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God and Lazy Farmer : Story of the Day

God and Lazy Farmer : Story of the Day

Once in a village, it was raining whole night. Roads in that village were muddy and there were pot holes in the way and due to rain they were filled to brim.

Next day, Manu ( the farmer ) had to go to market early to sell his goods. For horses it was really difficult to drag load on the deep muddy way to reach market. Suddenly the wheel of the cart got stuck in the mud. The more he pulled horse, deeper the wheel sank.

Farmer came down from the seat and stand behind his cart. He looked around but couldn't find anyone to help him. He didn't made the slightest effort to lift up the cart and get wheel out of mud. Instead cursing his bad luck, he felt sad and defeated.

Looking up at the sky, he started shouting at God, "I am so unlucky! Why has this happened to me? Oh God, come down to help me."

After a while, God finally appeared before him and asked him, "Do you think you can move the cart by simply looking at it and whining about it? Nobody will help you unless you make some effort to help yourself. Did you try to get the wheel out of the pothole by yourself? Get up and put your shoulder to wheel and you will soon find the way out."

After listening to God, Farmer was ashmed of himself and he bent down to put his shoulder to the wheel and urged on the horses.

In no time the wheel was out of that deep mud. Farmer thanked God and carried on his journey happliy.

Moral: God helps those who help themselves.

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