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The Voice: 1000 Sentences

Change the Voice: 1000 Sentences 

Ex. 1 (100 sentences) 
1. The sweet dish was not eaten. 
Ans. She did not eat the sweet dish. 
2. This car is driven with a robot. 
Ans. A robot drives this car.  
3. All the bottles of cold-drinks have been drunk.  
Ans. They have drunk all the bottles of cold-drinks.  
4. A rat can be drawn easily.  
Ans. We can draw a rat easily. 
5. Roma's homework is never done in time.  
Ans. Roma never does her homework in time.  
6. A big tunnel was being dug in the field.  
Ans. They were digging a big tunnel in the field. 
7. In the days of monsoon, tall trees in our city are being cut down.  
Ans. In the days of monsoon, they are cutting down tall trees.  
8. Some of the chain-snatchers have been caught by the police. 
Ans. The police have caught some of the chain-snatchers. 
9. All the listed goods have been bought.  
Ans. I have bought all the listed goods. 
10. The house next to mine was being rebuilt.  
Ans. They were rebuilding the house next to mine. 
11. This program is being broadcast all over the world.  
Ans. They are broadcasting this programme all over the world.  
12. The window has been broken.  
Ans. Someone has broken the window.  
13. Megha was bitten by a dog yesterday.  
Ans. A dog bit Megha yesterday. 
14. He was beaten up last week.  
Ans. They beat up him last week.  
15. Politics is not taught in our college.  
Ans. We do not teach Politics in our college.  
16. 'King Lear' was written by Shakespeare.  
Ans. Shakespeare wrote 'King Lear'. 
17. Everything that had been overheard by you was not truth. 
Ans. Everything that you had overheard was not truth.  
18. Everything is going to be forgotten soon after they depart. 
Ans. We are going to forget everything soon after they depart.  
19. Bhikhu has not been given the money. 
Ans. They have not given the money to Bhikhu.  
20. This secret had not been known for years. 
Ans. We had not known this secret for years.  
21. It is said that learning English is easy. 
Ans. People say that learning English is easy.   
22. Jiya and Lara were not misled. 
Ans. They did not mislead Jiya and Lara.  
23. Our horses are well fed. 
Ans. We feed our horses well. 
24. Rohit and Mohit were hurt in an accident. 
Ans. Someone hurt Rohit and Mohit in an accident.  
25. The battles for liberation had been fought. 
Ans. They had fought the battles for liberation. 
26. The best solution of this problem will be found as soon as possible. 
Ans. We will find the best solution of this problem as soon as possible.  
27. Mr Patel has not been given any instruction. 
Ans. They have not given any instruction to Mr Patel.   
28. The painting of M.F. Husain is being sent to a famous museum. 
Ans. They are sending the painting of M.F. Husain to a famous museum.  
29. The stolen bike was left in the ditch. 
Ans. Someone left the stolen bike in the ditch.  
30. The treasure must have been hidden. 
Ans. They must have hidden the treasure.  
31. What you have done to me cannot be forgiven. 
Ans. I cannot forget what you have done to me.  
32. Thirty more people were laid off last week. 
Ans. The company laid off thirty more people last week.  
33. The protesters at Ramlila Maidan were being held back by the police.  
Ans. The police were holding back the protesters at Ramlila Maidan.  
34. The old theatre is being pulled down. 
Ans. They are pulling down the old theatre. 
35. The keys must have been left behind. 
Ans. I must have left the keys behind.  
36. The criminal was locked up.  
Ans. They locked up the criminal.  
37. The candle was blown out by the wind.  
Ans. The wind blew out the candle. 
38. Whatever happened with Mrs Tendulkar has never been heard of. 
Ans. We have never heard of whatever happened with Mrs Tendulkar.  
39. Miss Basu was let off with a fine. 
Ans. They let off Miss Basu with a fine.  
40. The poor old man was knocked down by a bus. 
Ans. A bus knocked down the poor old man.  
41. Nothing can be held against me. 
Ans. You cannot hold anything against me.  
42. My bank loan will be paid off in five years.  
Ans. I shall pay off my bank loan in five years. 
43. A proposal was put forward for discussion. 
Ans. They put forward a proposal for discussion. 
44. A story of fake encounter of the terrorist will be made up. 
Ans. They will make up a story of fake encounter of the terrorist.   
45. As many as 1000 employees were kicked out. 
Ans. The company kicked out as many as 1000 employees.  
46. A plan to stop drug trafficking had been drawn up before they started the  
Ans. They had drawn up a plan to stop drug trafficking before they started the 
47. A ten year old school boy was run over by a bus as he was crossing the road. 
Ans. A bus ran over a ten year old school boy as he was crossing the road.  
48. His confidence will be built up by this bright result. 
Ans. This bright result will build up his confidence.  
49. My friends have been done in by all that exercise. 
Ans. All that exercise has done in my friends.  
50. I am being caught up by the other students of English. 
Ans. The other students of English are catching up me.  
51. Many faults can be found with him.  
Ans. She can find many faults with him. 
52. More and more farmland is being eaten up. 
Ans. They are eating up more and more farmland.  
53. Most of the land in the area has been bought up by property developers. 
Ans. Property developers have bought up most of the land in the area.  
54. One of the other prisoners was beaten up. 
Ans. They beat up one of the other prisoners.  
55. Farsaan has been cut out from my diet.  
Ans. I have cut out Farsaan from my diet.  
56. Jesica is being brought up in a friendly atmosphere.  
Ans. They are bringing up Jesica in a friendly atmosphere.  
57. Rina's engagement was broken off just two days before the wedding. 
Ans. Rina broke off her engagement just two days before the wedding.   
58. The national library had been blown up by the terrorists. 
Ans. The terrorists had blown up the national library.  
59. Various political parties will be called on to stop fighting.  
Ans. They will call on various political parties to stop fighting.  
60. The road outside my house is being dug up by RMC. 
Ans. RMC is digging up the road outside my house.  
61. The central government could be brought down by this scandal. 
Ans. This scandal could bring down the central government.  
62. Unemployment must be dealt with by the government. 
Ans. The government must deal with unemployment. 
63. A good film was shown in the cinema yesterday. 
Ans. They showed a good film in the cinema yesterday.  
64. Are you sure the door has been shut? 
Ans. Are you sure you have shut the door?  
65. Such types of things must not be thrown out in the waste. 
Ans. We must not throw out such types of things in the waste.  
66. Chinese is going to be taught in this college. 
Ans. They are going to teach Chinese in this college.   
67. Everything is being swept diligently. 
Ans. They are sweeping everything diligently.  
68. An army man was shot in crossfire. 
Ans. They shot an army man in crossfire.  
69. His English can easily be understood.  
Ans. We can easily understand his English.  
70. His mother had not been told about the accident before you mentioned it. 
Ans. We had not told his mother about the accident before you mentioned it.  
71. Shailesh was woken up by the alarm clock at 6 o'clock. 
Ans. The alarm clock woke up Shailesh at 6 o'clock. 
72. Many well-known songs are being sung at this competition. 
Ans. They are singing many well-known songs at this competition. 
73. Mr Kotak was sworn in as the mayor. 
Ans. They swore in Mr Kotak as the mayor.  
74. Nothing more can be written about my love for you, my love. 
Ans. I can write nothing more about my love for you, my love.  
75. Our cars were not taken by traffic police. 
Ans. Traffic police did not take our cars.  
76. The bottle of aerated drinks should not be shaken. 
Ans. We should not shake the bottle of aerated drinks.  
77. The class were split up into groups of five. 
Ans. They split up the class into groups of five.  
78. The jewellery was stolen.  
Ans. Someone stole the jewellery.  
79. The paper was stuck on the window. 
Ans. Someone stuck the paper on the window.  
80. The plaster was being torn down off the wall when we arrived. 
Ans. They were tearing down the plaster off the wall when we arrived.  
81. Too much money is being spent on the army by Russia. 
Ans. Russia is spending too much money on the army.  
82. We were held up in the traffic.  
Ans. Something held up us in the traffic.  
83. This song has been known for years. 
Ans. We have known this song for years.  
84. The tables were laid. 
Ans. They laid the tables.  
85. Children must be left to do what they want to.  
Ans. We must leave children to do what they want to.  
86. The books were laid on the table. 
Ans. We laid the books on the table. 
87. They put out all the candles that had been lit. 
Ans. All the candles that they had lit were put out.  
88. The passport is an important document. It must not be lost. 
Ans. The passport is an important document. We must not lose it.  
89. A decision must be made today. 
Ans. We must make a decision today.   
90. I had at least that much money that the bills could be paid. 
Ans. I had at least that much money that I could pay the bills.  
91. The message has been read out loud. 
Ans. They have read out the message loud.  
92. The bells would be rung if they could. 
Ans. They would ring the bells if they could.  
93. The old dog was run over by a lorry. 
Ans. A lorry ran over the old dog. 
94. It is said to be important. 
Ans. People say it to be important. 
95. Some products can hardly be sold.  
Ans. They can hardly sell some products.  
96. Rest assure. Your parcel will be sent today. 
Ans. Rest assure. We will send your parcel today.  
97. All the clocks were set forward. 
Ans. They set forward all the clocks.  
98. This dress has been chosen for Neha's wedding. 
Ans. They have chosen this dress for Neha's wedding.  
99. The cover of the car was blown away by the wind. 
Ans. The wind blew away the cover of the car.  
100. The matter decided in the meeting could not be kept secret. 
Ans. They could not keep the matter decided in the meeting secret. 
Ex. 2 (100 sentences) 
1. The Hindus read the Ramayana. 
Ans. The Ramayana is read by the Hindus. 
2. Does Sachin like English movies? 
Ans. Are English movies liked by Sachin? 
3. Have they constructed the bridge? 
Ans. Has the bridge been constructed by them? 
4. Post this letter at once. 
Ans. Let this letter be posted at once. OR 
You are ordered to post this letter at once.  
5. It is time to say the prayer. 
Ans. It is time for the prayer to be said. 
6. Krishna plays the flute. 
Ans. The flute is played by Krishna. 
7. The news surprised me.  
Ans. I was surprised by the news. 
8. She has promised him a bicycle. 
Ans. He has been promised a bicycle by her. OR 
A bicycle has been promised to him by her. 
9. Parthiv teaches the 'Bhagvad Gita'. 
Ans. 'The Bhagvad Gita' is taught by Parthiv. 
10. People say that honesty is the best policy. 
Ans. It is said that honesty is the best policy.  
11. Chocolates are liked by children. 
Ans. Children like chocolates. 
12. He was cheated by the people. 
Ans. People cheated him. 
13. That letter has been written by her. 
Ans. She has written that letter. 
14. Sugar is sold by the grocer. 
Ans. The grocer sells sugar. 
15. Students will be helped by the principal. 
Ans. The principal will help students. 
16. Letters were being written by them. 
Ans. They were writing letters. 
17. The book is kept in the bag by her. 
Ans. She keeps the book in her bag. 
18. I shall write a love story. 
Ans. A love story will be written by me. 
19. Meena is washing her clothes. 
Ans. Meena's clothes are being washed by her. 
20. The police caught the thief. 
Ans. The thief was caught by the police. 
21. Does Leena sing a song? 
Ans. Is a song sung by Leena? 
22. Birds build nests.  
Ans. Nests are built by birds. 
23. She completed the journal. 
Ans. The journal was completed by her. 
24. All trust an honest man. 
Ans. An honest man is trusted by all. 
25. He cut it. 
Ans. It was cut by him. 
