll=what will
➟ what’re=what are
➟ what’s=what has / what is
➟ what’ve=what have
➟ when’s=when is
➟ where’d=where did
➟ where’s=where has, where is
➟ where’ve where have
➟ who’d=who would
➟ who’d’ve=who would have
➟ who’ll=who shall, who will
➟ who’re=who are
➟ who’s=who has, who is

🦋 @vkmagzineg
24 October 2019
Active English with vk ™
💖 1
👌 1
The words few and little are determiners with similar meanings. Use few with plural nouns. Use little with uncountable nouns.
Use a few and a little to mean some. Use few and little to mean almost none or almost nothing.


Fill in the blanks with few or little.

1. There were only ……………………. students in the class. (a few / a little)

2. I did …………………. work yesterday. (little / few)

3. She has ……………………… friends in the city. (few / little)

4. ………………………. people understand philosophy. (few / little)

5. Very …………………… students like mathematics. (few / little)

6. Only ……………………. people can speak a foreign language perfectly. (a few / a little)

7. I have ……………………… if any interest in politics. (little / few)

8. There are …………………… eggs in the fridge. (a few / a little)

9. I am feeling a ……………………….. better today. (little / few)

10. She is a ……………………. known French writer. (little / few)


1. There were only a few students in the class.

2. I did little work yesterday.

3. She has few friends in the city.

4. Few people understand philosophy.

5. Very few students like mathematics.

6. Only a few people can speak a foreign language perfectly.

7. I have little if any interest in politics.

8. There are a few eggs in the fridge.

9. I am feeling a little better today.

10. She is a little known French writer.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

🍓15 Comparative Idioms

1. It’s as light as a feather.

2. It’s as dry as a bone.

3. It’s as flat as a pancake.

4. He’s as mad as a hornet.

5. It’s as old as the hills.

6. It’s as quick as lightning.

7. She’s as sick as a dog.

8. He’s as strong as an ox.

9. They’re as different as night and day.

10. She’s as stubborn as a mule.

11. He’s as proud as a peacock.

12. She’s as white as a sheet. (usually used when someone is very
afraid or very sick)

13. It’s as solid as a rock.

14. It’s as good as new. (used after something broken has been

15. It’s as clear as mud. (=it’s not clear at all)

🦋 @vkmagzineg
27 October 2019
Active English with vk ™
👍 1
💖 2
👌 1
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Complete the following with suitable adverbs. Choose from the options given below.

(Almost, very, there, ever, so, sometimes, clearly, perhaps, seldom, certainly)


1. I have ………………….. finished.

2. He is ………………… clever.

3. There is …………………. something wrong.

4. ……………….. I think I should take a long break.

5. ………………… her train is late.

6. He is ……………….. late for work.

7. She is ……………….. the right person for the job.

8. Have you ………………. wanted to run away?

9. You can see lots of flowers ……………….

10. They are ………………… beautiful.


1. I have almost finished.

2. He is very clever.

3. There is clearly something wrong.

4. I sometimes think I should take a long break.

5. Perhaps her train is late.

6. He is seldom late for work.

7. She is certainly the right person for the job.

8. Have you ever wanted to run away?

9. You can see lots of flowers there.

10. They are very beautiful.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

Exercise 1


What do aliens …………1…………… (watch / watching / watched) on television? Whatever it be, broadcasting ………….2……………. (require / requires / is requiring) the transmission of radio signals. Astronomers in Hat Creek, California …………3………….. (work / are working / have worked) on a giant new array of radio telescopes that they say will be able to capture the radio signals transmitted by aliens if anyone out there ………..4………… (is / was / has been) busy broadcasting.


What do aliens watch on television? Whatever it be, broadcasting requires the transmission of radio signals. Astronomers in Hat Creek, California are working on a giant new array of radio telescopes that they say will be able to capture the radio signals transmitted by aliens if anyone out there is busy broadcasting.

Exercise 2


Scientists …………..1…………… (think / thought / are thinking) they have figured out the real job of the seemingly useless appendix: it …………2…………… (produces /producing/ is producing) and protects good germs for your gut. For generations, appendix ………….3…………… (has dismissed / has been dismissed) as superfluous. Doctors figured it had no function, surgeons ………….4……….. (removed / removing / are removing) it routinely and people lived fine without it. However, the new study …………….5…………….. (suggesting / suggest) that appendix is related to the massive amount of benign bacteria present in the human digestive system.


Scientists think they have figured out the real job of the seemingly useless appendix: it produces and protects good germs for your gut. For generations, appendix has been dismissed as superfluous. Doctors figured it had no function, surgeons removed it routinely and people lived fine without it. However, the new study suggests that appendix is related to the massive amount of benign bacteria present in the human digestive system.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Some and Any

Some and any are determiners. Some is used in affirmative sentences. Any is used in questions and negative sentences.

Fill in the blanks with some or any.


1. I have planted …………………… roses in the garden. (some / any)

2. There aren’t …………………… apples on the tree. (some / any)

3. Have you got ………………….. milk? (some / any)

4. There is ……………………….. water in the bottle. (some / any)

5. We met …………………….. French girls on the bus. (some / any)

6. Do you know ……………………. who is going to France this week? (someone / anyone)

7. There is ……………………. at the gate. (somebody / anybody)

8. I cannot find ……………………. there. (anyone / someone)

9. There is ……………………. on the roof. (something / anything)

10. I opened the door but I didn’t see ……………………… (anybody / somebody)


1. I have planted some roses in the garden.

2. There aren’t any apples on the tree.

3. Have you got any milk?

4. There is some water in the bottle.

5. We met some French girls on the bus.

6. Do you know anyone who is going to France this week?

7. There is somebody at the gate.

8. I cannot find anyone there.

9. There is something on the roof.

10. I opened the door but I didn’t see anybody.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
3 November 2019
Active English with vk ™
👍 4
💖 3
👌 1
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Enough can be used as an adjective or an adverb. As an adverb it goes after the adjective or adverb it modifies. As an adjective it goes before the noun it modifies.

This grammar exercise tests your ability to use enough.


1. The hall is not …………………………… to accommodate all the students. (enough big / big enough)

2. Are the bananas ……………………………… to be eaten? (ripe enough / enough ripe)

3. He is …………………………… to buy a car. (enough rich / rich enough)

4. There is …………………………… to play one more game. (enough time / time enough)

5. The orator speaks ………………………… for others to hear. (loudly enough / enough loudly)

6. Have we got ………………………… (enough chairs / chairs enough)?

7. We don’t have ………………………… (enough money / money enough) to buy a car.

8. She is ………………………… to understand better. (enough old / old enough)

9. We didn’t get ……………………….. last year. (rain enough / enough rain)

10. I couldn’t answer ………………………. (enough questions / questions enough)


1. The hall is not big enough to accommodate all the students.

2. Are the bananas ripe enough to be eaten?

3. He is rich enough to buy a car.

4. There is enough time to play one more game.

5. The orator speaks loudly enough for others to hear.

6. Have we got enough chairs?

7. We don’t have enough money to buy a car.

8. She is old enough to understand better.

9. We didn’t get enough rain last year.

10. I could not answer enough questions.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

This grammar exercise tests your understanding of commonly confused words in English. Fill in the blanks.


