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International Nurses Day - 12 May

International Nurses Day - 12 May

▪️Every year on 12 May 'International Nurses Day' is celebrated all over the world.

▪️This day is mainly organized in the memory of Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing.

▪️The theme of International Nurses Day for the year 2023 is 'Our Nurses, Our Future'.

▪️'International Nurses Day' marks the contribution of nurses towards the society.

▪️This day was first celebrated by the 'International Council of Nurses' (ICN) in the year 1965, but from January, 1974, this day started being celebrated on May 12, the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale.

▪️Florence Nightingale was a British citizen, who is known for serving wounded and sick soldiers in the war.

▪️Florence Nightingale trained other nurses in the Crimean War of the 1850s and also served as their manager.

▪️She is also known as 'Lady with the Lamp'.

▪️Modern health system has been greatly influenced by her ideas and reforms. It was Florence Nightingale who proved through statistics that how health can reduce the effect of any epidemic.

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