26. He gives me ten rupees a day. 
Ans. I am given ten rupees a day by him. OR 
Ten rupees are given to me a day by him. 
27. Who broke this glass? 
Ans. By whom was this glass broken? 
28. A poor boy was given a piece of bread? 
Ans. They gave a poor boy a piece of bread. 
29. Please, get down from the bus. 
Ans. You are requested to get down from the bus. 
30. Urvi has done her work sincerely. 
Ans. Urvi's work has been done sincerely by her. 
31. Do you know Mr Shah? 
Ans. Is Mr Shah known to you? 
32. A frog never drinks water. 
Ans. Water is never drunk by a frog. 
33. Our nation is built by great people.  
Ans. Great people build our nation. 
34. I want to take breakfast. 
Ans. I want breakfast to be taken. 
35. The tea pot contains tea. 
Ans. Tea is contained in the tea pot. 
36. It is believed that the earth is round. 
Ans. People believe that the earth is round. 
37. The principal has promised us a holiday. 
Ans. A holiday has been promised to us by the principal. OR 
We have been promised a holiday by the principal. 
38. They have offered me a job at the bank. 
Ans. I have been offered a job at the bank by them. OR 
A job has been offered to me at the bank by them. 
39. No one had ever dreamt of such a tragedy. 
Ans. Such a tragedy had never been dreamt of by any one. 
40. His words can't be depended upon. 
Ans. We can't depend upon his words. 
41. Where did you find the purse? 
Ans. Where was the purse found by you? 
42. I saw him opening the box. 
Ans. He was seen opening the box by me. 
43. Let these men be released. 
Ans. Release these men.  
44. Finish this job in a week's time. 
Ans. Let this job be finished in a week's time.  
45. It is known that he is innocent. 
Ans. All know that he is innocent.  
46. I want him to do this work.  
Ans. I want this work to be done by him.  
47. Please do not create a nuisance here.  
Ans. You are requested not to create a nuisance here.  
48. Having closed the shop, the shopkeeper went home.  
Ans. The shop having been closed, the shopkeeper went home.  
49. Do the scientists understand everything about life?  
Ans. Is everything about life understood by the scientists?  
50. It is time to dry up the clothes. 
Ans. It is time for the clothes to be dried up. 
51. Are you solving your paper of English today? 
Ans. Is your paper of English being solved by you today? 
52. The servant opened the door.  
Ans. The door was opened by the servant. 
53. The teacher asked many questions.  
Ans. Many questions were asked by the teacher.  
54. Mother washes our clothes. 
Ans. Our clothes are washed by mother.  
55. The watchman is closing the gate.  
Ans. The gate is being closed by the watchman.  
56. Father will drive the car. 
Ans. The car will be driven by father.  
57. This boy has painted the picture.  
Ans. The picture has been painted by this boy.  
58. The landlord was building a wall.  
Ans. A wall was being built by the landlord.  
59. The policeman had arrested the thief by that time.  
Ans. The thief had been arrested by the policeman by that time.  
60. The cruel master has punished them.  
Ans. They have been punished by the cruel master. 
61. The peon will deliver the letters this evening.  
Ans. The letters will be delivered by the peon this evening.  
62. The waves are tossing about the boat.  
Ans. The boat is being tossed about by the waves.  
63. The teacher is guiding the boys.  
Ans. The boys are being guided by the teacher.   
64. The noise has frightened the horse. 
Ans. The horse has been frightened by the noise.  
65. The heavy rains had destroyed all crops.  
Ans. All crops had been destroyed by the heavy rains.  
66. Sheetal has invited us to dinner tomorrow.  
Ans. We have been invited to dinner by Sheetal tomorrow.   
66. Am I disturbing you?  
Ans. Are you being disturbed by me?  
68. My parents love me.  
Ans. I am loved by my parents.  
69. Do you need money?  
Ans. Is money needed by you?  
70. Who makes these programmes?  
Ans. By whom are these programmes made? 
71. A bus knocked him down.  
Ans. He was knocked down by a bus.  
72. Did the maid break the jug?  
Ans. Was the jug broken by the maid?  
73. How did you catch the thief?  
Ans. How was the thief caught by you?  
74. Will you help me?  
Ans. Shall I be helped by you?  
75. Are they calling me?  
Ans. Am I being called by them?  
76. The policeman is watching us.  
Ans. We are being watched by the policeman.  
77. Why were they beating the boys?  
Ans. Why were the boys being beaten by them?  
78. A young girl was picking flowers.   
Ans. Flowers were being picked by a young girl.  
79. We have won the match.  
Ans. The match has been won by us.  
80. Has she learnt the speech?  
Ans. Has the speech been learnt by her? 
81. We had finished the work before sunset.  
Ans. The work had been finished by us before sunset.  
82. The parrot has learnt many new words. 
Ans. Many new words have been learnt by the parrot.  
83. When does she sing a prayer?  
Ans. When is a prayer sung by her?  
84. I am to visit the Taj Mahal tomorrow.  
Ans. The Taj Mahal is to be visited by me tomorrow.  
85. Do this work carefully.  
Ans. Let this work be done carefully.  
86. The teacher made him stand for an hour.  
Ans. He was made to stand for an hour by the teacher.  
87. Mr Homes refuses the case.  
Ans. The case is refused by Mr Holmes.  
88. Dr Watson invites Sir Henry for dinner.  
Ans. Sir Henry is invited for dinner by Dr Watson.  
89. John beats his wife.  
Ans. His wife is beaten by John.   
90. China helps Shri Lanka financially.  
Ans. Shri Lanka is helped financially by China. 
91. Bina is cleaning the room.  
Ans. The room is being cleaned by Bina. 
92. Alia is not helping Nitu. 
Ans. Nitu is not being helped by Alia.  
93. He is repairing the window.  
Ans. The window is being repaired by him.  
94. Majnubhai is painting an accident scene.  
Ans. An accident scene is being painted by Majnubhai.  
95. Is Mr Bean painting the fence? 
Ans. Is the fence being painted by Mr Bean?  
96. Ranabir has scolded his wife.  
Ans. His wife has been scolded by Ranabir.  
97. The hound did not catch him.  
Ans. He was not caught by the hound.  
98. Did you repair my TV?  
Ans. Was my TV repaired by you?  
99. Did she hurt his feelings?  
Ans. Were his feelings hurt by her?  
100. Didn't you win the prize?  
Ans. Wasn't the prize won by you? 
Ex. 3 (100 sentences) 
1. The cook has made my lunch.  
Ans. My lunch has been made by the cook.  
2. I haven't spoiled the soup. 
Ans. The soup hasn't been spoiled by me.  
3. Gandhiji has taught the truth.  
Ans. The truth has been taught by Gandhiji.  
4. She has done this job.  
Ans. This job has been done by her.  
5. She has selected a blue dress.  
Ans. A blue dress has been selected by her.  
6. I was repairing my car.  
Ans. My car was being repaired by me.  
7. They were making a new bridge.  
Ans. A new bridge was being made by them.  
8. She was writing a novel.  
Ans. A novel was being written by her.  
9. Where was he playing chess? 
Ans. Where was chess being played by him?  
10. Who was distributing sweets? 
Ans. By whom were sweets being distributed? 
11. She has insulted me. 
Ans. I have been insulted by her.   
12. He has confessed the crime.  
Ans. The crime has been confessed by him.  
13. Bindu has seen the dead body.  
Ans. The dead body has been seen by Bindu.  
14. Have you got the news?  
Ans. Has the news been got by you?  
15. She has completed her work.  
Ans. Her work has been completed by her.  
16. Thieves had stolen a lot of valuables.  
Ans. A lot of valuables had been stolen by thieves.  
17. She had removed my doubts.  
Ans. My doubts had been removed by her.  
18. Had all the girls purchased the text books? 
Ans. Had the text books been purchased by all the girls?  
19. My visit had surprised him.  
Ans. He had been surprised by my visit.  
20. The policeman had beaten the thief.  
Ans. The thief had been beaten by the police. 
21. The students will not burn the bus.  
Ans. The bus will not be burnt by the students.  
22. He should help her.  
Ans. She should be helped by him.  
23. The nuclear war will destroy the world.   
Ans. The world will be destroyed by the nuclear war.  
24. She will have finished her job.  
Ans. Her job will have been finished by her.  
25. I shall have passed my exam.  
Ans. My exam will have been passed by me.  
26. We must obey the laws of the country.  
Ans. The laws of the country must be obeyed by us.  
27. I could not find my purse.  
Ans. My purse could not be found by me.  
28. You ought not to buy an expensive car. 
Ans. An expensive car ought not to be bought by you.  
29. They might buy this flat.  
Ans. This flat might be bought by them.  
30. May God bless her with a son! 
Ans. May she be blessed with a son by God! 
31. Who may have done this mistake?  
Ans. By whom may this mistake have been done? 
32. Clothe your baby.  
Ans. Let your baby be clothed.  
33. Close the window.  
Ans. Let the window be closed. 
34. Sell this house off.  
Ans. Let this house be sold off. OR  
This house should be sold off.  
35. Let me buy a wrist-watch. 
Ans. Let a wrist-watch be bought by me.  
36. Do not disturb me.  
Ans. I should not be disturbed. OR 
You are warned not to disturb me.  
37. Give up smoking.  
Ans. Smoking should be given up. OR 
You are advised to give up smoking.  
38. Do not board a running train.  
Ans. A running train should not be boarded. OR 
You are advised not to board a running train.  
39. Bring me a cup of coffee.  
Ans. Let a cup of coffee be brought for me.  
40. Let me taste this apple.  
Ans. Let this apple be tasted by me. 
41. My sister was helping me in arranging the files.  
Ans. I was being helped in arranging the files by my sister.  
42. Having completed his work, he went home.  
Ans. His work having been completed, he went home.  
43. Isha is making something. 
Ans. Something is being made by Isha.  
44. We are to take only vegetable soup.  
Ans. Only vegetable soup is to be taken by us.  
45. Why are you disturbing the sleeping patients?  
Ans. Why are the sleeping patients being disturbed by you?  
46. Who is to post these letters?  
Ans. By whom are these letters to be posted?  
47. Don't reveal it to anybody.  
Ans. You are suggested not to reveal it to anybody.  
48. He may invite you all to lunch.  
Ans. You all may be invited to lunch by him.  
49. A teacher always keeps the students busy.  
Ans. The students are always kept busy by a teacher.  
50. It is now time to ring the bell.  
Ans. It is now time for the bell to be rung. 
51. Please be regular.  
Ans. You are requested to be regular.  
52. My father has advised me to seek your advice.  
Ans. I have been advised by my father to seek your advice.  
53. Do not insult the weak.  
Ans. Let the weak not be insulted. OR 
You are suggested not to insult the weak. OR 
The weak should not be insulted.  
54. Whom do you consider a sensible man?  
Ans. Who is considered a sensible man by you?   
55. Can anybody build a house on sand?  
Ans. Can a house be built on sand?  
56. Why have you not bought a car?  
Ans. Why has a car not been bought by you?  
57. You should have informed me.  
Ans. I should have been informed by you. 
58. Had they paid money before they left the place?  
Ans. Had money been paid by them before they left the place?  
59. Let her draw a picture.  
Ans. Let a picture be drawn by her.  
60. Shailesh wrote that letter on 14th July.  
Ans. That letter was written on 14th July by Shailesh. 
61. What is going to be done by you?  
Ans. What are you going to do?  