1. They have ………………….. their time to helping the sick. (devoted / devouted)

2. You can eat carrots cooked or …………………………. (raw / row)

3. God is very ………………………….. (graceful / gracious)

4. He ………………………… in sports. (excels / exiles)

5. She is a ………………………….. Catholic. (devote / devout)

6. Though he is eighteen, he is very ………………………… in his behaviour. (childish / childlike)

7. I no longer had any ………………………… about what education could do for me. (illusion / allusion)

8. They ………………………….. the bereaved mother. (consoled / concealed)

9. His acting showed great …………………….. with the character. (sympathy / empathy)

10. He spent the last years of his life in …………………………… (excel / exile)


1. They have devoted their time to helping the sick.

2. You can eat carrots cooked or raw.

3. God is very gracious.

4. He excels in sports.

5. She is a devout Catholic.

6. Though he is eighteen, he is very childish in his behaviour.

7. I no longer had any illusion about what education could do for me.

8. They consoled the bereaved mother.

9. His acting showed great empathy with the character.

10. He spent the last years of his life in exile.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Add appropriate question tags to the following statements.


1. Don’t make a noise in the class, …………………..?

a) do you
b) will you
c) won’t you

2. Let us have something to eat, ……………………….?

a) will we
b) shall we
c) could we

3. Do whatever you can, ……………………………?

a) will you
b) won’t you
c) should you

4. Jane hasn’t finished her work, …………………….?

a) hasn’t she
b) has she
c) does she

5. John came in the morning, …………………………..?

a) did he
b) didn’t he
c) had he

6. Everyone wants to be successful, …………………………….?

a) do they
b) don’t they
c) didn’t they

7. A few students know the answer, …………………………?

a) do they
b) don’t they
c) did they

8. Nobody came, ………………………?

a) did they
b) didn’t they
c) didn’t he

9. Some of us want to stay longer, …………………………..?

a) don’t they
b) don’t us
c) don’t we

10. No one knows the answer, ………………………..?

a) don’t they
b) do they
c) do he


1. Don’t make a noise in the class, will you?

2. Let us have something to eat, shall we?

3. Do whatever you can, won’t you?

4. Jane hasn’t finished her work, has she?

5. John came in the morning, didn’t he?

6. Everyone wants to be successful, don’t they?

7. A few students know the answer, don’t they?

8. Nobody came, did they?

9. Some of us want to stay longer, don’t we?

10. No one knows the answer, do they?

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with a simple past or present perfect tense form.

Both the simple past and the present perfect tenses are used to talk about finished actions or situations. There is an important difference between them. The present perfect tense is a present tense and as such it cannot used with definite past time expressions like yesterday, two hours ago, last week, in 1995 or last year.


1. I ……………………… your father yesterday. (saw / have seen)

2. He ………………………… in 2014. (graduated / has graduated)

3. I ………………………. school at fourteen. (left / have left)

4. She …………………………. a nice apartment in the city. (bought / has bought)

5. I ………………………….. a lion. (never saw / have never seen)

6. ……………………………. the television adaptation of Romeo and Juliet yesterday? (Did you watch / Have you watched)

7. ……………………….. that movie? (Did you see / Have you seen)

8. Yesterday, I ……………………….. my children to the park. (took / have taken)

9. She ………………………… a new job. (found / has found)

10. I ………………………… the parcel in the morning. (received / have received)


1. I saw your father yesterday.

2. He graduated in 2014.

3. I left school at fourteen.

4. She has bought a nice apartment in the city.

5. I have never seen a lion.

6. Did you watch the television adaptation of Romeo and Juliet yesterday?

7. Have you seen that movie?

8. Yesterday, I took my children to the park.

9. She has found a new job.

10. I received the parcel in the morning.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
5 November 2019
Active English with vk ™
👍 2
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.


1. The pigeon ………………………. know the art of nest making. (do not / does not / has not)

2. Where ………………………… all this while? (were you / are you / have you been)

3. The boys ……………………….. kites on the seashore. (were flying / have flown / fly)

4. What ………………………… you do with the money I lent you? (have / had / did / do)

5. Why ………………………. you love your neighbour? (don’t / doesn’t / haven’t)

6. Parents ………………………… care of their kids when they are young. (take / takes / have taken)

7. She ……………………. know any language except her mother tongue. (not / does not / has not)

8. I fell asleep while I …………………….. (read / was reading / had read)

9. Don’t let the child ………………………. with the knife. (play / plays / playing)

10. I couldn’t help but ……………………. (cry / cried / cries / crying)


1. The pigeon does not know the art of nest making.

2. Where have you been all this while?

3. The boys were flying kites on the seashore.

4. What did you do with the money I lent you?

5. Why don’t you love your neighbour?

6. Parents take care of their kids when they are young.

7. She does not know any language except her mother tongue.

8. I fell asleep while I was reading.

9. Don’t let the child play with the knife.

10. I couldn’t help but cry.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.


1. A boy who is full of ……………………… usually works very hard. (ambitious)

2. My parents did not ………………….. with my ambition to become a standup comedian. (sympathy)

3. His ……………………… led to his downfall. (arrogant)

4. A little ………………….. is a dangerous thing. (know)

5. I find immense ……………………….. in helping others. (satisfy)

6. Are you …………………….. with your results. (satisfy)

7. Your performance was not ……………………. (satisfy)

8. He spent a ………………………. amount of money to set up his business. (consider)

9. He has handed in his …………………….. letter. (resign)

10. Owing to bad weather, the …………………………… of the plane was delayed. (depart)


1. A boy who is full of ambition usually works very hard.

2. My parents did not sympathize with my ambition to become a standup comedian.

3. His arrogance led to his downfall.

4. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

5. I find immense satisfaction in helping others.

6. Are you satisfied with your results?

7. Your performance was not satisfactory.

8. He spent a considerable amount of money to set up his business.

9. He has handed in his resignation letter.

10. Owing to bad weather, the departure of the plane was delayed.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined.


1. What looks like a convenient shortcut may prove to be very ……………………… in the long run.

2. No one wants to listen to an ignorant man but everybody listens to a ………………….. man.

3. Gold in an expensive metal while iron is ……………………

4. My application was accepted but his was ……………………….

5. The teacher tried to make the student confident but he still looked very ………………………..

6. He failed to qualify in the first two attempts but …………………. in the third one.

7. He often visits me but I ………………….. go to his house.

8. He is brave but his brother is …………………….

9. An airplane consumes more fuel while ascending than while ……………………….

10. Tigers are very common in Kerala but lions are …………………


1. What looks like a convenient shortcut may prove to be very inconvenient in the long run.

2. No one wants to listen to an ignorant man but everybody listens to a wise man.

3. Gold in an expensive metal while iron is cheap.

4. My application was accepted but his was rejected.

5. The teacher tried to make the student confident but he still looked very diffident.

6. He failed to qualify in the first two attempts but succeeded in the third one.

7. He often visits me but I seldom go to his house.

8. He is brave but his brother is timid.

9. An airplane consumes more fuel while ascending than while descending.

10. Tigers are very common in Kerala but lions are rare.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition. Choose your answer from the given options.


