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Overcoming Desires - Story of the Day

Overcoming Desires - Story of the Day

Once there was a man who had desires larger than life. He tried everything to earn money and fulfill his desires but didn't succeed. One day he came attended a satsang and following it be followed the path of saint. Now he became saint and his longing for anything weren't there anymore. He used to be mentally satisfied and happy with practices of yoga, meditation..

Once he did long sat for long and dedicated prayer to God. God were pleased by his dedication and came to him and asked him to demand anything he want from him.

Saint replied that, "When i used to wish for things, you never gave me and now when i don't wish for anything anymore you want me to ask you for anything i want. Now, i don't want anything."

God said, "You have conquered you senses of desire and that what pleased me. Your desires were the only barrier between you and me. Now that obstacle of desires is no more and Your heart is pure. So, i want to give you something."

Saint thought for while and said, "I want power to heal sick people by just single touch and dry trees came back to their life with my touch."

God agreed and granted his wish.

Saint stopped for a second and said, "I want to make a little change in my wish. I want that i would be able to heal sick people and dry tress not by my touch but by presence of my shadow on that.

God inquired, "Is there any doubt about healing with touch?"

Saint replied, "No God, But i don't want that people get to know that they can benefit from my touch. Because once a person feel that he has power he can easily get back in this life circle and desires. Then this power you gave me will do more evil to me than good. I just want to help people in silent."

Moral: Too much desire is the cause of mental unhappiness. We should Keep a sense of helping others but without thinking that we are doing a favor to them.

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