62. I shall be delighted by her presence.  
Ans. Her presence will delight me.  
63. Let this chapter be finished first.  
Ans. Finish this chapter first.  
64. Much work has been left unfinished by Trupti.  
Ans. Trupti has left much work unfinished.  
65. It is now time for the previous chapter to be revised.  
Ans. It is now time to revise the previous chapter.  
66. Our surroundings ought to be kept tidy.   
Ans. We ought to keep our surroundings tidy.   
67. By whom was your car being followed?  
Ans. Who was following your car?  
68. It is known to you all. 
Ans. You all know it.  
69. Why is a fool being dealt with by you?  
Ans. Why are you dealing with a fool?  
70. It is said that one can't satisfy all.  
Ans. People say that one can't satisfy all. 
71. A new scooter is to be bought by her next week.  
Ans. She is to buy a new scooter next week.  
72. A letter should have been written before he left Surat.  
Ans. He should have written a letter before he left Surat.  
73. Were the ghazals being sung by Jagjit Singh then?  
Ans. Was Jagjit Singh singing the ghazals then?  
74. An opportunity has been lost forever by him.  
Ans. He has lost an opportunity forever.  
75. Why am I being looked at by you?  
Ans. Why are you looking at me?  
76. Had she been more careful, the mirror might not have been broken.  
Ans. Had she been more careful, she might not have broken the mirror.  
77. I am loved by my mother.  
Ans. My mother loves me.   
78. Which book is read regularly by you? 
Ans. Which book do you read regularly?  
79. Your lesson should be learnt by you.  
Ans. You should learn your lesson.  
80. An order for books has been placed by me.  
Ans. I have placed an order for books. 
81. Farmers use tractors and thrashers. 
Ans. Tractors and thrashers are used by farmers.  
82. A newspaper does not report on small events.  
Ans. Small events are not reported by a newspaper.  
83. Who conducts the GPSC exam?  
Ans. By whom is the GPSC exam conducted?  
84. Did Gandhiji agree to the British plan?  
Ans. Was the British plan agreed to by Gandhiji?  
85. How many people did the soldiers kill at Jalianwala Bag?  
Ans. How many people were killed by the soldiers at Jalianwala Bag?  
86. The post man clears this box three times.  
Ans. This box is cleared three times by the postman.  
87. Sweepers sweep this street every day.  
Ans. This street is swept by sweepers every day.  
88. Some people steal things from the mall.  
Ans. Things are stolen from the mall.  
89. The watchman called the police.   
Ans. The police were called by the watchman.  
90. We left the purse in the hotel yesterday.  
Ans. The purse was left in the hotel by us yesterday. 
91. The court has fined Rs. 2000 to Vijay Malya.  
Ans. Rs. 2000 has been fined to Vijay Malya by the court. OR  
Vijay Malya has been fined Rs. 2000 by the court.  
92. The cleaner may give the purse to the owner. 
Ans. The purse may be given to the owner by the cleaner.  
93. They threw away the rubbish in the morning.  
Ans. The rubbish was thrown away by them in the morning.  
94. A Japanese firm makes these television sets.  
Ans. These television sets are made by a Japanese firm.  
95. Everyone looked up to him.  
Ans. He was looked up by everyone.  
96. He can't repair your clock.  
Ans. Your clock can't be repaired by him.  
97. They didn't look after the children properly.  
Ans. The children were not looked after properly by them.  
98. Her story didn't take them in.  
Ans. They were not taken in by her story.  
99. She didn't introduce me to her mother.  
Ans. I wasn't introduced to her mother by her.  
100. The rich don't help the poor.   
Ans. The poor are not helped by the rich.  
Ex. 4 (100 sentences) 
1. Who brings notice to you? 
Ans. By whom is notice brought to you?  
2. What do you take in the morning? 
Ans. What is taken by you in the morning?  
3. From where did you buy it? 
Ans. From where was it bought by you?  
4. How many dresses did you buy last year? 
Ans. How many dresses were bought by you last year?  
5. Why did no one inform me of the change of plan?  
Ans. Why was the change of the plan not informed to me?  
6. Did the earthquake destroy the town?  
Ans. Was the town destroyed by the earthquake?  
7. Can we exchange the articles?  
Ans. Can the article be exchanged by us?  
8. Do you take tea in the afternoon?  
Ans. Is tea taken by you in the afternoon?  
9. Shall we prosecute trespassers?  
Ans. Will trespassers be prosecuted by us?  
10. Does he read the English newspaper daily?  
Ans. Is the English newspaper read by him daily?  
11. Wheat is grown in Gujarat.  
Ans. The farmers grow wheat in Gujarat.  
12. Did the lions kill those deer? 
Ans. Were those deer killed by the lions?  
13. What can be done in this matter?  
Ans. What can we do in this matter?  
14. How will the Americans solve the problem of gun-culture?  
Ans. How will the problem of gun-culture be solved by the Americans? 
15. Someone has said that the show must go on.  
Ans. It has been said that show must go on.  
16. At any cost, I'll have to carry out this by this evening.  
Ans. At any cost, this will have to be carried out by me by this evening.  
17. They are setting up a media house there.  
Ans. A media house is being set up there by them.  
18. She picked up what he wanted to say.  
Ans. What he wanted to say was picked up by her.  
19. Go back to your room now.  
Ans. You are ordered to go back to your room now.  
20. I take this risk on your words.  
Ans. This risk is taken on your words by me. 
21. Please come back.  
Ans. You are requested to come back.  
22. People say that bell-bottom trousers have gone out of fashion.   
Ans. It is said that bell-bottom trousers have gone out of fashion.  
23. Please point out what to do and what not to do.  
Ans. You are requested to point out what to do and what not to do.  
24. They will find out some way to get out of it.  
Ans. Some way will be found out to get out of it by them.  
25. Don't worry about her.  
Ans. You are suggested not to worry about her.  
26. He saw a crocodile coming up suddenly from the river.  
Ans. A crocodile was seen coming up suddenly from the river by him.  
27. You should make up your mind to solve this issue.  
Ans. You should make up your mind for this issue to be solved.  
28. Adani will take over that company.  
Ans. That company will be taken over by Adani.  
29. Come out of your room and enjoy the rain.  
Ans. You are advised to come out of your room and enjoy the rain.  
30. She has not received my letters yet.  
Ans. My letters have not been received by her yet. 
31. Why did the foreign investors sell the shares?  
Ans. Why were the shares sold by the foreign investors?  
32. When will you promote me as a manager? 
Ans. When will I be promoted as a manager by you?  
33. How beautifully she coloured the picture! 
Ans. How beautifully the picture was coloured by her!  
34. How will she settle this problem? 
Ans. How will this problem be settled by her?  
35. Who has designed this plan? 
Ans. By whom has this plan been designed?  
36. I'll undertake the situation now.  
Ans. The situation will be undertaken by me now.  
37. She may not accept his offer.  
Ans. His offer may not be accepted by her.  
38. How will you define it? 
Ans. How will it be defined by you?  
39. Describe the picture in ten sentences.  
Ans. You are suggested to describe the picture in ten sentences. OR 
Let the picture be described in ten sentences. OR 
The picture should be described in ten sentences.  
40. Shailesh has created ten WhatsApp groups named English World. 
Ans. Ten WhatsApp groups named English World have been created by Shailesh. 
41. After a long five years, the government took up the seventh pay commission 
for college teachers.  
Ans. After a long five years, the seventh pay commission for college teachers was 
taken up by the government.  
42. The sinners will be punished.  
Ans. God will punish the sinners.  
43. She accidently tore the sofa. 
Ans. The sofa was accidently torn by her.   
44. You should send someone to help her.  
Ans. Someone should be sent to help her by you.  
45. Do not extinguish the candles. 
Ans. Let the candles not be extinguished.  
46. Let the truth be revealed. 
Ans. Reveal the truth.  
47. He quit the game. 
Ans. The game was quitted by him.  
48. Surrender your weapons.  
Ans. You are ordered to surrender your weapons.  
49. You ought not to abandon hope.  
Ans. Hope ought not to be abandoned by you.  
50. I will have my hair cut tomorrow.  
Ans. I will have a barber cut my hair tomorrow. 
51. The judge acquitted the man of his crime. 
Ans. The man was acquitted of his crime by the judge. 
52. Nina is making a bouquet of roses and lilies. 
Ans. A bouquet of roses and lilies is being made by Nina. 
53. People believe all that appear in newspapers. 
Ans. All that appear in newspapers are believed by people. 
54. The crows built a nest on the jackfruit tree. 
Ans. A nest was built on the jackfruit tree by the crows. 
55. My sister will cook dinner tonight.  
Ans. Dinner will be cooked by my sister tonight. 
56. The teacher had prepared the students well for the test. 
Ans. The students had been prepared well for the test by the teacher. 
57. The man outside the store was ringing a bell. 
Ans. A bell was being rung by the man outside the store. 
58. Maya has left all the windows open. 
Ans. All the windows have been left open by Maya.  
59. They were carrying baskets of flowers and sweets. 
Ans. Baskets of flowers and sweets were being carried by them. 
60. You will have read the book by the time I return. 
Ans. The book will have been read by you by the time I return. 
61. Find the lost documents. 
Ans. You are requested to find the lost documents. OR 
Let the lost documents be found. 
62. When did you read the story? 
Ans. When was the story read by you? 
63. Can you pay the tuition fees tomorrow? 
Ans. Can the tuition fees be paid by you tomorrow? 
64. Build a bridge across the river. 
Ans. You are requested to build a bridge across the river. OR 
Let a bridge be built across the river. 
65. Does Lata read science fiction? 
Ans. Is science fiction read by Lata?  
66. Carry the injured to the ambulance. 
Ans. You are requested to carry the injured to the ambulance. OR 
Let the injured be carried to the ambulance. 
67. Will the rising water flood the fields? 
Ans. Will the fields be flooded by the rising water? 
68. When do they open the gate? 
Ans. When is the gate opened by them? 
69. Send presents to the bride. 
Ans. You are requested to send presents to the bride. OR 
Let the presents be sent to the bride. 
70. Is the nurse dressing the wound? 
Ans. Is the wound being dressed by the nurse? 
71. The doctor will ask us many questions. 
Ans. We will be asked many questions by the doctor. OR 
Many questions will be asked to us by the doctor. 
72. It was noticed that the attendance in the school was picking up.  
Ans. We notice that the attendance in the school was picking up 
73. We can repair this toaster easily. 
Ans. This toaster can be repaired easily by us. 
74. A book on naturopathy is being published by the Ayurveda College. 
Ans. The Ayurveda College is publishing a book on naturopathy. 
75. The people in the auditorium saw a man running up to the stage. 
Ans. A man was seen running up to the stage by the people in the auditorium.  
76. The dogs have not been fed today. 
Ans. They have not fed the dogs today. 
77. Everybody praises Timothy's illustrations. 
Ans. Timothy's illustrations are praised by everybody. 
78. The antique was stolen. 
Ans. Someone stole the antique. 
79. Can Bipin set up a meeting for us with the director? 
Ans. Can a meeting for us be set up with the director by Bipin? 
80. Women are still denied the right to vote in some parts of the world. 
Ans. Government still denies women the right to vote in some parts of the world. 
81. John repaired the toaster. 
Ans. The toaster was repaired by John. 
82. Leena dropped the spoons into the sink. 
Ans. The spoons were dropped into the sink by Leena. 
83. The church choir will present some well-known hymns. 
Ans. Some well-known hymns will be presented by the church choir. 