1. Let’s hang this picture ……………….. that wall. (on / in / above)

2. There is no unity ……………………… our leaders. (among / between / within)

3. You should be here …………………. An hour. (in / by / on)

4. She got married again within a year ……………….. his death. (of / from / before)

5. Millions of people still die ………………….. hunger. (with / of / by)

6. The secretary challenged the decision ………………………. the committee. (of / for / on)

7. We see ……………………. our eyes. (with / by / on)

8. He discussed the problem ………………………. His friend. (to / with / among)

9. I agree …………………….. the argument that education should be free for all. (with / to / about)

10. The teacher punished the boy …………………… lying. (for / with / about)


1. Let’s hang this picture on that wall.

2. There is no unity among our leaders.

3. You should be here in an hour.

4. She got married again within a year of his death.

5. Millions of people still die of hunger.

6. The secretary challenged the decision of the committee.

7. We see with our eyes.

8. He discussed the problem with his friend.

9. I agree with the argument that education should be free for all.

10. The teacher punished the boy for lying.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
8 November 2019
Active English with vk ™
👍 2
💖 3
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word.


1. He was ……………….. to the growing resentment among the staff.

a. impervious
b. negligent
c. rigid
d. influenced

2. I am sure she has found a/an ……………………. foe in him.

a. pliable
b. implacable
c. unnecessary
d. rigid

3. She was mad with him for his words ……………………. an error on her part.

a. implicated

b. concerned
c. occupied
d. referred

4. I think their asking us when we would like to start was an ………………… acceptance of our terms.

a. contained
b. implicit
c. explicit
d. inherent

5. …………………. is implicit in the relationship between doctor and patient.

a. Discretion
b. Confidentiality
c. Secrecy
d. Personality
6. No one listened to the poor womans …………………….. requests for medical aid for her dying husband.

a. harassing
b. importunate
c. arrogant
d. aggressive

7. It must have been a/an ………………….. remark. I dont think that she meant to offend you.

a. foolish
b. idiotic
c. impromptu
d. ad hoc

8. They had little chances of survival, but hope still ………………….. in their hearts.

a. occupied
b. glimmered
c. flourished
d. flashed

9. It would be sheer …………………. for them to turn around and do what they criticize in others.

a. stupidity
b. folly
c. ignorance
d. hypocrisy


1. impervious
2. implacable
3. implicated
4. implicit
5. confidentiality
6. importunate
7. impromptu
8. glimmered (‘Glimmered’ means ‘faint or unsteady light’. It suits the sentence as the chances of survival are little, so hopes are faint or unsteady.)
9. hypocrisy (Hypocrisy means someone pretends to have certain beliefs or opinions that they do not really have – used to show disapproval)

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb.


1. I don’t think that it will be wise for us to …………………. this information from her.

a. hold in
b. hold back
c. hold over
d. hold out

Answer: hold back

2. The meeting has been ………………….. till next week.

a. held back
b. held over
c. held out
d. held in

Answer: held over

3. The roof of a house …………………… the sun and the rain.

a. keeps of
b. keeps off
c. keeps in
d. keeps away

Answer: keeps off
4. A large number of men and women ………………………. their lives for winning us our independence.

a. laid off
b. laid down
c. laid aside
d. laid by

Answer: laid down

5. Spoilt rich kids often seem to believe that they can commit a crime and then ………………………

a. get on
b. get off
c. get over

d. get rid of

Answer: get off

6. He …………………… smoking at his wife’s request.

a. gave in
b. gave up
c. gave out
d. gave away

Answer: gave up

7. The judge promised to ………………….. the matter himself.

a. go after
b. go into
c. go in for
d. go off

Answer: go into

8. All of a sudden, the gun ……………………

a. went off
b. go off
c. went out
d. went of

Answer: went off

9. A large number of people are …………………….. every year by malaria.

a. carried off
b. carried on
c. carried out
d. carried in

Answer: carried off

10. I shall …………………….. you next Monday.

a. call in
b. call on
c. call upon
d. call for

Answer: call on

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. One day scientists will …………………… find a cure for cancer.

a) can
b) be able to
c) been able to
d) have been able to

2. What have you …………………………… to find out?

a) been able
b) able
c) were able
d) had been

3. I am interested in …………………….. to cook.

a) to learn
b) learning
c) to learning
d) learn

4. You don’t look happy ………………………. me.

a) to see
b) to seeing
c) in seeing
d) at seeing

5. That dress is new, ………………………….?

a) isn’t it?
b) aren’t they
c) doesn’t it
d) won’t it

6. It was …………………………….. that I could hardly work.

a) so warm a day
b) a so warm day
c) so warm day
d) none of these

7. I don’t know why they decided to split. They were …………………………. in love with each other.

a) mad
b) madly
c) badly
d) madden

8. She was ………………………….. injured in the crash.

a) fatally
b) fatal
c) deadly
d) deathly

9. You can speak ……………………… I won’t tell anyone what you say.

a) free
b) freely
c) with freedom
d) none of these

10. I very much enjoy ………………………….

a) swimming
b) to swim
c) swim
d) to swimming


1. be able to
2. been able
3. learning (The adjective interested is followed by in + noun/-ing form.)
4. to see (Some adjectives are followed by infinitives. Happy is one of them.)
5. isn’t it?
6. so warm a day
7. madly
8. fatally (Deadly is an adjective and it means fatal. The adverb for this meaning is fatally.)
9. freely (Free means without payment. Freely means without restriction.)
10. swimming (The verb enjoy can be followed by a noun/pronoun/-ing form. It cannot be followed by an infinitive.)

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Add appropriate tags to the following sentences.


1. You know the answer, …………………..? (do you / don’t you / does you)

2. She didn’t help you, ………………………? (did she / didn’t she / had she)

3. You want to be a writer, …………………………? (do you / don’t you / have you)

4. She waited for an hour, ………………………..? (did she / didn’t she / don’t she)

5. She is very fond of her grandchildren, ………………………….? (is she / isn’t she / does she)

6. He worked very hard to pass the exam, ………………………. (did he / didn’t he / doesn’t he)

7. Let’s go for a walk, ………………………? (shall we / should we / could we)

8. He enjoys singing, …………………….? (does he / doesn’t he / did he)

9. He ran as fast as he could, ……………………… (did he / didn’t he / don’t he)

10. Your mother cooks delicious meals, ………………………? (don’t she / doesn’t she / did she)


1. You know the answer, don’t you?

2. She didn’t help you, did she?

3. You want to be a writer, don’t you?

4. She waited for an hour, didn’t she?

5. She is very fond of her grandchildren, isn’t she?

6. He worked very hard to pass the exam, didn’t he?

7. Let’s go for a walk, shall we?

8. He enjoys singing, doesn’t he?

9. He ran as fast as he could, didn’t he?

10. Your mother cooks delicious meals, doesn’t she?

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Active English with vk ™
💖 1
👌 1
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Complete the given passage with appropriate prepositions.


During monsoon intestinal functions and the digestive system become weak, making the body highly susceptible ……1……….. (for / to / with) any kind of infection. Therefore always eat light food. Spicy and fried foods must be avoided as far …….2……. (as / so / than) possible. Drinking water should be boiled and properly filtered.

Avoid consuming food that is exposed …..3….. (to / with / for) the surroundings for a long time, since it could be contaminated ………4……. (with / by) germs. Cook the vegetables well and steam them properly to kill the germ content ……..5……. (in / on / with) them.