84. The retired defence officers in the town are organising a show. 
Ans. A show is being organised by the retired defence officers in the town. 
85. Riya gave Maya a present. 
Ans. Maya was given a present by Riya. OR  
A present was given to Maya by Riya. 
86. Shaila will send me the journal. 
Ans. I will be sent the journal by Shaila. OR   
The journal will be sent to me by Shaila. 
87. The teacher is showing the students sample test papers. 
Ans. The students are being shown sample test papers by the teacher. OR  
Sample test papers are being shown to the students by the teacher. 
88. The social welfare organisation gave the tsunami victims food and medicines. 
Ans. The tsunami victims were given food and medicines by the social welfare 
organisation. OR  
Food and medicines were given to the tsunami victims by the social welfare 
89. Everyone says that this government should go. 
Ans. It is said that this government should go. 
90. They believed that the child was safe. 
Ans. It was believed that the child was safe. 
91. We know that many species of plants and animals are in danger of extinction. 
Ans. It is known that many species of plants and animals are in danger of  
92. Vinu feels that the weather will improve. 
Ans. It is felt by Vinu that the weather will improve. 
93. Parents hope that their children will grow up to be fine human beings. 
Ans. It is hoped by parents that their children will grow up to be fine human 
94. The scientists argued that a fair amount of original research was being done in  
the country. 
Ans. It was argued by scientists that a fair amount of original research was being   
done in the country. 
95. Do not write on the wall. 
Ans. You are forbidden to write on the wall. 
96. The soldiers were given a warm reception by the people. 
Ans. The people gave the soldiers a warm reception. 
97. The house was cleaned before the guests arrived. 
Ans. The maid cleaned the house before the guests arrived. 
98. The window-panes were broken. 
Ans. Someone broke the window-panes. 
99. The rioters were arrested. 
Ans. The police arrested the rioters. 
100. People in the earthquake affected areas were evacuated and sent to relief  
Ans. The authority evacuated people in the earthquake affected areas and sent 
them to relief camps. 
Ex. 5 (100 sentences) 
1. The mixture of hydrochloric acid and salt was shaken vigorously. 
Ans. The chemist shook the mixture of hydrochloric acid and salt vigorously. 
2. The work has to be completed by Friday. 
Ans. We have to complete the work by Friday. 
3. The fishing village was completely destroyed by the tsunami. 
Ans. The tsunami completely destroyed the fishing village.  
4. It is confirmed that the leaders of the two countries will hold high-level talks  
Ans. We confirm that high-level talks will be held by the leaders of the two 
countries soon. 
5. Today, a lot of money is being spent on food, clothes and entertainment. 
Ans. Today, we are spending a lot of money on food, clothes and entertainment. 
6. The reader can gain new information from reading. 
Ans. New information can be gained from reading. 
7. We must master these basic skills. 
Ans. These basic skills must be mastered by us. 
8. We can learn word recognition while reading. 
Ans. Word recognition can be learnt while reading by us. 
9. Readers can parrot the words printed on a page. 
Ans. The words printed on a page can be parroted by readers. 
10. We should acquire the necessary comprehension skills. 
Ans. The necessary comprehension skills should be acquired by us. 
11. They will not understand the content, sequence or characters. 
Ans. The content, sequence or characters will not be understood by them. 
12. Do not read the text out loudly to yourself. 
Ans. You are advised not to read the text out loudly to yourself. OR 
Let the text not be read out loudly to yourself. 
13. Who disliked the disagreeable man? 
Ans. By whom was the disagreeable man disliked?  
14. When did the ill-natured man experience a strange feeling? 
Ans. When was a strange feeling experienced by the ill-natured man? 
15. Who confessed ingratitude and asked for forgiveness? 
Ans. By whom was ingratitude confessed and forgiveness asked for? 
16. What haunts the writer when he is travelling? 
Ans. By what is the writer haunted when he is travelling? 
17. Advertisements target specific audience. 
Ans. Specific audience is targeted by the advertisements. 
18. Advertisers can put up creative images of their product for the public to see. 
Ans. Creative images of their product can be put up for the public to see by 
19. The passers-by can easily see the ads. 
Ans. The ads can be easily seen by the passers-by. 
20. I will have to do this project. 
Ans. This project will have to be done by me.  
21. Give him some money. 
Ans. Let him be given some money. 
22. Make the bed. 
Ans. Let the bed be made. 
23. Give everyone food and water. 
Ans. Let everyone be given food and water. 
24. Did you understand the lesson? 
Ans. Was the lesson understood by you?  
25. Do they sell building material? 
Ans. Is building material sold by them? 
26. Will Neha buy the two-wheeler? 
Ans. Will the two-wheeler be bought by Neha? 
27. Can we change the curtains? 
Ans. Can the curtains be changed? 
28. Should Vikram take an injection? 
Ans. Should an injection be taken by Vikram? 
29. Where does Soman keep the car keys? 
Ans. Where are the car keys kept by Soman? 
30. When did Padma shut down the computer? 
Ans. When was the computer shut down by Padma? 
31. Send invitation to all the relatives. 
Ans. You are requested to send invitation to all the relatives. OR   
Let invitation be sent to all the relatives. OR 
Let all the relatives be sent invitation. 
32. You should not pluck the flowers.  
Ans. The flowers should not be plucked by you. 
33. The students are making noise. 
Ans. Noise is being made by the students. 
34. Why were the people throwing the stones?  
Ans. Why were the stones being thrown by the people? 
35. What did Shailesh write?   
Ans. What was written by Shailesh? 
36. Where can I get this information? 
Ans. Where can this information are got by me? 
37. Did Diya buy the television? 
Ans. Was the television bought by Diya? 
38. Who wrote this book? 
Ans. By whom was this book written? 
39. Has the servant finished his work? 
Ans. Has his work been finished by the servant? 
40. Have you drunk the milk? 
Ans. Has the milk been drunk by you? 
41. People always praise him. 
Ans. He is always praised (by people). 
42. They told him the story. 
Ans. He was told the story by them. OR 
The story was told to him by them. 
43. Someone can take these goods. 
Ans. These goods can be taken (by someone). 
44. Somebody has picked my pocket. 
Ans. My pocket has been picked (by somebody). 
45. He approached me for a loan. 
Ans. I was approached for a loan by him. 
46. Please pay the fee.  
Ans. You are requested to pay the fee.  OR 
Let the fee be paid. 
47. The principal informed the teacher about the seminar. 
Ans. The teacher was informed about the seminar by the principal. 
48. They should not ask any more questions. 
Ans. No more questions should be asked by them. 
49. The book will be published in September. 
Ans. The author will publish the book in September. 
50. Have you fed the dog with bread? 
Ans. Has the dog been fed with bread by you? 
51. Give the answer quickly. 
Ans. You are suggested to give the answer quickly. 
52. Let's co-operate them.  
Ans. Let them be co-operated by us. 
53. Has the boy eaten the banana?  
Ans. Has the banana been eaten by the boy? 
54. Had our army observed the enemy soldiers on the border?  
Ans. Had the enemy soldiers been observed on the border by our army? 
55 They purchased a new car. 
Ans. A new car was purchased by them. 
56. The room was filled with sweet fragrance. 
Ans. Sweet fragrance filled the room. 
57. He never mixes business with pleasure.  
Ans. Business is never mixed with pleasure by him.  
58. They accused the general of mistreating the prisoners.  
Ans. The general was accused of mistreating the prisoners.  
59. Did you mistake the margarine for butter? 
Ans. Was the margarine mistaken for butter by you?  
60. You can feel a damp breeze near the sea.  
Ans. A damp breeze can be felt near the sea by you. 
61. I flavour my custard with lemon extracts.  
Ans. My custard is flavoured with lemon extracts by me.  
62. My niece has designed these hats. 
Ans. These hats have been designed by my niece.  
63. We saw flames coming out of the hotel.  
Ans. Flames were seen coming out of the hotel by us.  
64. He installed the bulbs on the ceiling.  
Ans. The bulbs were installed on the ceiling by him.  
65. She filled the bottle with turpentine.  
Ans. The bottle was filled with turpentine by her.  
66. We should filter the water before drinking it.  
Ans. The water should be filtered before drinking it by us.  
67. The judge found her guilty of shoplifting.  
Ans. She was found guilty of shoplifting by the judge.  
68. The girl was complemented on her fine manners by us.  
Ans. We complemented the girl on her fine manners.   
69. The dress was cut accurately by the tailor.  
Ans. The tailor cut the dress accurately.  
70. His forge could not be repaired by the blacksmith. 
Ans. The blacksmith could not repair his forge. 
71. Was your name forgotten by her?  
Ans. Did she forget your name?  
72. His notes were forgotten at home by him.  
Ans. He forgot his notes at home.  
73. What gives him such a reddish complexion? 
Ans. By what is he given such a reddish complexion?  
74. You don't have to spend your money on her.  
Ans. You don't have money to be spent on her.  
75. We had expected lower fees.  
Ans. Lower fees had been expected by us.  
76. The son owes a debt.  
Ans. A debt is owed by the son.  
77. I slapped him because he was teasing a girl.  
Ans. He was slapped by me because a girl was being teased by him.  
78. Has your homework been done by you?  
Ans. Have you done your homework? 
79. An axe cut the tree.  
Ans. The tree was cut with an axe.  
80. Which movie did you watch yesterday?  
Ans. Which movie was watched by you yesterday? 
81. Can I borrow your car?  
Ans. Can your car be borrowed by me?  
82. I will quit smoking. 
Ans. Smoking will be quitted by me.  
83. Your dress will have been prepared by tomorrow. 
Ans. I will have prepared your dress by tomorrow.  
84. If they had been asked by you, you would have been helped by them.  
Ans. If you had asked them, they would have helped you.  
85. Why wasn't my advice followed by you?  
Ans. Why didn't you follow my advice?  
86. I hope I shall be recognized by her.  
Ans. I hope she will recognize me.  
87. I might lend you money. 
Ans. You might be lent money by me. OR 
Money might be lent to you by me.  
88. Are English movies often watched by them?  
Ans. Do they often watch English movies?  
89. How does Neha know him?  
Ans. How is he known to Neha?  
90. Who is wanted to meet by you?  
Ans. Whom do you want to meet? 
91. What was done by you then?   
Ans. What did you do then?  
92. I am followed by my dog wherever I go.  
Ans. My dog follows me wherever I go.  
93. My sister got her friends to make clay models.  
Ans. My sister got clay models made by her friends.  
94. I had Sureshbhai wash my car.  
Ans. I had my car washed by Sureshbhai.  
95. The young offender was given a light sentence by the compassionate judge.  
Ans. The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence.  
96. We are throwing a party on his birthday.  
Ans. A party is being thrown on his birthday by us.  
97. Who has donated all these books to the library?  
Ans. By whom have all these books been donated to the library?  
98. What was she given by you?  
Ans. What did you give to her?  
99. We ought not to waste water.  
Ans. Water ought not to be wasted by us.  
100. She writes stories, doesn't she?  
Ans. Stories are written by her, aren't they? 
Change the Voice 1 
1. Ram helps Hari. 
Ans. Hari is helped by Ram.   
2. The mason is building the wall.  
Ans. The wall is being built by the mason. 
3. The peon opened the gate.  
Ans. The gate was opened by the peon.  
4. He will finish the work in fortnight.  
Ans. The work will be finished by him in fortnight.  
5. Who did this?  
Ans. By whom was this done?  