Prohibit mosquito breeding since they are the carriers ……..6……. (for / of / on) deadly germs. Do not let water accumulate …..7….. (at / in / about) your surroundings. Put a few drops of kerosene or Phenyl …………8……….. (in / within / on) the stagnant water to check mosquito breeding. Mosquito net should be used wherever possible.

Check the wirings, switches and plugs to avoid electric injury. Do not handle electric appliances …….9…….. (with / by) wet hands.


During monsoon intestinal functions and the digestive system become weak, making the body highly susceptible to (1) any kind of infection. Therefore always eat light food. Spicy and fried foods must be avoided as far as (2) possible. Drinking water should be boiled and properly filtered.

Avoid consuming food that is exposed to (3) the surroundings for a long time, since it could be contaminated by (4) germs. Cook the vegetables well and steam them properly to kill the germ content in (5) them.

Prohibit mosquito-breeding since they are the carriers of (6) deadly germs. Do not let water accumulate in (7) your surroundings. Put a few drops of kerosene or Phenyl in (8) the stagnant water to check mosquito breeding. Mosquito net should be used wherever possible.

Check the wirings, switches and plugs to avoid electric injury. Do not handle electric appliances with (9) wet hands.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

This grammar exercise tests your ability to use different verb forms correctly. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.


1. A team of US scientists ………………. how bacteria communicate with each other.

a) discovered
b) has discovered
c) had discovered

2. Robots ……………… more and more like their human inventors.

a) becoming
b) are becoming
c) became

3. This website …………………. at creating a vibrant community of students.

a) is aimed
b) aimed
c) has aimed

4. Twendy –One is a robot ……………. to help disabled people and the elderly around the house.

a) is designed
b) designed
c) designing

5. Scientists …………….. stem cells from skin cells.

a) have developed
b) are developed
c) have been developed

6. New techniques in stem cell research ……………… reprogramming cells.

a) involve
b) involves
c) is involving


1. A team of US scientists have discovered how bacteria communicate with each other.

2. Robots are becoming more and more like their human inventors.

3. This website is aimed at creating a vibrant community of students.

4. Twendy –One is a robot designed to help disabled people and the elderly around the house.

5. Scientists have developed stem cells from skin cells.

6. New techniques in stem cell research involve reprogramming cells.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. The planning committee’s deliberations went on all night, but still they failed to reach a …………………….

1. consensus
2. discussion
3. plan
4. approval

Answer: consensus

2. As he entered, he couldn’t miss the ………………………. tension in the room.

1. intangible
2. palpable
3. physical
4. certain

Answer: palpable

3. She said that she would like to ………………………. her car for the latest model.

1. trade in
2. trade of
3. trade out
4. trade

Answer: trade in

4. She …………………….. herself on her older sister.

1. acted
2. modeled
3. copied
4. emulated

Answer: modeled

5. He ………………………. scorn and odium for his actions.

1. incurred
2. involved
3. experienced
4. None of those

Answer: incurred

6. I think it’s rather ……………………….. that they haven’t replied to your letter.

1. helpful
2. suitable
3. ominous
4. promising

Answer: ominous

8. The ……………………….. is on her to make the first move.

1. onus
2. decision
3. right
4. brunt

Answer: onus

9. The speaker ………………………. the audience with his dramatic tale.

1. mesmerized
2. caught
3. influenced
4. attracted

Answer: mesmerized

10. He ……………………….. some recently published statistics to prove his point.

1. referred
2. alluded
3. quoted
4. told

Answer: quoted

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

One Word Substitution


1. A general pardon for political offenders

1. Acquittal
2. Forgiveness
3. Amnesty
4. Anecdote

Answer: amnesty

2. That which has life

1. Animate
2. Inanimate
3. Aquatic
4. Credulous

Answer: animate

3. That which does not bear the name of writer

1. Obscure
2. Anonymous
3. Posthumous
4. Antedate

Answer: anonymous

4. A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine

1. Cure
2. Panacea
3. Antidote
4. Anecdote

Answer: antidote

Antidote cures or counteracts effect of poison / or ill effects of another medicine.

5. The life story of a person written by himself

1. Biography
2. Eulogy
3. Auto-biography
4. Novel

Answer: auto-biography

6. A person who is extremely desirous of money

1. Miserly
2. Frugal
3. Avaricious
4. Mercenary

Answer: avaricious

Avaricious means characterized by avarice; greedy; covetous.

7. Government by officials

1. Aristocracy
2. Autocracy
3. Anarchy
4. Bureaucracy

Answer: Bureaucracy

8. A person who is a hundred years old or more

1. Centenarian
2. Septuagenarian
3. Contemporary
4. None of these

Answer: centenarian

9. Persons working in the same institution

1. Peers
2. Mates
3. Friends
4. Colleagues

Answer: colleagues

Peer means equal and friends and mates are companions.

10. Belonging to the same time

1. Periodical
2. Antique
3. Contemporary
4. Advanced

Answer: contemporary

‘Contemporary’ means ‘living or happening in the same period of time’.

11. Recovering from illness

1. Convalescent
2. Credulous
3. Enervated
4. Rejuvenated

Answer: convalescent

Convalescent is used to refer to a person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment.

12. A citizen of the world

1. Metropolitan
2. Cosmopolite
3. Universal
4. Factional

Answer: cosmopolite

Cosmopolite means a cosmopolitan person; citizen of the world.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Active English with vk ™
💖 3
👌 2
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the verb given in the brackets.


1. I …………… (go) for a walk in the evening.

2. My mother ……………… (take) me to school every day.

3. Father ……………… (drink) tea in the morning.

4. Mother …………….. (wake) up early.

5. My mother ……………… (work) at a bank.

6. My brother and I …………….. (live) with our grandparents.

7. The girls …………….. (want) to go to the museum.

8. Rabbits …………… (run) fast.

9. Stars …………….. (shine) at night.

10. It ………………. (rain) heavily in the hills.

11. I ……………… (remember) his face clearly.

12. We ……………… (live) in a small apartment.

13. Sharath ……………… (live) in Chennai with his parents.


1. I go for a walk in the evening.

2. My mother takes me to school every day.

3. Father drinks tea in the morning.

4. Mother wakes up early.

5. My mother works at a bank.

6. My brother and I live with our grandparents.

7. The girls want to go to the museum.

8. Rabbits run fast.

9. Stars shine at night.

10. It rains heavily in the hills.

11. I remember his face clearly.

12. We live in a small apartment.

13. Sharath lives in Chennai with his parents.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.


Scientists have just discovered the biggest expanse (one billion light years across) ……………. (of / for / in) nothing. ……….. (Into / Inside / with in) the void, there are hardly any galaxies, planets, or black holes. ………….. (For / From / Since) a long time, astronomers thought that matter—which makes ………….. (out / up / off) everything in the universe—was distributed fairly evenly …………. (along / in / through) space, with only small empty spaces. The new find calls that assumption …………… (in / into / for) question.

The discovery began …………. (by / with / out) observations made …………… (with / by / for) other scientists about something called cosmic microwave background radiation, or CMB. The CMB is a glow of radiation that flooded outer space about 13.7 billion years ago, after the Big Bang. The CMB still fills the universe, but it has changed. …………… (Of / For / With) one thing, it has drastically cooled. Just after the Big Bang, the glow was billions of degrees hot. Now it is just 3 degrees ………….. (above / over / up) zero kelvin (K). That’s equal to -270 Celsius.