6. Why did your brother write such a letter?  
Ans. Why was such a letter written by your brother? 
7. We prohibit smoking.  
Ans. Smoking is prohibited by us.  
8. Open your book.  
Ans. You are requested to open your book. OR 
Let your book be opened.  
9. God bless you! 
Ans. May you be blessed by God! 
10. Do not insult the weak.  
Ans. You are suggested not to insult the weak. OR 
Let the weak not be insulted.  
11. Raj ate the chocolates. 
Ans. Chocolates were eaten by Raj.  
12. Ramesh has painted a picture.  
Ans. A picture has been painted by Ramesh.  
13. My watch was stolen.  
Ans. Somebody stole my watch.  
14. Was the money found by you?  
Ans. Did you find the money?  
15. Keep quiet, please.  
Ans. You are requested to keep quiet.  
16. The Jadejas built the tower.  
Ans. The tower was built by the Jadejas. 
17. My sister is writing a short story.  
Ans. A short story is being written by my sister. 
18. Who has kept his seat vacant?  
Ans. By whom has this seat been kept vacant?  
19. Sit down, please.  
Ans. You are requested to sit down.  
20. They are playing cricket.  
Ans. Cricket is being played by them.  
Change the Voice 2 
1. You should cut down on your sugar intake if you want to be healthy. 
Ans. Your sugar intake should be cut down on if you want to be healthy. 
2. This good offer should not be turned down by her.   
Ans. She should not turn down this good offer.  
3. Shailesh slowed down the car. 
Ans. The car was slowed down by Shailesh.  
4. I don’t like people who talk down to me. 
Ans. People who talk down to me isn't liked by me.  
5. Who brought up that topic again? 
Ans. By whom was that topic brought up again? 
6. The police must crack down on smugglers. 
Ans. Smugglers must be cracked down on by the police.  
7. The teacher asked the boy to do the exercise over. 
Ans. The boy was asked by the teacher to do the exercise over.  
8. I blew up the battery. 
Ans. The battery was blown up by me.  
9. I can’t keep up with you. 
Ans. You can't be kept up with by me.  
10. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. 
Ans. He was advised by the doctor to give up smoking. 
11. With what did Alka fill up the bottle? 
Ans. With what was the bottle filled up by Alka?  
12. The restaurant was giving away free food. 
Ans. Free food was being given away by the restaurant.  
13. When are you going to give me my money back? 
Ans. When am I going to be given my money back by you?   
14. Will you put on your coat? 
Ans. Will your coat be put on by you?  
15. We use a fire extinguisher to put out fire. 
Ans. A fire extinguisher is used to put out fire.  
16. Please take down these instructions lest you should forget them. 
Ans. You are requested to take down these instructions lest they should be 
17. You must put away some money for your retirement. 
Ans. Some money must be put away for your retirement.  
18. Shailesh deserved the job. 
Ans. The job was deserved by Shailesh. 
19. We should not throw away anything useful. 
Ans. Nothing useful should be thrown away.   
20. His application was turned down. 
Ans. They turned down his application.  
Change the Voice 3 
1. Shailesh drew out the lecture unnecessarily. 
Ans. The lecture was drawn out unnecessarily by Shailesh. 
2. The protestors drew back when the police approached them. 
Ans. The protestors drew back when they were approached by the police. 
3. Put a coat on before going out. 
Ans. You are requested to put a coat on before going out.  
4. The business was losing money. 
Ans. Money was being lost by the business. 
5. I will see off my friend. 
Ans. My friend will be seen off by me. 
6. It is always a good idea to take out travel insurance. 
Ans. It is always a good idea for travel insurance to be taken out. 
7. The doctor advised him to give up drinking wine. 
Ans. He was advised by the doctor to give up drinking wine. 
8. This achievement calls for a celebration. 
Ans. A celebration is called for by this achievement.  
9. Her performance was amazing. I was blown away by it. 
Ans. Her performance was amazing. It blew away me.  
10. How did she handle the situation?  
Ans. How was the situation handled by her?  
11. I was clearing up the closets. 
Ans. The closets were being cleared up by me.  
12. The company chalked up record profits last year. 
Ans. Record profits were chalked up by the company last year. 
13. Please blow out the candle. 
Ans. You are requested to blow out the candle. 
14. The accused couldn’t call up the whole events. 
Ans. The whole events couldn’t be called up by the accused. 
15. The workers have called off the strike.  
Ans. The strike has been called off by the workers. 
16. The investigators could call forth crucial information from him. 
Ans. Crucial information could be called forth from him by the investigators. 
17. The publishers are bringing out a new edition of this book. 
Ans. A new edition of this book is being brought out by the publishers. 
18. Why did she not put on that black sweater? 
Ans. Why was that black sweater not put on by her?  
19. Why has the manager called off the meeting?  
Ans. Why has the meeting been called off by the manager? 
20. Have you ever seen a white elephant?  
Ans. Has a white elephant ever been seen by you?  
Change the Voice 4 
1. He takes after his grandfather.  
Ans. His grandfather is taken after by him.  
(to take after = to follow as an example) 
2. The child does not take after either of his parents. 
Ans. Either of his parents is not taken after by the child.  
(to take after = to resemble in appearance, temperament, or character) 
3. The store owner took after the thief. 
Ans. The thief was taken after by the store owner.  
(to take after = to pursue hastily, to chase) 
4. The mechanic took apart the car.   
Ans. The car was taken apart by the mechanic.  
(to take apart = to divide into parts, disassemble or dismantle) 
5. I took the shelves apart to clean them properly. 
Ans. The shelves were taken apart to clean them properly by me.  
(to take apart = to divide into parts, disassemble or dismantle) 
6. A public outcry forced the minister to take back his offensive comments. 
Ans. The minister was forced to take back his offensive comments by a public 
(to take back = to retract something stated or written) 
7. Please take down my address and phone number. 
Ans. You are requested to take down my address and phone number. 
(to take down = to put down in writing, to note down) 
8. Don’t take him for an idiot. 
Ans. Let him not be taken for an idiot.  
(to take for = to believe, to consider mistakenly, to regard as sb/sth) 
9. Do you take me for a fool? 
Ans. Am I taken for a fool by you?  
(to take for = to believe, to consider mistakenly, to regard as sb/sth) 
10. I took in a pup last month and now he is my best buddy. 
Ans. A pup was taken in by me last month and now he is my best buddy. 
(to take in = to receive as a guest) 
11. They took down the Christmas tree.  
Ans. The Christmas tree was taken down by them.   
(to take down = to cut, to dismantle) 
12. Don't take silence for approval. 
Ans. Let silence not be taken for approval. OR  
You are warned not to take silence for approval. 
(to take for = to consider mistakenly) 
13. The box office took in $30,000. 
Ans. $30,000 was taken in by the box office.  
(to take in = to receive an amount of money, as from a business venture) 
14. The tailor took in the waist on the pair of pants.  
Ans. The waist on the pair of pants was taken in by the tailor. 
(to take in = to reduce in size; make smaller or shorter) 
15. The tour takes in every site worth seeing. 
Ans. Every site worth seeing is taken in by the tour.  
(to take in = to include or encompass) 
16. I couldn't take in the meaning of the word. 
Ans. The meaning of the word couldn't be taken in by me.  
(to take in = to understand) 
17. He did not take in the meeting.  
Ans. The meeting was not taken in by him.  
(to take in = to attend) 
18. The con took her in by stealing her jewellery.  
Ans. She was taken in by the con by stealing her jewellery.  
(to take in = to deceive or swindle, to cheat)  
19. He took off his coat.  
Ans.  His coat was taken off by him.  
(to take off = to remove as clothing, shoes etc.) 
20. He took the break off.  
Ans. The break was taken off by him.  
(to take off = to release) 
Change the Voice 5 
1. Who will look after your pets when you are on holiday? 
Ans. By whom will your pets be looked after when you are on holiday? 
(to look after = to take care of) 
2. The supervisor has looked into the matter.  
Ans. The matter has been looked into by the supervisor. 
(to look into = to inquire into; to investigate) 
3. I will look into all the applications before hiring someone. 
Ans. All the applications will be looked into by me before hiring someone. 
(to look into = to check) 
4. Can you look for my keys? 
Ans. Can my keys be looked for by you?  
(to look for = to search for, to seek) 
5. The elder brother ought to look after the younger brother.  
Ans. The younger brother ought to be looked after by the elder brother. 
(to look after = to take care of)  
6. I am looking for my gloves. 
Ans. My gloves are being looked for by me.  
(to look for = to search for, to seek) 
7. We look for a change of weather in March. 
Ans. A change of weather is looked for in March. 
(to look for = to expect) 
8. He looked over the proposal before the meeting. 
Ans. The proposal was looked over before the meeting by him.  
(to look over = to examine or inspect, often in hasty fashion) 
9. You should look up that word in a dictionary.  
Ans. That word should be looked up in a dictionary by you.  
(to look up = to search for and find, as in a reference book or a dictionary) 
10. She looked him in the eye.  
Ans. He was looked in the eye by her.  
(to look = to turn one's eyes on) 
11. Why did she talk back him?  
Ans. Why was he talked back by her? 
(to talk back = to reply in a disrespectful manner) 
12. We should talk out our family issues at home only.  
Ans. Our family issues should be talked out at home only.  
(to talk out = to try to clarify or resolve by discussion) 
13. We called off the party. 
Ans. The party was called off by us.  
(to call off = to cancel) 
14. My English teacher always backs me up.  
Ans. I am always backed up by my English teacher. 
(to back up = to support or defend someone) 
15. Why didn't you check out the contract before signing it?  
Ans. Why wasn't the contract checked out by you before signing it?  
(to check out = to verify something) 
16. Reading always cheer me up.  
Ans. I am always cheered up by reading.  
(to cheer up = to make someone happy) 
17. I can count on my friends.  
Ans. My friends can be counted on by me.  
(to count on = to rely or depend on) 
18. He filled up his wine glass to the brim. 
Ans. His wine glass was filled up to the brim by him. 
(to fill up = to fill something completely) 
19. He got her down at the party.  
Ans. She was got down at the party by him. 
(to get down = to depress or discourage someone) 
20. I cannot put up with her cynical attitude. 
Ans. Her cynical attitude cannot be put up with by me.  
(to put up with = to tolerate) 
Change the Voice 6 
1. Who will look after your pets when you are on holiday? 
Ans. By whom will your pets be looked after when you are on holiday? 
(to look after = to take care of) 
2. The supervisor has looked into the matter.  
Ans. The matter has been looked into by the supervisor. 
(to look into = to inquire into; to investigate) 
3. I will look into all the applications before hiring someone. 
Ans. All the applications will be looked into by me before hiring someone. 
(to look into = to check) 
4. Can you look for my keys? 
Ans. Can my keys be looked for by you?  
(to look for = to search for, to seek) 
5. The elder brother ought to look after the younger brother.  
Ans. The younger brother ought to be looked after by the elder brother. 
(to look after = to take care of) 
6. I am looking for my gloves. 
Ans. My gloves are being looked for by me.  
(to look for = to search for, to seek) 
7. We look for a change of weather in March. 
Ans. A change of weather is looked for in March. 
(to look for = to expect) 
8. He looked over the proposal before the meeting.  
Ans. The proposal was looked over before the meeting by him.  
(to look over = to examine or inspect, often in hasty fashion) 
9. You should look up that word in a dictionary.  
Ans. That word should be looked up in a dictionary by you.  
(to look up = to search for and find, as in a reference book or a dictionary) 
10. She looked him in the eye.  
Ans. He was looked in the eye by her.  