Scientists have just discovered the biggest expanse (one billion light years across) of nothing. Inside the void, there are hardly any galaxies, planets, or black holes. For a long time, astronomers thought that matter—which makes up everything in the universe—was distributed fairly evenly through space, with only small empty spaces. The new find calls that assumption into question.

The discovery began with observations made by other scientists about something called cosmic microwave background radiation, or CMB. The CMB is a glow of radiation that flooded outer space about 13.7 billion years ago, after the Big Bang. The CMB still fills the universe, but it has changed. For one thing, it has drastically cooled. Just after the Big Bang, the glow was billions of degrees hot. Now it is just 3 degrees above zero kelvin (K). That’s equal to -270 Celsius.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.


A team of Kolkata scientists ……………. (came / come / have come / had come) up with a homegrown remedy against thalassaemia, a condition in which red blood cells …………… (are degenerating /degenerate/ have degenerated / degenerated). The wheat extract they developed ……………. (slow / slows / have slowed / had slowed) down degeneration of red blood cells, …………. (reduce / reduces / reduced / have reduced) the need for blood transfusion and thereby increases longevity. The finding ……………… (has published / has been published / was published) in American journal of Haematology, and doctors ……………….. (have hailed / hailed / hail) it as a significant breakthrough against a disease without cure. People with thalassaemia ………… (does not / do not / has not / have not) produce enough hemoglobin. Consequently, red blood cells …………….. (are dying / die / died) out quickly and the patient …………… (need / needs / is needing / has needed) frequent blood transfusions.


A team of Kolkata scientists have come up with a homegrown remedy against thalassaemia, a condition in which red blood cells degenerate. The wheat extract they developed slows down degeneration of red blood cells, reduces the need for blood transfusion and thereby increases longevity. The finding has been published in American journal of Haematology, and doctors have hailed it as a significant breakthrough against a disease without cure. People with thalassaemia do not produce enough hemoglobin. Consequently, red blood cells die out quickly and the patient needs frequent blood transfusions.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.


Once, a fox ………1………. (got / has got / gotten) a big bone. He was hungry and didn’t ………2……. (has / have / had) the patience to break it up. So, he tried to swallow it in one gulp and then it …..3……. (happened / was happening / had happened). The bone ….4….. (got / was getting / had got) stuck in his throat. The fox …..5….. (coughed / was coughing / had coughed) and spewed furiously. And then with his hands he …..6….. (tried / was trying / has tried) to pull the bone out. But nothing …….7……. (works / worked / has worked)

The fox …..8….. (is running / ran / run) around, howling in frustration. But he …..9….. (can’t / couldn’t) find a way out. He …..10….. (goes / went / has gone) to a river and drank gallons of water.


Once, a fox got (1) a big bone. He was hungry and didn’t have (2) the patience to break it up. So, he tried to swallow it in one gulp and then it happened (3). The bone got (4) stuck in his throat. The fox coughed (5) and spewed furiously. And then with his hands he tried (6) to pull the bone out. But nothing worked (7).

The fox ran (8) around, howling in frustration. But he couldn’t (9) find a way out. He went (10) to a river and drank gallons of water.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Fill in the blanks.


It ……1…… (feels / is feeling/ feel) good to be happy. Ask anyone what they want in life and most would say, ‘I just want to be happy.’ Today, happiness ……2…… (is / was / has been) a hot subject of research. Studies …3…… (suggest / suggesting / suggested) that, among other benefits, happy people are …..4…… (healthy / healthier / healthiest), have more friends, and make more money than their sadder peers.

It is difficult to scientifically …..5….. (measure / measuring / measures) happiness. In recent years, however, researchers ……6……. (develop / developing / have developed) what they consider to be accurate measurements of happiness. One technique ……7……. (involve / involves / is involving) looking at how often people genuinely ….8….. (smile / are smiling / have smiled) in their daily lives. In their studies, scientists also ask people to describe how happy they feel. Brain scans also ……9….. (help / helps / are helping): in happy people an area called the left frontal cortex ……10……. (tend / tends / tended) to ‘light up’, in brain scans.


It feels (1) good to be happy. Ask anyone what they want in life and most would say, ‘I just want to be happy.’ Today, happiness is (2) a hot subject of research. Studies suggest (3) that, among other benefits, happy people are healthier (4), have more friends, and make more money than their sadder peers.

It is difficult to scientifically measure (5) happiness. In recent years, however, researchers have developed (6) what they consider to be accurate measurements of happiness. One technique involves (7) looking at how often people genuinely smile (8) in their daily lives. In their studies, scientists also ask people to describe how happy they feel. Brain scans also help (9): in happy people an area called the left frontal cortex tends (10) to ‘light up’, in brain scans.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Active English with vk ™
💖 2
👌 2
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Degrees of comparison worksheet

Fill in the blanks with the correct degree of the adjective given in the brackets.

Notes: An English adjective can exist in three forms – positive degree, comparative degree and superlative degree. Test your understanding of these forms with this exercise.


1. Raveena is ……………………… (tall) than her sister.

2. The Alps are the …………………………. (high) mountain ranges in Europe.

3. The test was very ……………………. (easy)

4. The test was ……………………. (easy) than I thought.

5. She is ……………………. (old) than him.

6. Who is the …………………. (tall) man in the world?

7. I can run …………………… than you. (fast)

8. Who is the …………………… runner in the class? (fast)

9. Ravi’s house is as ………………….. (big) as Peter’s house.

10. She took the …………………….. (strong) ropes to tie the bags together.

11. This story is ……………………….. (interesting) than that story.


1. Raveena is taller than her sister.

2. The Alps are the highest mountain ranges in Europe.

3. The test was very easy.

4. The test was easier than I thought.

5. She is older than him.

6. Who is the tallest man in the world?

7. I can run faster than you.

8. Who is the fastest runner in the class?

9. Ravi’s house is as big as Peter’s house.

10. She took the strongest ropes to tie the bags together.

11. This story is more interesting than that story.
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Test your range of vocabulary

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.


1. It takes a good deal of ……………………. to learn to type. (patient)

2. The scholarship fund depends on the ………………………………. of the alumni. (patron)

3. The large fantail is a …………………………… of the peacock. (peculiar)

4. When you ask him a question, you get a ………………………….. answer. (pedant)

5. Father gets …………………. when he is kept waiting. (peeve)

6. Those who were …………………… obtained absolution. (penitence)

7. A good driver must have a good ………………….. of distance. (perceive)

8. The floodwaters were ……………………….. to cross. (peril)

9. ………………….. goods must be kept refrigerated. (perish)

10. Is smoking ………………….. in the theater? (permission)

11. Should parents be strict or …………………..? (permission)

12. With …………………….. efforts we can finish on time. (persist)


1. It takes a good deal of patience to learn to type.

2. The scholarship fund depends on the patronage of the alumni.

3. The large fantail is a peculiarity of the peacock.

4. When you ask him a question, you get a pedantic answer.

5. Father gets peevish when he is kept waiting.

6. Those who were penitent obtained absolution.

7. A good driver must have a good perception of distance.

8. The floodwaters were perilous to cross.

9. Perishable goods must be kept refrigerated.

10. Is smoking permissible in the theater?

11. Should parents be strict or permissive?

12. With persistent efforts we can finish on time.
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

General grammar exercise | Prepositions

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition.