(to look = to turn one's eyes on) 
11. Why did she talk back him?  
Ans. Why was he talked back by her? 
(to talk back = to reply in a disrespectful manner) 
12. We should talk out our family issues at home only.  
Ans. Our family issues should be talked out at home only.  
(to talk out = to try to clarify or resolve by discussion) 
13. We called off the party. 
Ans. The party was called off by us. 
(to call off = to cancel) 
14. My English teacher always backs me up.  
Ans. I am always backed up by my English teacher. 
(to back up = to support or defend someone) 
15. Why didn't you check out the contract before signing it?  
Ans. Why wasn't the contract checked out by you before signing it?  
(to check out = to verify something)  
16. Reading always cheer me up.  
Ans. I am always cheered up by reading.  
(to cheer up = to make someone happy) 
17. I can count on my friends.  
Ans. My friends can be counted on by me.  
(to count on = to rely or depend on) 
18. He filled up his wine glass to the brim. 
Ans. His wine glass was filled up to the brim by him. 
(to fill up = to fill something completely) 
19. He got her down at the party.  
Ans. She was got down at the party by him. 
(to get down = to depress or discourage someone) 
20. He had to pay off his loan.  
Ans. His loan had to be paid off by him.  
(to pay off = to pay the full amount on debt) 
Change the Voice 7 
1. She paid him back for all his insults. 
Ans. He was paid back for all his insults by her. 
(to pay back = to take revenge) 
2. The boy was denied treatment. 
Ans. The doctor denied  treatment to the boy.  
3. She had to pay out hundreds of dollars for her treatment. 
Ans. Hundreds of dollars had to be paid out for her treatment by her. 
4. You haven’t paid me my money back. 
Ans. I haven't been paid my money back by you.  
5. We shall pay off our mortgage.  
Ans. Our mortgage will be paid off by us.  
6. I will buy the tickets.  
Ans. The tickets will be bought by me.  
7. I will drive you to the station. 
Ans. You will be driven to the station by me.  
8. She was asking after him. 
Ans. He was being asked after by her.  
(to ask after = to inquire about) 
9. He asked her out last night. 
Ans. She was asked out by him last night. 
(to ask out = to ask for a date) 
10. Tom was going to call the police. 
Ans. The police were going to be called by Tom. 
11. I had wrecked his car.  
Ans. His car had been wrecked by me.  
12. You missed the lines in the parking space. 
Ans. The lines were missed in the parking space by you.  
13. Back your car up so that I can open the garage door.  
Ans. Let your car be backed up so that the garage door can be opened by me.  
(to back up = to drive a vehicle backwards; in reverse) 
14. I lost many of my files.   
Ans. Many of my files were lost by me.  
15. We did not miss the plane. 
Ans. The plane was not missed by us.  
16. I can't eat it.  
Ans. It can't be eaten by me.  
17. She cracked the egg. 
Ans. The egg was cracked by her.  
18. The test results bear out our claims. 
Ans. Our claims are borne out by the test results. 
(to bear out = to prove to be right or justified; to confirm) 
19. Will you blow the balloons up? 
Ans. Will the balloons be blown up by you? 
(to blow up = to inflate; to fill in the air) 
20. Who will blow up the football?  
Ans. By whom will the football be blown up?  
(to blow up = to fill in the air) 
Change the Voice 8 
1. We spent a lot of money at the supermarket.  
Ans. A lot of money was spent at the supermarket by us.   
2. I spend Rs. 3000 on petrol every month.  
Ans. Rs. 3000 are spent on petrol by me every month.  
3. We would spend an hour in the library.  
Ans. An hour would be spent in the library by us.  
4. Are you wasting your time here?  
Ans. Is your time being wasted here by you?  
5. They spent their vacation in Paris.  
Ans. Their vacation was spent in Paris.  
6. They spent all their resources on futile projects. 
Ans. All their resources were spent on futile projects. 
7. He spends his free time in the garden.  
Ans. His free time is spent in the garden by him.  
8. Her husband had spent all her money. 
Ans. All her money had been spent by her husband.  
9. We always spend a lot of money on parties. 
Ans. A lot of money is always spent on parties by us.  
10. How much money did you spend on your clothes?  
Ans. How much money was spent on your clothes by you?  
11. Why are you spending my money on useless things?  
Ans. Why is my money being spent on useless things by you? 
12. They spent the night chatting intimately. 
Ans. The night was spent by them chatting intimately.  
13. I spend all day typing information into a computer.   
Ans. All day is spent by me typing information into a computer.  
14. Someone has done something in this closet.  
Ans. Something has been done in this closet by someone.  
15. To pass the time, they played games. 
Ans. To pass the time, games were played by them.  
16. He had brought a book.  
Ans. A book had been brought by him.  
17. Does your teacher motivate you?  
Ans. Are you motivated by your teacher?  
18. Did she motivate him?  
Ans. Was he motivated by her?  
19. I am going to spend my weekend in Goa.  
Ans. My weekend is going to be spent in Goa.  
20. He had to spend two years in prison.  
Ans. Two years had to be spent in prison by him.  
Change the Voice 9 
1. I can learn my new job quickly. 
Ans. My new job can be learnt quickly by me.  
2. She learns a new computer programme.  
Ans. A new computer programme is learnt by her.  
3. He learnt the truth about her.  
Ans. The truth about her was learnt by him.   
4. Can you memorize the speech in an hour?  
Ans. Can the speech be memorized by you in an hour?  
5. Short stories were written by O' Henry.  
Ans. O' Henry wrote short stories.  
6. Cartoon programs are watched by all children.  
Ans. All children watch cartoon programs.  
7. His wife is helped by him. 
Ans. He helps his wife.  
8. Houses are built by masons. 
Ans. Masons build houses. 
9. A story is being written by me.  
Ans. I am writing a story.  
10. Flowers are being planted in the garden.  
Ans. They are planting flowers in the garden.  
11. A toy car is being made by the boys.  
Ans. The boys are making a toy car.  
12. The clothes are being washed by the washerman. 
Ans. The washerman is washing the clothes.  
13. The leaves are being eaten by the goat.  
Ans. The goat is eating the leaves.  
14. She did not eat the ice-cream.  
Ans. The ice-cream was not eaten by her.  
15. The cake was eaten by him.   
Ans. He ate the cake.  
16. The window has been broken by them.  
Ans. They have broken the window.  
17. She broke the window.  
Ans. The window was broken by her.  
18. Was the parcel received by you? 
Ans. Did you receive the parcel?  
19. Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.  
Ans. Brutus stabbed Caesar. 
20. He was made their king by the people.  
Ans. The people made him their king. 
Change the Voice 10 
1. Who teaches you grammar? 
Ans. By whom are you taught grammar? 
2. One should keep one’s promises. 
Ans. One's promises should be kept.  
3. Open the door. 
Ans. Let the door be opened.  
4. The militants were being taken to prison by the police.  
Ans. The police were taking the militants to prison. 
5. His behaviour vexes me.  
Ans. I am vexed by his behaviour.  
(to vex = to irritate, to annoy)  
6. It is time to shut the shop. 
Ans. It is time for the shop to be shut. 
7. The Mayor’s speech was cheered by the audience.  
Ans. The audience cheered the Mayor’s speech. 
8. My pocket has been picked.  
Ans. Someone has picked my pocket.  
9. The enemy has been defeated by our army.  
Ans. Our army has defeated the enemy. 
10. I shall be obliged to go by circumstances.  
Ans. Circumstances will oblige me to go. 
11. He was given a reward by the king.  
Ans. The king gave him a reward. 
12. I know the answer.  
Ans. The answer is known to me. 
13. The invitation was not accepted by her. 
Ans. She did not accept the invitation.  
14. Their house has been sold.  
Ans. They have sold their house.  
15. Ancient Indians knew the science of ship-building.  
Ans. The science of ship-building was known to ancient Indians. 
16. I was shown a nice portrait by her. 
Ans. She showed me a nice portrait.   
17. Sweaters are knitted by my mother. 
Ans. My mother knits sweaters.  
18. This will not be tolerated by us.  
Ans. We will not tolerate this.  
19. All his money was donated to charities.  
Ans. He donated all his money to charities.  
20. The jackpot was not won by him.  
Ans. He did not win the jackpot.  
Change the Voice 11 
1. My grandmother painted this portrait.  
Ans. This portrait was painted by my grandmother.  
2. The wall was not painted by him.  
Ans. He did not paint the wall. 
3. I am painting a picture.  
Ans. A picture is being painted by me.  
4. We are going to paint our house  next Diwali.  
Ans. Our house is going to be painted by us next Diwali.  
5. The doctor painted the cut with the antiseptic.  
Ans. The cut was painted with the antiseptic by the doctor. 
(to paint = to apply medicine or liquid)   
6. They should not have painted the wall in red colour.  
Ans. The wall should not have been painted in red colour by them.   
7. I was shown her paintings by Naimita.  
Ans. Naimita showed me her paintings.  
8. She coated the cake with chocolates.  
Ans. The cake was coated with chocolates by her.  
9. The child smeared the wall with tomato sauce.  
Ans. The wall was smeared with tomato sauce by the child.  
(to smear = to spoil or to make dirty) 
10. He will have his house painted.  
Ans. He will have painters paint his house. 
(causal construction with HAVE) 
11. Having uncovered his painting, he received a loud applause.  
Ans. His painting having been uncovered, a loud applause was received by him.  
(perfect participle) 
12. "Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend."  said John Singer Sargent.  
Ans. "Every time a portrait is painted, a friend is lost by me." said John Singer 
13. It is time to repaint the kitchen. 
Ans. It is time for the kitchen to be repainted.  
14. The picture was so big that I could not paint it alone.  
Ans. The picture was so big that it could not be painted by me alone.  
(adverb clause of result) 
15. She stipples the designs beautifully.  
Ans. The designs are stippled beautifully by her.   
(to stipple = to apply paint in dots or short strokes) 
16. The old car was airbrushed by him.  
Ans. He airbrushed the old car.  
17. When did you paint the house last time?  
Ans. When was the house painted by you last time?  
18. Repaint the old chair.  
Ans. Let the old chair be repainted.  
19. Who has painted this portrait?  
Ans. By whom has this portrait been painted?  
20. What did she paint?  
Ans. What was painted by her?  
Change the Voice 12 
1. Maize is sown in the rainy season.  
Ans. Farmers sow maize in the rainy season.  
2. A party dress will be sewn for me by her.  
Ans. She will sew a party dress for me. 
3. Seeds are being scattered over the ground by them.  
Ans. They are scattering seeds over the ground.  
4. Wheat was sown in his field by Ramesh.  
Ans. Ramesh sowed wheat in his field.  
5. A doubt has been sown in his mind by her.  
Ans. She has sown a doubt in his mind.   
(to sow = to implant or introduce) 
6. A canal was being dug by the workers. 
Ans. The workers were digging a canal.  
7. A shovel removes sand.  
Ans. Sand is removed with a shovel.  
(do not use 'by' with the tools) 
8. A spade removes earth.  
Ans. Earth is removed with a spade.  
(use 'with' instead of 'by' with the tools) 
9. Miners dig coal out of a seam.  
Ans. Coal is dug out of a seam by miners.  
10. Trenches are dug for protection.  
Ans. Soldiers dig trenches for protection.  
11. The spider was killed by the boy.  
Ans. The boy killed the spider.  
12. Let her be helped. 
Ans. Help her.  