1. Most of the damage was caused ……………… you.

a) by
b) with
c) from

2. She was frightened ……………… a cockroach and rushed into the room.

a) by
b) with

3. The boy killed the spider ……………… a stone.

a) by
b) with

4. The spider was killed …………………. the boy.

a) by
b) with

5. He is excited …………………. the possibility of getting a promotion.

a) about
b) with
c) by

6. I’m annoyed ………………. her.

a) with
b) by

7. I was annoyed ………………… the way she behaved.

a) by
b) with

8. I was surprised …………………… his attitude.

a) at
b) with
c) by

9. The room was filled ……………………. thick smoke.

a) with
b) in
c) by

10. His whereabouts are not known ………………….. the police.

a) for
b) to


1. Most of the damage was caused by you.

2. She was frightened by a cockroach and rushed into the room.

3. The boy killed the spider with a stone.

4. The spider was killed by the boy.

5. He is excited about the possibility of getting a promotion.

6. I’m annoyed with her.

7. I was annoyed by the way she behaved.

8. I was surprised by / at his attitude.

9. The room was filled with thick smoke.

10. His whereabouts are not known to the police.
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Simple past tense worksheet

Sentences are given in the simple present tense. Change them into the simple past tense.

In the simple present tense, the verb takes the marker -s when the subject is a singular noun or pronoun. In the simple past tense, both singular and plural subjects take the same verb.

Study the examples given below.

She writes with her left hand. (Here the verb takes the marker -s because the subject is the third person singular pronoun she.)

They write with their left hand.

The girl finished her lunch. (Simple past)

The girls finished their lunch. (Simple past)



1. I like to read books.

2. Do you enjoy swimming in the sea?

3. My children enjoy watching cartoons.

4. They sing and dance merrily.

5. She dusts and mops the house every day.

6. We plan to visit Manali during the summer vacation.

7. Seema hates brinjals.

8. Birds live in nests.

9. My son wants to be a doctor.

10. She works hard to support her family.


1. I liked to read books.

2. Did you enjoy swimming in the sea?

3. My children enjoyed watching cartoons.

4. They sang and danced merrily.

5. She dusted and mopped the house every day.

6. We planned to visit Manali during the summer vacation.

7. Seema hated brinjals.

8. Birds lived in nests.

9. My son wanted to be a doctor.

10. She worked hard to support her family.
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Different kinds of sentences

State whether the following sentences are declarative, interrogative, exclamatory or emphatic.


A declarative sentence makes an affirmative or negative statement.

An interrogative sentence asks a question.

An emphatic sentence makes a command, request or order.

An exclamatory sentence expresses a sudden emotion.


1. What awful weather!

2. The people across the border are moving.

3. Rahul is extremely happy with his performance.

4. Are you going to school today?

5. Please check your sample again.

6. The teacher advised the students to work hard.

7. Where have you been all this while?

8. I was quite tired.

9. Are you looking for anything in particular?

10. We have been waiting for a long time.

11. What a lovely day!

12. Tell me more.

13. Come here.


1. What awful weather! (Exclamatory)

2. The people across the border are moving. (Declarative)

3. Rahul is extremely happy with his performance. (Declarative)

4. Are you going to school today? (Interrogative)

5. Please check your sample again. (Emphatic)

6. The teacher advised the students to work hard. (Declarative)

7. Where have you been all this while? (Interrogative)

8. I was quite tired. (Declarative)

9. Are you looking for anything in particular? (Interrogative)

10. We have been waiting for a long time. (Declarative)

11. What a lovely day! (Exclamatory)

12. Tell me more. (Emphatic)

13. Come here. (Emphatic)
Active English with vk ™
💖 2
👌 2
General Grammar Exercise

Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase.


1. I have been learning the violin ……………….. two years.

a) for
b) since
c) from

2. I have known her …………….. May.

a) for
b) since
c) from

3. We haven’t got …………………

a) enough bread
b) bread enough

4. I ……………….. chemistry because I didn’t like it.

a) gave in
b) gave up
c) gave off

5. She doesn’t know how to ………………… children.

a) raise
b) rise
c) Either could be used here

6. She passed her exam ……………………. her problems.

a) in spite of
b) despite of
c) inspite of

7. She lets her children ………………… up very late.

a) stay
b) to stay
c) to staying

8. ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘………………’

a) I am also
b) So am I
c) Either could be used here

9. We tried every possible ………………… of communication.

a) mean
b) means


1. I have been learning the violin for two years.

2. I have known her since May.

3. We haven’t got enough bread.

4. I gave up chemistry because I didn’t like it.

5. She doesn’t know how to raise children.

6. She passed her exam in spite of her problems.

7. She lets her children stay up very late.

8. ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘So am I.’

9. We tried every possible means of communication.
Tenses Exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate tense form.


1. James ………………….. in the morning.

a) called
b) has called
c) have called

2. The school …………………. on Monday.

a) reopen
b) reopens
c) would reopen
d) will reopen

3. Somebody ………………….. his umbrella in the lobby.

a) has left
b) is leaving
c) was leaving

4. I ……………….. at 6 am.

a) get up
b) am getting up
c) have got up

5. It …………………… when we went out.

a) was raining
b) rained
c) is raining

6. I ………………… a strange sight when I opened my eyes.

a) saw
b) was seeing
c) have seen

7. She ………………….. to be a writer.

a) aspires
b) has aspired
c) aspire

8. I …………………….. out of the window but I saw nothing.

a) look
b) am looking
c) looked

9. She ……………………….. since she was nineteen.

a) is teaching
b) has been teaching
c) teaches


1. James called in the morning.

2. The school reopens on Monday.

3. Somebody has left his umbrella in the lobby.

4. I get up at 6 am.

5. It was raining when we went out.

6. I saw a strange sight when I opened my eyes.

7. She aspires to be a writer.

8. I looked out of the window but I saw nothing.

9. She has been teaching since she was nineteen.
General Grammar Exercise

Complete the following sentences.


1. I will phone you when I ………………

a) arrive
b) will arrive
c) would arrive

2. It is a question ………………… nobody can answer.

a) which
b) what
c) who

3. I stayed an extra night …………………. I could see James.

a) since
b) so that
c) due to

4. We gave up hope ……………………. her.

a) to see
b) of seeing

5. She looks ………………….. than her daughter.

a) no older
b) not older
c) any older

6. There are ………………….. shops in the town.

a) a bit better
b) much better

7. I will be in bed …………………. you get home.

a) by the time
b) by
c) within the time

8. This is a great place. Thanks for ………………… me here.

a) taking
b) bringing

9. He is ……………………. fool if you ask me.

a) a bit fool
b) a bit of a fool


1. I will phone you when I arrive.

2. It is a question which nobody can answer.

3. I stayed an extra night so that I could see James.

4. We gave up hope of seeing her.

5. She looks no older than her daughter.

6. There are much better shops in the town.

7. I will be in bed by the time you get home.

8. This is a great place. Thanks for bringing me here.

9. He is a bit of a fool if you ask me.
Conjunctions Exercise

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction or preposition.


1. ……………………. you want to make money, you have to work hard. (If / Whether / Unless)

2. …………………. He was not there, I left a message with his wife. (As / So / When)

3. ………………… you mend your ways, you will land in trouble. (Unless / If)

4. She recognized him ……………….. he was sporting a beard. (even if / if / though)

5. I could not solve the puzzle, ……………… I tried hard. (though / even if)

6. You will not get that job ……………… you apply for it. (even though / even if)

7. He was twelve ……………… his parents died. (when / while)

8. She speaks ……………….. she was rich. (if / as if / though)

9. …………………. he has apologized we will not take any further actions against him. (since / as / so)


1. If you want to make money, you have to work hard.

2. As he was not there, I left a message with his wife.

3. Unless you mend your ways, you will land in trouble.

4. She recognized him though he was sporting a beard.

5. I could not solve the puzzle though I tried hard.

6. You will not get that job even if you apply for it.

7. He was twelve when his parents died.

8. She speaks as if she was rich.

9. Since / As he has apologized we will not take any further actions against him.
17 December 2019
Active English with vk ™
💖 2
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●


Conjunctions are words used to connect clauses. Examples are: and, but, or, if, whether, though, although, even though, before, if, unless etc.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction.


1. ……………….. the coat was expensive I bought it.

2. The movie was a box office hit ……………. I didn’t like it.

3. She asked me ……………… I would be able to help her.

4. The boy replied ……………. he was too busy.

5. I helped him ………….. I liked him.

6. I will do it …………….. you forbid me.

7. We will wait ………………. he arrives.

8. …………….. you pay your dues, your subscription will be cancelled.

9. We haven’t settled the question of ……………. we should move to a bigger home.

10. The baby is crying ……………. he is hungry.


1. Though / although the coat was expensive I bought it.

2. The movie was a box office hit but I didn’t like it.

3. She asked me whether / if I would be able to help her.

4. The boy replied that he was too busy.

5. I helped him because I liked him.

6. I will do it even if you forbid me.

7. We will wait until he arrives.

8. Unless you pay your dues, your subscription will be cancelled.

9. We haven’t settled the question of whether we should move to a bigger home.

10. The baby is crying because he is hungry.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

PhrasalVerbs Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb.


1. Before questioning the witness, the prosecutor looked …………….. the papers carefully.

a) about
b) over
c) up

2. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you should look it …………… in a dictionary.

a) over
b) up
c) out

3. She made …………… a story to avoid punishment.

a) out
b) up
c) in

4. Can you speak a bit louder? I can’t make ………………. what you are saying.

a) up
b) over
c) out

5. She bent down to pick …………… the bag.

a) out
b) up
c) in

6. As we drove through the city, our guide pointed ……………… the major tourist attractions.

a) in
b) out
c) on

7. You should put …………….. some money for your retirement.

a) out
b) away
c) in

8. As it was very cold, I put …………. a jacket.

a) up
b) on
c) over


1. Before questioning the witness, the prosecutor looked over the papers carefully.

2. If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you should look it up in a dictionary.

3. She made up a story to avoid punishment.

4. Can you speak a bit louder? I can’t make out what you are saying.

5. She bent down to pick up the bag.

6. As we drove through the city, our guide pointed out the major tourist attractions.

7. You should put away some money for your retirement.

8. As it was very cold, I put on a jacket.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●


Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.


1. I ……………….. for Tokyo tomorrow morning.

a) am leaving
b) will leave
c) leave

2. Rani ……………….. a baby.

a) expects
b) is expecting
c) has expected

3. If you ……………… the answer why didn’t you tell me?

a) know
b) knew
c) have known

4. You have never …………………. me any help.

a) offer
b) offered
c) offering

5. She ……………… like that since childhood.

a) was
b) has been
c) is

6. The spider ……………….. with a stone.

a) killed
b) was killed
c) has killed

7. The parcel ………………. in the morning.

a) sent
b) was sent
c) send

8. What are you ……………….. there?

a) done
b) doing
c) do

9. The winners ……………….. by the principal.

a) were praising
b) were praised
c) praised

10. The train ……………….. at 6.30.

a) leaves
b) leave
c) is leaving


1. I am leaving for Tokyo tomorrow morning.

2. Rani is expecting a baby.

3. If you knew the answer why didn’t you tell me?

4. You have never offered me any help.

5. She has been like that since childhood.

6. The spider was killed with a stone.

7. The parcel was sent in the morning.

8. What are you doing there?

9. The winners were praised by the principal.

10. The train leaves at 6.30.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩ Active English with vk ۩๑▬▬▬●

SimplePresent Tense Exercise

In the simple present tense, the verb takes the marker -s when the subject is a singular noun or pronoun. When the subject is the first person singular pronoun ‘I’ or a plural noun or pronoun, there is no -s marking.

Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the verb given in the brackets.


1. Father ……………… (go) to office every day.

2. I …………………. (want) to be a famous writer.

3. She ……………….. (earn) a nice salary.

4. Rahul …………….. (aspire) to be a rocket scientist.

5. My sister …………….. (sing) very well.

6. Raju ………………. (go) to school every morning.

7. My dog ……………….. (like) to chase cats.

8. My father …………….. (cook) delicious meals.

9. The rabbit ……………. (run) fast.

10. She …………………. (wear) a new frock every day.

11. Water ………………. (change) into water vapor on cooling.

12. My daughter …………….. (enjoy) reading books.

13. Rani ……………….. (stay) with her parents.


1. Father goes to office every day.

2. I want to be a famous writer.

3. She earns a nice salary.

4. Rahul aspires to be a rocket scientist.

5. My sister sings very well.

6. Raju goes to school every morning.

7. My dog likes to chase cats.

8. My father cooks delicious meals.

9. The rabbit runs fast.

10. She wears a new frock every day.

11. Water changes into water vapor on cooling.

12. My daughter enjoys reading books.

13. Rani stays with her parents.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Active English with vk ™
💖 1
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

GapFills Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.


1. We will be shocked if he …………..

a) wins
b) won
c) had won

2. If I had been invited, I ………………..

a) will come
b) would come
c) would have come

3. ………………. seen such a mess.

a) I have never
b) Never have I

4. The doctor suggested …………… smoking.

a) me to quit
b) quitting
c) to quit

5. I …………….. my grandparents.

a) often visit
b) visit often

6. We don’t allow people ……………… in the kitchen.

a) smoking
b) to smoke

7. She didn’t let me …………….. her room.

a) enter
b) to enter
c) entering

8. Would you mind ………….. the window?

a) to open
b) opening

9. You …………… to behave more politely.

a) ought
b) should
c) must

10. If you don’t want to go, you ……………….

a) not have to
b) don’t have to
c) mustn’t


1. We will be shocked if he wins.

2. If I had been invited, I would have come.

3. Never have I seen such a mess.

4. The doctor suggested quitting smoking.

5. I often visit my grandparents.

6. We don’t allow people to smoke in the kitchen.

7. She didn’t let me enter her room.

8. Would you mind opening the window?

9. You ought to behave more politely.

10. If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

GapFilling Exercise

Test your understanding of basic rules and patterns with this exercise.

Fill in the blanks.