13. Is a letter being written by him? 
Ans. Is he writing a letter?  
14. The task will have been finished by the end of this week. 
Ans. I will have finished the task by the end of this week. 
15. He has been informed of his mother’s death.  
Ans. We have informed him of his mother’s death.   
16. All the necessary precautions were taken by them. 
Ans. They took all the necessary precautions.  
17. What is being dug here by them?  
Ans. What are they digging here?  
18. By whom has this tunnel been dug?  
Ans. Who has dug this tunnel?  
19. How did she dig out unexpected facts?  
Ans. How were unexpected facts dug out by her?  
(to dig out = to find or discover by effort or searching) 
20. He dug his way through the crowd.  
Ans. His way was dug through the crowd by him.  
(to dig through  = to make or force (one's way), esp. by removing obstructions) 
Change the Voice 13 
1. The answer is known to me.  
Ans. I know the answer.  
('to' is used instead of 'by' with the verb 'KNOW') 
2. His neighbours are not known to him.  
Ans. He doesn't know his neighbours. 
3. I know that face.  
Ans. That face is known to me.  
4. I know she won't fail. 
Ans. It is known to me that she won't fail.   
5. He is known very well to her.  
Ans. She knows him very well.  
6. How do you know her?  
Ans. How is she known to you?  
7. The poem was known to him by heart.  
Ans. He knew the poem by heart.  
8. He is going to know her eventually.  
Ans. She is going to be known to him eventually.  
9. Do you control these data? 
Ans. Are these data controlled by you?  
10. I know this voice. 
Ans. This voice is known to me. 
11. The name of the place is not known to me.  
Ans. I don't know the name of the place. 
12. What do you know about her?  
Ans. What is known to you about her?  
13. Who knows the solution of this problem?  
Ans. To whom is the solution of this problem known?  
(use 'To whom' instead of 'By whom' with 'KNOW') 
14. Whom did you laugh at?  
Ans. Who was laughed at by you?  
('Whom' in a.v. ➡️ 'Who' in p.v.) 
15. Your child is to learn chess.  
Ans. Chess is to be learnt by your child.  
16. Choose only one option.  
Ans. You are suggested to choose only one option.  
17. Let her choose her dress.  
Ans. Let her dress be chosen by her.  
18. The villagers were rescued by the army during the flood.  
Ans. The army rescued the villagers during the flood.  
19. This car is being driven by Dipti.  
Ans. Dipti is driving this car.  
20. By whom were you given permission to enter?  
Ans. Who gave you permission to enter?  
Change the Voice 14 
1. I gave some flowers to my mother.  
Ans. Some flowers were given to my mother by me. 
2. They asked the instructor a question. 
Ans. The instructor was asked a question by them.  
3. He built a house for his parents. 
Ans. A house was built for his parents by him.  
4. Will you pass me the salt? 
Ans. Shall I be passed the salt by you?  
5. I’ll send the report to you tomorrow.   
Ans. The report will be sent to you by me tomorrow.  
6. He did not send the reports to them.  
Ans. The reports were not sent to them by him.  
7. Let me make some tea for you. 
Ans. Let some tea be made for you by me.  
8. Can you recommend a movie to me? 
Ans. Can a movie be recommended to me by you?  
9. He wants to sell his old car to me.  
Ans. He wants his old car to be sold to me.  
10. Describe the situation to me.  
Ans. Let the situation be described to me.  
11. Could you bring some water to me?  
Ans. Could some water be brought to me by you?  
12. I will explain the problem to them. 
Ans. The problem will be explained to them by me.  
13. Should we cook dinner for them?  
Ans. Should dinner be cooked for them by us?  
14. Can you find me a job? 
Ans. Can I be found a job by you?  
15. Throw the ball to me.  
Ans. Let the ball be thrown to me.  
16. He owes the bank a lot of money. 
Ans. The bank is owed a lot of money by him.   
17. We showed them our new house. 
Ans. They were shown our new house by us.  
18. She did not give him a gift.  
Ans. He was not given a gift by her.  
19. He told us a story.  
Ans. We were told a story by him.  
20. Can you teach me a new song?  
Ans. Can I be taught a new song by you?  
Change the Voice 15 
1. She sent an email to me.  
Ans. An email was sent to me by her.  
2. He sends her an email.  
Ans. She is sent an email by him.  
3. He cooked all his friends a delicious meal.  
Ans. All his friends were cooked a delicious meal by him.  
4. She cooks a delicious meal for him.  
Ans. A delicious meal is cooked for him by her.  
5. He brings roses for her.  
Ans. Roses are brought for her by him.  
6. She brought him a black T-shirt.  
Ans. He was brought a black T-shirt by her.  
7. Who gave the file to you?   
Ans. By whom was the file given to you?  
8. Who gave him the keys?  
Ans. By whom was he given the keys?  
9. They send Christmas cards to all their customers.  
Ans. Christmas cards are sent to all their customers by them.  
10. He sent her a letter.  
Ans. She was sent a letter by him.  
11. Will you lend me some money?  
Ans. Shall I be lent some money by you?  
12. He lends money to the poor.  
Ans. Money is lent to the poor by him.  
13. He offered her a red rose.  
Ans. She was offered a red rose by him.  
14. The bank offered a home loan to me.  
Ans. A home loan was offered to me by the bank.  
15. She passed him salt.  
Ans. He was passed salt by her.  
16. He passed wine to his friends.  
Ans. Wine was passed to his friends by him.  
17. My father has promised me a new bike.  
Ans. I have been promised a new bike by my father.  
18. He promised a new dress to her.  
Ans. A new dress was promised to her by him.   
19. They showed me a wrong house.  
Ans. I was shown a wrong house by them.  
20. She showed photos to him.  
Ans. Photos were shown to him by her.  
Change the Voice 16 
1. Carry it home.  
Ans. Let it be carried home.  
2. Do it at once. 
Ans. Let it be done at once.  
3. Open the door. 
Ans. Let the door be opened. 
4. Throw the ball. 
Ans. Let the ball be thrown. 
5. Do not beat the dog. 
Ans. Let the dog not be beaten. 
6. Help me. 
Ans. Let me be helped. 
7. Learn the poem. 
Ans. Let the poem be learnt. 
8. Don’t touch it. 
Ans. Let it not be touched.  
9. Finish the task.  
Ans. Let the task be finished.  
10. Don't waste the time.  
Ans. Let the time not be wasted. 
11. Close the door.  
Ans. Let the door be closed.  
12. Wash the cloths.  
Ans. Let the cloths be washed.  
13. Do your work.  
Ans. Let your work be done.  
14. Don't tell a lie.  
Ans. Let a lie not be told.  
15. Speak the truth.  
Ans. Let the truth be spoken.  
16. Respect the elders.  
Ans. Let the elders be respected.  
17. Don't make a noise.  
Ans. Let a noise not be made.  
18. Help the poor.  
Ans. Let the poor be helped.  
19. Hoist the flag.  
Ans. Let the flag be hoisted.  
20. Bring the chair.  
Ans. Let the chair be brought.  
Change the Voice 17 
1. Work hard.  
Ans. You are advised to work hard.  
2. Get out.  
Ans. You are ordered to get out.  
3. Please sing a song for the audience.  
Ans. You are requested to sing a song for the audience.  
4. Eat an apple daily.  
Ans. You are advised to eat an apple daily.  
5. Please do not smoke here.  
Ans. You are requested not to smoke here.  
6. Take the medicines timely.  
Ans. You are advised to take the medicines timely.  
7. Wear your mask properly.  
Ans. You are advised to wear your mask properly.   
8. Do not smoke near the petrol pump. 
Ans. You are warned not to smoke near the petrol pump.  
9. Do not use your mobile during meetings. 
Ans. You are requested not to use your mobile during meetings.  
10. Do not leave your seat. 
Ans. You are requested not to leave your seat.  
11. You are requested to keep silence in the hospital. 
Ans. Please keep silence in the hospital.  
12. You are requested not to stand here. 
Ans. Don't stand here.  
13. You are requested not to park your car here.  
Ans. Don't park your car here.  
14. You are requested not to laugh at anyone. 
Ans. Don't laugh at anyone.  
15. You are requested not to drink alcohol. 
Ans. Don't drink alcohol.  
16. You are requested to switch off the lights.  
Ans. Please switch off the lights.  
17. You are requested to examine this question.  
Ans. Please examine this question. 
18. You are advised to obey the rules of the road.  
Ans. Obey the rules of the road.  
19. You are requested to do me a favour.   
Ans. Please do me a favour.  
20. You are forbidden to cross the border.  
Ans. Don't cross the border.  
Change the Voice 18 
 (Note: In case of a moral suggestion or a common advice, we can use this 
structure with SHOULD in p.v.) 
[object + should + be + past participle.] 
1. Help the poor.  
Ans. The poor should be helped.  
2. Don't help the greedy.  
Ans. The greedy should not be helped.  
3. Respect the elders.  
Ans. The elders should be respected.  
4. Protect the weak.  
Ans. The weak should be protected.  
5. Save water.  
Ans. Water should be saved.  
6. Grow trees.  
Ans. Trees should be grown.  
7. Don't waste water.  
Ans. Water should not be wasted.  
8. Don't insult the beggars.  
Ans. The beggars should not be insulted.  
9. Don't beat the kids.  
Ans. The kids should not be beaten.   
10. Follow the traffic rules.  
Ans. The traffic rules should be followed.  
11. Silence should be kept in the hospital.  
Ans. Keep silence in the hospital. 
12. Plastic should not be thrown in the river.  
Ans. Don't throw plastic in the river.  
13. The girl child should be saved.  
Ans. Save the girl child.  
14. The trees should not be cut.  
Ans. Do not cut the trees.  
15. The animals should not be beaten.  
Ans. Do not beat the animals.  
16. The rules of the road should not be disobeyed.  
Ans. Do not disobey the rules of the road.  
17. The disabled should be helped.  
Ans. Help the disabled.  
18. Flowers should not be plucked in the garden.  
Ans. Do not pluck flowers in the garden.  
19. The tap should be turned off after the use.  
Ans. Turn off the tap after the use.  
20. The blind should not be neglected.  
Ans. Do not neglect the blind.  
Change the Voice 19 
1. She had to pay the bill.  
Ans. The bill had to be paid by her.  
2. I have to help him.  
Ans. He has to be helped by me.  
3. Sonal has to clean the rooms.  
Ans. The rooms have to be cleaned by Sonal.  
4. We shall have to learn the computer.  
Ans. The computer will have to be learnt by us.  
5. He longs to see his family.  
Ans. He longs his family to be seen.  
6. You are going to hear a good news.  
Ans. A good news is going to be heard by you.  
7. We are going to forget this long poem.  
Ans. This long poem is going to be forgotten by us.  
8. Are you going to invite her?  
Ans. Is she going to be invited by you? 
9. I am not going to teach drawing.  
Ans. Drawing is not going to be taught by me.  
10. It is time to speak the truth.  
Ans. It is time for the truth to be spoken.  
11. It is time for the mobile to be recharged.  
Ans. It is time to recharge the mobile.   
12. It is time for the house to be repainted.  
Ans. It is time to repaint the house.  
13. It is time for the door to be replaced.  
Ans. It is time to replace the door.  
14. He wants the car to be cleaned by her.  
Ans. He wants her to clean the car. 
15. Do you want the chairs to be fetched by me?  
Ans. Do you want me to fetch the chairs?  
16. It is time for the carpet to be washed.  
Ans. It is time to wash the carpet.  