1. He asked me …………..

a) to quit
b) quitting

2. I sent ……………… a letter.

a) him
b) to him

3. I sent the parcel …………………..

a) to my mother
b) my mother

4. We ……………. the railway station in ten minutes

a) reached
b) reached at
c) reached to

5. Do you know the reason …………… she hates me?

a) why
b) that
c) for

6. It looks ………….. rain.

a) like
b) as if

7. Have you heard anything from them …………..?

a) yet
b) already
c) still

8. I have ………….. had my lunch.

a) yet
b) still
c) already

9. She hasn’t arrived ……………….

a) yet
b) already
c) still

10. We are …………. waiting for him.

a) still
b) yet
c) already


1. He asked me to quit.

2. I sent him a letter.

3. I sent the parcel to my mother.

4. We reached the railway station in ten minutes.

5. Do you know the reason why she hates me?

6. It looks like rain.

7. Have you heard anything from them yet?

8. I have already had my lunch.

9. She hasn’t arrived yet.

10. We are still waiting for him.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

GeneralGrammar Exercise

Fill in the blanks.


1. The dentist suggested …………………. the toothbrush.

a) to change
b) changing
c) Either could be used here

2. It is high time you ………………. to bed.

a) go
b) gone
c) went

3. What …………….. at 8 o’clock yesterday evening?

a) are you doing
b) did you do
c) were you doing

4. I waited for him ……………….. 10 o’clock and then I went home.

a) up to
b) until
c) unless

5. I looked out of the window but I didn’t see ………………..

a) anything
b) nothing
c) something

6. She replied that she ………………. busy.

a) is
b) was
c) has been

7. No one asked me why …………………. crying.

a) was I
b) I was
c) Either could be used here

8. I don’t know ……………… I will be able to come.

a) if
b) whether
c) Either could be used here


1. The dentist suggested changing the toothbrush.

2. It is high time you went to bed.

3. What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday evening?

4. I waited for him until 10 o’clock and then I went home.

5. I looked out of the window but I didn’t see anything.

6. She replied that she was busy.

7. No one asked me why I was crying.

8. I don’t know if / whether I will be able to come.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

Already, Yet, Still

Fill in the blanks with still, yet or already.


1. Are you ……………… living in the same house?

a) still
b) yet
c) already

2. My father has not come ……………….

a) yet
b) still
c) already

3. When I went to bed, my sister was ………………. studying.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

4. Is it ……………… raining?

a) still
b) yet
c) already

5. Do you ……………… want to go to the party or have you changed your mind?

a) yet
b) still
c) already

6. I have ……………….. completed the job.

a) already
b) still
c) yet

7. I have ………………. to hear from them.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

8. He ……………….. lives at the same address.

a) still
b) yet
c) already

9. I ………………. practice the violin but I no longer play the piano.

a) still
b) yet
c) already


1. Are you still living in the same house?

2. My father has not come yet.

3. When I went to bed, my sister was still studying.

4. Is it still raining?

5. Do you still want to go to the party or have you changed your mind?

6. I have already completed the job.

7. I have yet to hear from them.

8. He still lives at the same address.

9. I still practice the violin but I no longer play the piano.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
●▬▬๑۩Active English with vk۩๑▬▬▬●

WhQuestions In The Simple Present Tense

In the simple present tense, we make questions and negatives with do and does. Do is used with plural subjects. Does is used with singular subjects.

Make Wh-questions in the simple present tense using the given hints. One has been done for you.

Where / Rahul
Where is Rahul?



1. Why / you / angry?

2. Where / he?

3. Who /she?

4. Why / you / late?

5. Whose / this?

6. What / he / does?

7. Where / you / live?

8. How / you / do?
9. How old / you?

9) How / you?

10. Who / your father?

11. Where / the post office?

12. Who / your / best friend?

13. Where / you / live?

14. How / the movie?

15. What time / train / arrive?

16. When / the concert?

17. Why / she / upset?

18. Where / you?


1. Why are you angry?

2. Where is he?

3. Who is she?

4. Why are you late?

5. Whose is this?

6. What does he do?

7. Where do you live?

8. How do you do?

9. How old are you?

9) How are you?

10. Who is your father?

11. Where is the post office?

12. Who is your best friend?

13. Where do you live?

14. How is the movie?

15. What time does the train arrive?

16. When is the concert?

17. Why is she upset?

18. Where are you?

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Active English with vk ™
💖 2
👌 3
Present Continuous Tense Exercise

We make the present continuous tense form by putting is, am or are before the ing form of the verb. We use ‘is’ when the subject is a singular noun or pronoun. We use ‘are’ when the subject is a plural noun or pronoun. We use ‘am’ when the subject is the first person singular noun ‘I’.

Grammar exercise


1. Rani stays with her parents.

2. Rahul works very hard to get good grades.

3. He writes short stories.

4. Susie speaks very loudly.

5. Birds fly in the sky.

6. The wind blows fiercely.

7. I work at a bank.

8. My mother bakes delicious cakes for us.

9. I take my dog for a walk.

10. We play hide and seek in the garden.


1. Rani is staying with her parents.

2. Rahul is working very hard to get good grades.

3. He is writing short stories.

4. Susie is speaking very loudly.

5. Birds are flying in the sky.

6. The wind is blowing fiercely.

7. I am working at a bank.

8. My mother is baking delicious cakes for us.

9. I am taking my dog for a walk.

10. We are playing hide and seek in the garden.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Simple Present Or Present Continuous

Fill in the blanks with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verb given in the brackets.


1. The children are so happy that they ……………….. up and down. (jump)

2. He ……………….. (take) his dog out for a walk in the evening.

3. My neighbors …………….. (hold) late night parties almost every night.

4. I ……………….. (wait) to hear from my son.

5. Who ……………. (live) next door?

6. The dog ……………. (hide) behind the curtain.

7. The students ……………………. (revise) their lessons.

8. I ……………….. (like) long hair.

9. My mother ………………. (want) me to get good grades.

10. John ………………… (stay) with his parents at the moment.

11. I ………………. (go) to give a presentation in the evening.


1. The children are so happy that they are jumping up and down.

2. He takes his dog out for a walk in the evening.

3. My neighbors hold late night parties almost every night.

4. I am waiting to hear from my son.

5. Who lives next door?

6. The dog is hiding behind the curtain.

7. The students are revising their lessons.

8. I like long hair.

9. My mother wants me to get good grades.

10. John is staying with his parents at the moment.

11. I am going to give a presentation in the evening.

🦋 @vkmagzineg
Tenses Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.


1. Radha …………….. up at 5.30. (get)

2. We …………………… for you. (wait)

3. I ……………….. the job. (finish)

4. The girls ………………… their lessons now. (revise)

5. It ………………… since morning. (rain)

6. I ………………… her since my childhood. (know)

7. Although he tried hard, he ……………….. not fix the machine. (can)

8. She said that she ……………….. not interested in the offer. (be)

9. What ………………. you do then? (do)

10. We …………………. by Monday. (finish)

11. My mother …………….. me a watch for my birthday. (give)

12. I expected to fail the exam, but I …………… after all. (pass)


1. Radha gets up at 5.30.

2. We are waiting for you.

3. I have finished the job.

4. The girls are revising their lessons now.

5. It has been raining since morning.

6. I have known her since my childhood.

7. Although he tried hard, he could not fix the machine.

8. She said that she was not interested in the offer.

9. What did you do then?

10. We will have finished by Monday.

11. My mother gave me a watch for my birthday.

12. I expected to fail the exam, but I passed after all.

🦋 @vkmagzineg

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