17. By whom are the guests going to be received?  
Ans. Who is going to receive the guests?  
18. A red dress is to be bought by her.  
Ans. She is to buy a red dress.   
19. Saputara is to be visited by us tomorrow.  
Ans. We are to visit Saputara tomorrow.  
20. An expensive mobile ought not to be bought by you.  
Ans. You ought not to buy an expensive mobile.  
Change the Voice 20 
1. The news that you had watched on TV was not true.  
Ans. The news that had been watched by you on TV was not true.  
2. What he told me was a lie.  
Ans. What I was told by him was a lie.  
3. Tell me why you said that. 
Ans. Tell me why that was said by you.  
4. She asked me if I could help her. 
Ans. She asked me if she could be helped by me.  
5. I expected that I would get the first prize. 
Ans. I expected that the first prize would be got by me.  
6. I don’t know what she wants. 
Ans. What she wants is not known to me.  
7. That she forgot me so quickly hurts me. 
Ans. That I was forgotten so quickly by her hurts me.  
8. That she has won the prize surprised me. 
Ans. That the prize has been won by her surprised me.  
9. I believe that I will pass the test. 
Ans. I believe that the test will be passed by me.  
10. I cannot understand why she is angry with me. 
Ans. Why she is angry with me cannot be understood by me.  
11. It was said that the offer would be accepted by them.  
Ans. People said that they would accept the offer. 
12. It is believed by me that she would come.  
Ans. I believe that she would come. 
13. He asked me if his name was known to me.  
Ans. He asked me if I knew his name. 
14. That he was innocent could not be proved by him.  
Ans. He could not prove that he was innocent.  
15. He has promised that the money will be returned by him.  
Ans. He has promised that he will return the money.  
16. That the patient would recover was assured by the doctor.  
Ans. The doctor assured that the patient would recover. 
17. It was said that the stranger was seen by them.  
Ans. They said that they saw the stranger. 
18. The teacher says that the exams may be postponed. 
Ans. The teacher says that they may postpone the exams.  
19. Rest assured that your claims for promotion will not be overlooked. 
Ans. Rest assured that we will not overlook your claims for promotion.  
20. It is evident that the mistake has been made by the manager.  
Ans. It is evident that the manager has made the mistake. 
Change the Voice 21 
1. Everybody knows that he is a diligent boy.  
Ans. That he is a diligent boy is known to everybody. 
2. I don’t know whether he will recognize me. 
Ans. I don’t know whether I will be recognized by him.  
3. He said that he didn’t know the answer.  
Ans. He said that the answer was not known to him.  
4. I don’t know what to say.  
Ans. What to say is not known to me.  
5. That she delivered a marvellous performance pleased her parents. 
Ans. That a marvellous performance was delivered by her pleased her parents. 
6. The idea that the teacher should know everything is unacceptable. 
Ans. The idea that everything should be known to the teacher is unacceptable.  
7. She made it clear that she wouldn’t accept the proposal.  
Ans. She made it clear that the proposal wouldn’t be accepted by her.  
8. That the company will select him for the job is certain.  
Ans. That he will be selected for the job by the company is certain. 
9. The rumour is that they have called off their engagement.  
Ans. The rumour is that their engagement has been called off.  
10. The news that the police had arrested him distressed his followers.  
Ans. The news that he had been arrested distressed his followers.  
11. Tell me where my hat has been put by you.  
Ans. Tell me where you have put my hat. 
12. That we have been deceived is the truth. 
Ans. That they have deceived us is the truth.  
13. It is difficult to understand the reason why his own sons are distrusted by him.  
Ans. It is difficult to understand the reason why he distrusts his own sons. 
14. She denied that the letter had been written by her.  
Ans. She denied that she had written the letter. 
15. It is believed that the soul is immortal. 
Ans. We believe that the soul is immortal. 
16. She suggested that a doctor should be consulted by me.  
Ans. She suggested that I should consult a doctor. 
17. I realized that a mistake had been made by me.  
Ans. I realized that I had made a mistake. 
18. It was discovered that the boy was missing.  
Ans. We discovered that the boy was missing. 
19. That the accused was not guilty was declared by the bench of judges.  
Ans. The bench of judges declared that the accused was not guilty. 
20. The report that ten persons were killed in the explosion is not true. 
Ans. The report that the explosion killed ten persons is not true.  
Change the Voice 22 
1. Could you tell me the time?  
Ans. Could I be told the time by you?  
2. You have not returned the camera that you borrowed from me. 
Ans. The camera that you borrowed from me has not been returned by you.  
3. Did you send the parcel last week? 
Ans. Was the parcel sent by you last week?  
4. They did not attend the meeting yesterday. 
Ans. The meeting was not attended by them yesterday.  
5. She buys a lot of things which she doesn’t want. 
Ans. A lot of things which she doesn’t want is bought by her.  
6. Haven’t I told her not to be late? 
Ans. Hasn't she been told not to be late by me?  
7. Why did Rahul not pass the test in the first attempt?  
Ans. Why was the test not passed in the first attempt by Rahul?  
8. Why were you not wearing a coat?  
Ans. Why was a coat not being worn by you?  
9. I had to give up my rights. 
Ans. My rights had to be given up by me.  
10. Who has left the door open?  
Ans. By whom has the door been left open?  
11. Will a guy like Vijay be trusted by you?  
Ans. Will you trust a guy like Vijay?  
12. What is meant by ‘nepotism’?  
Ans. What does ‘nepotism’ mean? 
13. Can I be shown your identity card?  
Ans. Can you show me your identity card? 
14. She has been invited.  
Ans. He has invited her.  
15. The book which was ordered hasn't been received by me.  
Ans. I haven’t received the book which I ordered. 
16. Every project which was launched was finished by him.  
Ans. He finished every project which he launched. 
17. This is the house which was built by my father.  
Ans. This is the house which my father built.  
18. He is an activist who is admired by me.  
Ans. He is an activist whom I admire. 
19. A detective novel is being read by me at the moment.  
Ans. I am reading a detective novel at the moment.  
20. As soon as the window was opened, the cat jumped out.  
Ans. As soon as I opened the window, the cat jumped out. 
Change the Voice 23 
1. He had finished his studies before he went abroad. 
Ans. His studies had been finished before he went abroad.  
2. They will have repaired the roof by evening. 
Ans. The roof will have been repaired by them by evening.  
3. We cannot permit this.  
Ans. This cannot be permitted by us. 
4. Emperor Ashoka introduced several reforms. 
Ans. Several reforms were introduced by Emperor Ashoka.  
5. We shall remember your deeds even after you are gone.  
Ans. Your deeds will be remembered even after you are gone. 
6. Everyone praised the boy for his honesty.  
Ans. The boy was praised for his honesty. 
7. I would like you to type these letters for me. 
Ans. I would like these letters to be typed for me by you.  
8. I don’t want you to invite Mahesh to my party. 
Ans. I don’t want Mahesh to be invited to my party by you.  
9. We are studying organic chemistry this semester. 
Ans. Organic chemistry is being studied by us this semester.  
10. Despite facing many setbacks, he never lost hope. 
Ans. Despite facing many setbacks, hope was never lost by him.  
11. I still regret school being left at 15. 
Ans. I still regret leaving school at 15. 
12. Don’t forget the cats to be fed before you go out.  
Ans. Don’t forget to feed the cats before you go out. 
13. The blue shirt was chosen by me because it was cheaper.  
Ans. I chose the blue shirt because it was cheaper. 
14. Has any cheese been got by us?  
Ans. Have we got any cheese? 
15. I regret that job being quit.  
Ans. I regret quitting that job. 
16. I don’t remember him being met before.  
Ans. I don’t remember meeting him before. 
17. Many problems are faced by working women.  
Ans. Working women face many problems. 
18. Who was seen by you yesterday?  
Ans. Whom did you see yesterday?  
19. What was found by you?  
Ans. What did you find?  
20. By whom has the dog been provoked?  
Ans. Who has provoked the dog?  
Change the Voice 24 
1. When will you marry me?  
Ans. When will I be married to you?  
2. If you had applied, you would have got the job. 
Ans. If you had applied, the job would have been got.  
3. He wouldn’t have died if he had received emergency healthcare. 
Ans. He wouldn’t have died if emergency healthcare had been received.  
4. They accused him of betraying their trust.  
Ans. He was accused of betraying their trust.  
5. I could have bought that car if I had more money. 
Ans. That car could have been bought by me if I had more money.  
6. You should have called me if you weren’t coming.  
Ans. I should have been called if you weren’t coming.  
7. You must not violate the law.  
Ans. The law must not be violated by you.   
8. We should water the saplings regularly.  
Ans. The saplings should be watered regularly.  
9. What shall we do now?  
Ans. What will be done by us now?  
10. How many novels has Jane Austen written?  
Ans. How many novels have been written by Jane Austen?  
11. It is time you got that roof repaired. 
Ans. It is time you got someone to repair that roof.  
12. Why couldn't the thief be caught by the cops?  
Ans. Why couldn't the cops catch the thief?  
13. She might have been called by him.  
Ans. He might have called her.  
14. Why wasn't the promotion got by her?  
Ans. Why didn't she get the promotion?  
15. The door hasn't been locked by me.  
Ans. I haven’t locked the door. 
16. When was the report sent by you?  
Ans. When did you send the report?  
17. Since when has he not been seen by you?  
Ans. Since when have you not seen him? 
18. How many glasses of milk were drunk by her?  
Ans. How many glasses of milk did she drink?  
19. How often is tea drunk by you in a day?  
Ans. How often do you drink tea in a day?  
20. How much wealth has been left by Rakesh?  
Ans. How much wealth has Rakesh left?  
Change the Voice 25 
1. The minister along with his aides is touring the flood affected area. 
Ans. The flood affected area is being toured by the minister along with his aides.  
2. The police arrested the men who created a scene in the mall. 
Ans. The men who created a scene in the mall were arrested by the police.  
3. He has broken another vase. 
Ans. Another vase has been broken by him.  
4. You have chosen the wrong path. 
Ans. The wrong path has been chosen by you.  
5. We must severely deal with anti-social elements.  
Ans. Anti-social elements must be severely dealt with. 
6. Your dog is chasing my cat.  
Ans. My cat is being chased by your dog.  
7. The knife cut the butter.   
Ans. The butter was cut with the knife.  
8. I have purchased a wireless mouse recently.  
Ans. A wireless mouse has been purchased by me recently.   
9. Only one candle can burn a huge palace down.  
Ans. A huge palace can be burnt down with only one candle.    
10. The stones thrown by the mob killed her.  
Ans. She was killed with the stones thrown by the mob.  
11. Some help is needed by me.  
Ans. I need some help. 
12. Nothing was eaten at the party by you.  
Ans. You ate nothing at the party.  
13. His head was hit on a rock.  
Ans. He hit his head on a rock. 
14. Water was sprinkled on his head.  
Ans. They sprinkled water on his head. 
15. Is anything going to be done about that letter from your bank?  
Ans. Are you going to do anything about that letter from your bank? 
16. He was respected by his employees. 
Ans. His employees respected him.  
17. Many cattle were killed by the leopards. 
Ans. The leopards killed many cattle.  
18. The manager as well as his secretary is being interrogated by the police. 
Ans. The police are interrogating the manager as well as his secretary.  
19. He has been charged with felony.  
Ans. The police have charged him with felony.   
20. Should children be encouraged to compete with their peers? 
Ans. Should we encourage children to compete with their peers?  

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